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Keresési eredmények

  • Odometry and Teleoperation Application using NI Robotics
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    This document is intended to present the progress in developing a remotely operated mobile robot that can feedback information related to its position. The equipment used for the robot frame, communication and feedback technology are used are just one alternative of achieving the teleoperation and feedback tasks, and are not to be taken as the standard or the only way of achieving the objectives. The application was programmed using LabVIEW for the remote operation of the robot, for obtaining video streaming we have used two alternatives one being a standard IP camera and the other using a USB WebCam connected to a Raspberry Pi. Positioning feedback was determined from the information provided by the two motor encoders mounted on the DC motors.

  • Hálózatba csatolt social network számláló egység
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    Modern világunkban az információ gyors áramlása elengedhetetlen a vállalatok számára. Egyre több embernek jelent sokat a népszerűség. Számos cég és vállalat indított web lapot vagy csatornát a közösségi oldalakon, ismeretterjesztő, oktatási, kutatási vagy jobb kommunikáció céljából. A fentiek figyelembe vétele mellett került megtervezésre, egy hálózatba csatolt „Social Network” számláló, melynek révén aktuális értéket kaphatunk az éppen feliratkozott követők számáról. Az eszköz automatikusan frissíti az aktuális követők, feliratkozók számát, így mindig a friss adatokat mutatja.

  • Performing Canny Edge Detection Using NI LabVIEW Software Environment
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    Performing image acquisition and processing can require a high amount of computational resource. In this article, I am discussing the application of Canny Edge Detection algorithm to a live webcam image real-time using NI’s software environment.

  • Forearm-attachable EMG-based Wireless Controller
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    This paper presents the development process starting from a simple electronic module for amplification of EMG signals. During development the tasks to be solved were extended towards the creation of an EMG-base controller that eventually can be connected to a PC. Among the main goals were the simplicity and low cost of production. There are similar devices commercially available, but the main focus was on the whole process of design, testing, fabrication and the exploration of application areas. It was important to use medical recommendations. The device matches the suggestion of SENIAM, except for the resolution of A/D conversion, which is permissible due to the fact that it was not designed for medical purposes. The final version is capable of detecting and amplifying EMG signals, with the appropriate filtering and digitizing procedures for further processing. With the development of wireless communication capabilities, the device which can be attached to the forearm can be used as a USB HID device with a PC. A number of additional applications are also discussed, pointing out the fact that this piece of technology offers a wide range of possibilities.

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