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  • Law and Artificial Intelligence: New character, old solutions? (Thoughts on the book of Jacob Turner)

    Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, buzzwords of the recent times. While the term was created in the 1950s, until recent times it was the domain of sci-fi writers, who tried to explore its impact on society and humanity. The recent breakthroughs in AI technology and the spread of AI based services created the need for lawmakers and legal scholars to try and tackle the problems that AI creates. Although there are a lot of publications in this area, the book from Jacob Turner stands out in the field. The author has researched the subject very well, and using this knowledge he asks and answers not only the most frequent questions, but also those questions that belong to the foundation of AI and law, and which are often overlooked. This review aims to present these questions and answers to the Hungarian public in a shorter form.

  • Artificial Intelligence from the Viewpoint of Civil Law

    The aim of this paper to examine the definition of artificial intelligence and how AI can be considered in the field of civil law. The topic is being studied by many authors around the world and they are urging the initiation of legislation. The reason is that technology is rapidly developing, but the legislation cannot cope with this. However, in order to protect individuals, it is important to have a legal assessment of artificial intelligence. As a first step, it might be helpful to define the technology from the viewpoint of civil law.

  • A Case Study on the Interaction Between the General Data Protection Regulation and Artificial Intelligence Technologies

    This paper presents a general overview of the problems regarding the regulation of artificial intelligence (AI) raised in the official published works of the European Union (EU) and interprets these problems from the perspective of the Hungarian experts as a case study. Even though a new regulation on AI has already been proposed at the EU level, the paper evaluates specific rules and principles regarding data protection since data is the lifeblood of AI systems and the protection of such data is a fundamental right enshrined in the EU legislation via the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The result of the study shows that the application of the GDPR on AI systems in an efficient and uniform way might be at stake since different outputs were generated by the experts to the same legal questions deriving from a scenario presented.

  • The One Who Wanted Online Courts Before the Coronavirus: Review of Richard Susskind's New Book "Online Courts and the Future of Justice"

    In November 2019 Richard Susskind, who is relatively known and popular in Hungary as well, published his new book “Online courts and the future of justice” issued by Oxford University Press. The author argued rather radically for the necessity of the change of legal services in his previous books before and he has maintained this approach. This time Susskind argues for the transformation of the century-old court systems giving alternative ideas about what sort of methods and ways in which we should transform our courts in order to make judicial services available for every person indeed. As the title suggests, the core concept of the book is the realization of online courts, which has slowly become a reality amid the pandemic caused by the coronavirus. Thus, the concept of Susskind may be called even fatidical from this perspective.

  • Book Review: Ződi, Zsolt: Platforms, Robots and the Law. New Regulatory Challenges in the Information Society

    Zsolt Ződi’s second book was published in 2018 by Gondolat Kiadó under the title Platforms, Robots and the Law and the subtitle New Regulatory Challenges in the Information Society. At first glance, the reader could expect that the book will be dealing with a variety of topics not closely associated with one another, however, we experience the exact opposite when delving into the book. Similarly to Zsolt Ződi’s first book, he dissects a very relevant subject, guiding the reader through a maze of concepts and problems that did not even exist before the 21st century. He does so in such a way that it remains comprehensible and perceptible.

  • Examination of Quality Management Solutions and Their Applicability in the Context of Right to Information

    With the growing importance of good public administration, the quality of information can be measured primarily through customer satisfaction. In order to provide a uniformly high level of information, it is possible to apply quality management standards and other solutions such as ISO 9000, citizen’s charts and excellence models. However, they are not always able to measure the quality of information in a targeted way, therefore the use of solutions based on customer feedback is required. However, the question arises, whether these classic quality management solutions can still be used in an environment where multi-channel access, electronic communication, automation and artificial intelligence are playing an increasingly important role in public administration and customer information?