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  • A Remark in Connection with Punishable Children: A Pro Futuro 2014/1. számához

    In the most recent issue of journal Pro Futuro a work was released about the criminal liability of minors, written by Anikó Pallagi. Several references are made by the author to my study, written about juvenile delinquency in Hungary eight years ago and published in the journal of Prosecutors (in Hungarian: Ügyészek Lapja). Unfortunately, she did it inaccurately as my statements and conclusions were misunderstood by her. The quoted statements are from the chapter, dealing with the problems of juvenile delinquency investigations and as a consequence they can be evaluated explicitly in the sphere of complex problems of investigations. the penalisation-depenalisation processes – beside the significant demographic changes – should not be disregarded when determining possible tendencies. I do emphasise that the change in the threshold values is just one of the possible means of penalisation. The statistical data series are to be analysed critically, the phenomenon of latency has to be considered as well.