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  • A tranzitív változások integratív megközelítése a gerontológia kulcskoncepciói mentén

    This study connecting to the research for inquiry of the hazard about the demographical changes in the society, put the question, that the arriving the big demographical wave of the generation who was born between 1946 and 1964 particularly during the „Ratkó period” of the fifties to the old age, which kind of difficulties comes up in the care system for the older people because of the demographical hazards. According to the starting point of our hypothesis the adverse health conditions and psychosocial problems underlines the importance of the prevention, while the programmes of the primer prevention in the Hungarian care system proves insufficient, and the secondary prevention is unsettled. In the focus of our research programme are the theoretical, methodological questions, and questions about the possibilities of the development of the social service system for the secondary prevention on the field of the elder care. Considering the complexity of this subject, in this study we try to take out of the topic of theoretical background of the transitive changes of aging in scope of „desk-based research” for develop a new conceptual framework of the transitive changes in integrative approach based on key-concepts on modern gerontology.

  • A kollaboratív életviteli támogatás konzultációs modelljének kialakítása a tranzitív változások kutatása során

    -The developmental – longitudinal approach of Erikson’s psychosocial development in the process of Aging
    -The Integrative Model of Transitive Changes as innovative frame of analysis of the process of the transitive changes
    -The role of the collaborative relation during the life story interview, and in the helping work
    - The case-centered interpretative approach in the working with the life story narratives. as a common pathway toward the integration of collaborative approach within the constructive social work based on Bertolino and O’Hanlon work with the „ Collaborative, Competence-based Counseling” Model

  • Tapolcai szervezetek és szakembereik fejlődési lehetőségei az interprofesszionális kooperációban

    In the period between 2018 and 2020, two organizations in the city of Tapolca also launched programs aimed at the prevention of mental health and prevention of addictions. In the present study, the focus is on the collaborations that have taken place on the programs and on the motivation of the professionals in terms of getting involved in the programs. The basic question is what effect the established collaborations will have on social professionals and the services they provide in the future. The evaluation of the results has shown that responding to the social problems present is important for all sectors and can be described as a common issue. In the new techniques learned by the applications, professionals see an opportunity for treatment, which can also be the basis for working together. Thus, it can be said that interprofessional cooperation is present in the city, which is a strong basis for building interdisciplinary professionalism. However, the social and educational fields were basically involved in the programs, so we cannot yet talk about fully promoting interdisciplinary cooperation at the city level.

  • A megelőző pártfogás szerepe a bűnmegelőzésben

    The authority measures that are performed in the frame of the administrative procedure provide a part of the Hungarian child protection system. The authority measures of the Hungarian child protection care system can be grouped according to its reason and system of instrument as a kind of protecting-safeguarding action furthermore as measures that result in the removal of the child from his family.

    Preventive patronage has been of legal force since the 1st of January 2015. in Hungarian areas of law this new legal institution has roots in criminal law and it got placed into the system of child protection based on the authorization of the 1430/2011 (XII. 13.) governmental decision despite the fact that the reasons of its creation were first and foremost the reduction of child- and juvenal criminality and the effective reintegration of the perpetrators.

    The administrative authority procedure is carried out with the involvement of the child protection information system. The Custodian Office initiates a placement into protection proceeding because of crime or misdemeanour, which may be punished even with occlusion or in the case of an already existing placement into protection proceeding, furthermore it informs the investigating authority about the crime or the misdemeanour. Following the feedback towards the Custodian Office they visit the Patronage Probation Service to get an environmental study and a risk assessment of threat of the child regarding crime prevention.

  • Eszközfejlesztési kísérlet az iskolai bántalmazás megelőzésére

    Everyone has probably encountered school abuse in their life, if nothing else as a spectator. These abuses may cause huge damages in a small child and having an effect on their socialization and psychological health, not only in their childhood, yet later, moreover in many cases they lead to suicide. Despite all of this, unfortunately, there are few well-elaborated methods and devices to prevent bullying, and they are not generally known in education either.

    These thoughts had an inspiring effect when, within the framework of interprofessional project work, the sensitizing box as a tool, aimed at preventing school violence, and the related methodological proposal was created. The purpose of the tool is to integrate pedagogical and social work knowledge and offer teachers and social workers an effective opportunity to raise the topic and deal with the problem. The methodology uses the principles of experiential learning and prevention, adapting to the frameworks that are given to teachers and kindergarten and school social workers who appear in a school and encounter violence.

    The study presents the process of the development work, there commendation for the use of the tool and the results of testing with groups of children.