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  • Az óvodai és iskolai szociális munka bevezetésének tapasztalatai szolgáltatásvezető, szakmai koordinátor és a szolgáltatást gyakorló szociális munkás összegzésében

    Based on our experience we introduce the results, difficulties and challenges we have faced in the establishment and operation of a service that started in 2018. Our work is intended as a feedback link to train social helpers in kindergarten and school, reflecting from practice to theory, hoping to contribute to the complex functioning of the so-called 'theory' and 'practice'.

  • Utak. Útkeresés. Útmutatás? : mediációs gyakorlat a szociális alapszolgáltatásban

    The aim of this study presents the main dilemmas and challenges of organizing mediation services in family- and child welfare services. 62 mediators were interviewed using the focus group method in a total of six groups. Most of the professionals involved in the investigation have two or more professional roles within the institution. The most common roles being mediators, case managers, family assistants, and leaders, with many experiencing role conflicts. Neutrality and impartiality have been cited by many as characteristics of a mediator, but the "effective" mediation style that appears in practice may hinder this. In order to provide a high level of service, we recommend reducing the professional roles of colleagues involved in mediation and organizing professional support for mediators at a local but rather a regional level.

  • „elhivatottság” – „szakemberhiány” – „eszköztelenség”

    In this study, I am looking at how a service whose conditions and requirements are constantly changing can survive and meet expectations. What keeps it running, what helps it, what hinders high quality professional work in child welfare services? My hypothesis is that laws and their implementing regulations only provide the basic framework and conditions for the provision of services. Their implementation depends on the professionals working in the service. The interview, literature review and questionnaire survey confirmed my hypotheses. Professionals working in child welfare services are terribly despondent and pessimistic about the present and the future. The legislator's efforts to improve services are in vain if their purpose and strategic background are obscure to those who can implement them.

  • Néhány gondolat Takács Imre „Veszélyben a gyermekvédelem” című írásához

    Hozzászólás Takács Imre Veszélyben a gyermekvédelem írásához

  • Házi segítségnyújtás iránti igények időbeliségének mérése

    The aim of the research is to map out the temporal distribution of demands for home care services with special attention to the time periods outside normal service hours (on weekdays, from 8 to 16). It also describes the factors influencing demand and identifies the types of demand typical of the hours outside working time.

    The research has been carried out on a sample of 103 individuals, all clients of a social care institution, by way of voluntary and anonymous questionnaires. The questionnaires have been analysed along five research questions and seven hypotheses. Demands for home care clearly varied with regard to temporal distribution (daily and weekly patterns), and the research could also specify the types of activity requested. Based on this data we can clearly identify the need for services outside general service hours. The hypothesised background factors influencing the demand for care services have not proven to affect the use of service significantly; more research is needed in this field.