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  • Right to a Healthy Environment in the Theory

    To protect the environment with the help of human rights is one possible way among others to fight against environmental degradation. Yet, does this idea fit into the system of human rights, taking into consideration the fact that the upmost goal of human rights is the protection of human dignity? Is the connection between the environment and the human dignity strong enough to protect the environment by human rights? The following conceptual paper searches for reasonable answers to these questions by analyzing the so-called right to a healthy environment. By doing so the links between human and environmental rights and the specialties of human rights will be examined in order to show why the right to a healthy environment could in theory fit into the system of human rights protection.

  • The Role of the Local Goverments in the Changed System of Environmental Public Administration

    This study investigates the transformation of environmental protection as a specialized administrative duty in Hungary, with special attention on the (changing) roles of local self-governments in this area. Following the outline of the general correlations within the topic, the study inspects several individual administrative fields, with attention given to the relationship with environmental protection policies. Our plan is to extend this analysis in the future, in hopes of covering additional specialised administrative areas as well. Our firm opinion is that the solutions provided by the sectorial approach inherent in our administrative system proved to be ineffective insolving today’s global issues. To ensure an effective environmental protection strategy, the organizations of public administration must be involved with larger roles assigned to them. Although the methods of regulation in this area are diverse, the most widespread approach proves to be the direct administrative intervention, even nowadays.

  • Dark Waters? The Place of Environmental Liability in the Environmental Policy Toolkit (Issues of Regulatory Methodology and Environmental Principles)

    The starting point of the study is that environmental liability is not only a tool of ex-post sanctioning and remediation, but also helps to enforce the principles of prevention and precaution. It examines the rules on liability for environmental damage in a broader context and links the various instruments of environmental policy by presenting their relationship to the environmental policy principles and typifying the policy instruments of environmental protection.

  • Groundwater protection in the light of a judgment of the Supreme Court of Hungary

    In the study the author analyses a judgment of the Supreme Court of Hungary, in which a progressive judicial interpretation is included concerning the obligation of fact-finding in connection with the protection of groundwaters. Before this, the author presents the legal doctrine regarding groundwater regulation. The regulation is not only drawn up on the national level, but also on the level of European Union. After the detailed presentation of the case, the author makes some conclusions.

  • Municipal Environmental Protection from a German Point of View

    Book review on Hebeler, Timo–Hendler, Reinhard–Proelβ, Alexander–Reiff, Peter (Hrsg.): Kommunaler Umweltschutz. 30. Trierer Kolloquium zum Umwelt- und Technikrecht vom 4. bis 5. September 2014. UTR Band 128, Erich Schmidt Verlag, Berlin, 2015.

  • Environmental Mediation in Germany

    It has always been a difficult question for the State to ensure effective decision-making processes for instances where public participation is considered to be a requirement. This question might be even more essential when it comes to disputes concerning large-scale projects with environmental impact. When the public is affected by such project, the contractor must be really prudent, otherwise high number of litigation may be initiated afterwards. The very special form of mediation, the so-called environmental mediation may offer a solution to this problem, by allowing all participants to meet and discuss every crucial issues related to projects described above. It is also important to emphasize that not the same requirements apply to environmental mediation and to other civil law related mediation procedures. The aim of environmental mediation would not be less than to improve the quality of public bodies’ decisions.

  • The Financial Intermediation System in the Service of Environmental Protection or Green Financial Solutions

    In the present study, we have presented the activities and measures of the financial sector that support environmental protection and take into account climate change. To this end, existing international organizations have adopted documents to promote the use of climate-neutral green financial solutions by consumers, and new international organizations have been set up specifically for this purpose. The most successful of such organizations is NGFS, which currently has more than a hundred members. We have seen that the Hungarian National Bank has also taken a number of measures, announcing a program to green the financial sector.

  • Two saddles by one bottom only? The road transport regulation of the European Union concerning energy efficiency and energy conservation

    This article analyses and criticises regulation of the European Union (hereinafter: EU) in the field of energy consumption of road transport sector from ecological point of view. Three main regulatory tools are in the focus: EU CO2 -emissions requirements, energy efficiency labelling of vehicles and passenger car related taxes (Annual Circulation Taxes, Registration Tax). Changes are proposed in order to develop the efficiency of this EU level regulation.