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  • Performing Canny Edge Detection Using NI LabVIEW Software Environment
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    Performing image acquisition and processing can require a high amount of computational resource. In this article, I am discussing the application of Canny Edge Detection algorithm to a live webcam image real-time using NI’s software environment.

  • NI LabVIEW Based Camera System Used for Gait Detection
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    In these times, with the development of the world, biometric identification systems are becoming more and more widespread. Access control systems, but even the most mid-range smartphones have biometric authentication features, and even ID cards can include a person's fingerprint. The research group previously realized a rudimentary gait recognition system, which was upgraded to a multicamera system with high-resolution cameras and instead of reference points, the new version recognizes different templates. The program can compare and evaluate the functions that are matched to the reference curve and the current curve in a specific way, whether two walking images are identical. The comparison is decided by the definite integrals of the two suited functions. The self-developed gait recognition system was tested by the research team on several test subjects and according to the results, permission was never given to a strange person.

  • Spineline Detection with Image Evaluation
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    In case of screening and tracking conditions of patients [20] with spinal deformities it is very important to develop an examination method that does not load patinets’ body with harmful radiation. This method is based on the moiré effect. Pictures were taken from patients’ back and information could be obtained about the back’s condition. A computer algorithm is under development that can produce the sagittal line of the spine from moiré images. This program is being tested with Scheuermann disease patients.

  • Szerelt nyomtatott áramköri lemez optikai ellenőrzése National Instruments szoftverek használatával
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    Jelen cikk témáját szerelt nyomtatott áramköri lemez National Instruments szoftverekkel megvalósított, optikai úton történő ellenőrzése képezi. Az ellenőrzés során 7 különböző típusú ellenállás, 3 különböző típusú integrált áramkör, vonalkód, valamint szöveg detektálása valósult meg. Az vizsgálati eredmények Microsoft Excel alapú vizsgálati riportba kerültek exportálásra. Az optikai ellenőrzés National Instruments Vision Development Module és LabVIEW fejlesztőkörnyezet használatával valósult meg.

  • Fault-tolerant Mechatronic Systems Development: a Biologically-inspired Approach
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    Modern mechatronics embeds sophisticated control systems to meet increased performance and safety requirements. Timely fault detection is a critical requirement especially in safety-critical mechatronic applications, where a minor fault can evolve to catastrophic situations. In such cases it looks a high demand for more reliable, safety and fault-tolerant mechatronic systems development. The alternative to overcome all these bottlenecks was inspired from the biological world. By adapting the remarkable surviving and self-healing abilities of living entities it is possible to develop novel hardware systems suitable to fulfill in all the most demanding high reliability operation criteria’s and requirements. The paper presents a biologicallyinspired computing system based on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) network developed for high reliability mechatronic applications. By choosing a design strategy relying on a multi-cellular concept which outlines the versatility of biologically inspired technologies, task allocation or reliability problems can be solved with high efficiency. Real-time simulations prove that by implementing methods that imitate biological processes, high performance fault-tolerant and selfhealing hardware architectures can be experimented and tested. The benefits of this approach are also confirmed by experiments performed on a laboratory-prototype hardware platform. The results underline that techniques which imitate bio-inspired strategies can offer viable solutions in high reliability mechatronic systems development.

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