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  • Az idősek kiszolgáltatottsága és kockázatai a digitális szolgáltatások útvesztőiben

    In this study we offer a survey on the defencelessness and hazard of the elderly recipients of digital services emphasizing the security hazards of the transactions in the bank system and customer services. We offer propositions for the cooperation of the elder users, the service providers, the security experts, and the gerontological specialists on the field of risk reduction of the digital attacks against the users and the service systems.

  • Epizodisták főszerepben – a szenvedélybetegek testvérei

    In this study I take a closer look at siblings of drug addicts. We can find similar researches about parents and spouses, but rarely about siblings. The purpose of this study is to bridge this gap. In this research, five semi-structured interviews were conducted with members of the Blue Point Foundation Sibling Group, and one interview was done with a non-member. The interviews were processed with thematic analysis.

    Results: The results show that substance use was negatively altering the relationships between siblings and family members. In all cases siblings were aware of substance use way before their parents. They feel responsible for saving the drug user family member. Substance use negatively affects school achievements, work performance and day-to-day life of those around the user.

    Conclusion: I would like to raise the attention of professionals and parents for the need of helping siblings of drug users.

  • A kritikai pedagógia és a szociális munka kapcsolata: pedagógia a szociális munkában szakemberek nézőpontjain keresztül

    This paper is trying to enlighten the interrelations between pedagogy and social work practice through lenses of professionals and by analysing similar courses of development and professionalization of these two disciplines. My question in this small research basically was how social workers do and educators think about similarities and differences of the two disciplines in practice and in theory as well. Do social workers identify pedagogical situations, which include a process of learning in their social work praxis? If they identify situations when they are participants in a learning process with the service users do they apply educating methods and techniques? Do social workers apply pedagogical methods and skills in their praxis consciously?
    From my point of view the process of empowerment is also a learning process of ourselves and our environment therefore I think social workers would need to facilitate these learning situations to make empowerment happen thus I also think they might need to know of different theories of learning, importance of feedbacks, terms of educational psychology, different learning styles. Based on these thoughts it occurred to me to examine what professionals think about the connection between pedagogy and social work? I was also curious of if social workers can apply a perspective on their professional practise that includes learning situations and educational work as well? Or do they perceive educational work’s and social work’s theories and practises really differently?
    In my research I have done a focal group interview with social workers and educators where we used different approaches on cases from social work practise and try to identify learning situations. In this paper I am using the person-centered approaches of pedagogy and the theory of critical education because I think that is where an overlapping can be found between the objectives of reform education theories and social work.

  • Az együttműködés a szociális munka egyik kulcsa és eszköze

    Starting out from the relevant international and Hungarian literature and current Hungarian social work practice this study examines the different aspects of cooperation. The reasoning for cooperation one of the main part of professional helping activity follows in context of the ideas and international definition of social work. The key elements viewed in a system represent the areas of interaction with so-called inter-model and cooperation is demonstrated as a key-competence for social worker. The qualitative aspects of cooperation are discussed: such as its dynamics, learn ability, map for development, community and interprofessional characters and finally the difficulties that may hinder cooperation.

  • Mondd, hogy vagy így? (Like a Rolling Stone)

    The study seeks to understand what benefits homeless people – based on their own explanations, perceptions – attribute to the place they chose to spend their nights, and often their days as well. What factors influence their choice in where they spend the night, where they sleep. We answer these questions through analysing almost 6200 responses to the annual national February 3rd survey.

    Our research reveals that for homeless people – just like for others – the factors influencing the choice of accommodation range wider than its primary, physical conditions, like a roof, heating, possibilities for sleep and shower, or fulfilling other basic needs like accessing food. Other characteristics defining a home (such as security, autonomy and freedom provided by privacy) are equally important.

    Professionals working with homeless people can build on understanding the differences between the motivation, preferences of values between homeless people sleeping in various services or on the streets when weighing the advantages of a certain type of accommodation or when deciding whether to “go sleep in a shelter” or “stay outside”.