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  • Technological Solutions to Compensate Humanmeteorological Measurement Errors with Measuring Human Activity and Movement

    To enhance the objectivity of humanmeteorological measurements, various instrumental measurements are required. These equipments are suitable to explore the desired relationships, only if those are able to record simultaneously the individual's physiological and micro-environmental parameters and their transients. It is also important to possibly filter or measure the disturbances effecting our measurements in order to compensate errors in our results. In our case this factor is the physical activity of the individual, which has effect on physiological parameters, therefore we have to register its value in function of time. The following paper deals with technical and theoretical questions of measuring this factor and summarizes the ascertainment we collected during the experiments. The topic is an integral part of teh PhD research Á. Pintér behooves at Budapest University of Technology and Economics.

  • Technological Considerations in Measuring Weatherderived Epileptic Seizures of Dogs

    As in every technical discipline, the objective, reproducible instrumental measurements are indispensable. It is no different at investigating the effect of weather on living organism. The parallel measurement of the atmospheric environment and the physiological parameters is novel and individual, as well as the investigation of epileptic seizures depending on weather situations. Several questions came up in connection with our equipment designed for studying dogs epileptic phenomenon, such as fixing, water resistant,- and robust implementation, the problem of data storage, measurement schedule or the power supply for instance. Keeping these in mind during the development process we got an apparatus, which since is an integral part of our further researches.

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