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  • Az ELTE szociális munka alapképzés innovatív elemei és útkeresési törekvései

    In our study, we would like to present the challenges of recent years and the different innovative training methods in the social work BA training program at the University of Eötvös Loránd. The study puts the focus to the practical elements of the social work training program, analyse the skills development subjects and the practice field work. It is important to note that the first and second waves of COVID–19 pandemic have brought several challenges to organize and realize the social work training program, so the study will reflect them as well.

  • A tranzitív változások integratív megközelítése a gerontológia kulcskoncepciói mentén

    This study connecting to the research for inquiry of the hazard about the demographical changes in the society, put the question, that the arriving the big demographical wave of the generation who was born between 1946 and 1964 particularly during the „Ratkó period” of the fifties to the old age, which kind of difficulties comes up in the care system for the older people because of the demographical hazards. According to the starting point of our hypothesis the adverse health conditions and psychosocial problems underlines the importance of the prevention, while the programmes of the primer prevention in the Hungarian care system proves insufficient, and the secondary prevention is unsettled. In the focus of our research programme are the theoretical, methodological questions, and questions about the possibilities of the development of the social service system for the secondary prevention on the field of the elder care. Considering the complexity of this subject, in this study we try to take out of the topic of theoretical background of the transitive changes of aging in scope of „desk-based research” for develop a new conceptual framework of the transitive changes in integrative approach based on key-concepts on modern gerontology.

  • Szociális munka, mint hivatásrend

    Katz Katalin a jeruzsálemi Héber Egyetem szociális munkás és szociálpolitikai szakán végzett, évtizedeken át dolgozott szociális munkásként, családsegítőként, szupervízorként, dolgozott lelki beteg gyermekekkel, drogfüggőkkel. 1987 óta a Héber Egyetemen tanít, egyik fő kutatási területe a személyes és kollektív emlékezet. Az ELTE TáTK szociális munka MA és szupervízor szakirányú továbbképzés meghatározó alapja. Katz Katalin 2019. szeptember 28-án az ELTE TáTK Szociális Munka Tanszéke Tanszéki Csütörtök c. rendezvénysorozatának keretében tartott előadást Szociális munka, mint hivatásrend címmel.

    Amikor Katit erre a témára felkértük, a hivatásrend alatt a professzionális keretrendszert értettük.  Az elmúlt években látható, ahogy kifeszül a kerete a szakmának, klienscsoportok rekesztődnek ki és a szociális munka önmagába záródik (roskad) és mindez leképeződik a napi működésben. Közpolitikai diskurzus nem igen van. Erről gondolnia kell a képzőknek, terephelyeknek, felelősségünk a diákok felé, hogy nem szolgálhatjuk ki a torz társadalmi valóságot. De mi a mozgástér? Mibe kapaszkodhatunk? Mik a valid értékek? Erről szerettünk volna tanulni.

  • Mire jó egy szegénytelep a város közepén? - avagy tágabb kontextusok a segítő szemszögéből egy városi szegregátum kapcsán

    The article examines the existence of the famous slum in the city centre, the functions of it in the local social policy from the viewpoint of an NGO field worker. Gans’ functionalist method and the wilder context may explain the fact that there is no plan for the liquidation of the settlement since two years, although the money is given. The article analyses how became the stigma of the slum useful by the media, art, charity actions through political aims and how this special situation reinforced by the COVID–19.

  • A kollaboratív életviteli támogatás konzultációs modelljének kialakítása a tranzitív változások kutatása során

    -The developmental – longitudinal approach of Erikson’s psychosocial development in the process of Aging
    -The Integrative Model of Transitive Changes as innovative frame of analysis of the process of the transitive changes
    -The role of the collaborative relation during the life story interview, and in the helping work
    - The case-centered interpretative approach in the working with the life story narratives. as a common pathway toward the integration of collaborative approach within the constructive social work based on Bertolino and O’Hanlon work with the „ Collaborative, Competence-based Counseling” Model

  • Merre tovább szociális munka? az online konferencia szerkesztett változata

    Az ELTE TáTK Szociális Munka Tanszék panelbeszélgetést szervezett hat ország képviselőivel 2020. június 11-én arról, hogy a COVID-19 hatására a szociális munka területén milyen változások történtek.

  • A szociális munka megújulása a járványhelyzet alatt

    Rory Truell – Simon Crompton „To the top of the cliff: How social work changed with CODIV–19” című, IFSW által megjelentetett kiadványáról

  • A szociális szakemberek digitális technológia és közösségi média használata

    The study presents the results of research on the use of digital technology and social media by social professionals. The research was carried out using a quantitative method, 337 social professionals filled out the questionnaire. I examined the attitudes and needs of social professionals, IT proficiency, digital literacy, characteristics of social media use, with reference to online contact with clients and conscious media use. According to the results, the attitudes of social professionals are positive about the use of technology. Online contact with clients is very common, however, most institutions do not have any recommendations or regulations in this regard. 7 out of 10 respondents never participated in IT, digital competence development training and most of them consider that they did not receive adequate training in the use of info communication technologies during their studies. They see a need to support the procurement of new tools and programs and they would need guidelines, recommendations on the use of technology and social media. The study concludes with a summary of the research results and the formulation of development proposals.

  • Zsidó közösségek túlélési stratégiái: Középkori gettók és közösségek

    Judaism lived in a traditional society, which we call the Kehila, from the time of the Talmud (2nd to 6th centuries) until the European Enlightenment. Even after this time, some Jewish communities continued to live in this traditional community of values and rules, essentially defined by the Hebrew Bible (Tanach) and the Talmud. I would like to briefly describe this traditional Jewish society, the Kehila, highlighting only a few segments of it, which was a typical form of Jewish life between the 16th and 18th centuries. I will then turn to the social role of the family in the context of the Kehila, the traditional Jewish societas. My focus is on the so-called Ashkenazi, European Jewry. My approach is social-historical, and I use the methods of Jewish studies.
    Jewish communities that have existed for thousands of years have survived to the present day despite often brutally hostile environments. In this paper, I want to examine some of the sociological characteristics of medieval Jewish communities. Are there any particular principles or patterns that we can observe and draw general conclusions from? How did Jewish communities survive for thousands of years?
    In addition to presenting the medieval Kehila, the Jewish community, I would like to draw some conclusions. Jewish communities, as I will try to present descriptively, subordinated the individual and even the family to the interests of the community. The survival of the community was more important than the will, happiness, and interests of the individual and/or the family. Everything was subordinated to the interests of the majority. The operating mechanisms of the community implemented the total supremacy of the collective over the institution of the individual and even the family. This may have been one of the secrets of its success.
    The Jews could adapt, their traditional-spiritual way of life predestined them to do so, and their survival was successful.

  • A szakmai kultúra és az intézményi kultúra, valamint az intézményi és társadalmi környezet szerepe a szociális munkában

    A szerző tanulmányában, egy rendszerszemléletű megközelítésben áttekintést nyújt a hazai szociális munka helyzetéről, elemezve a szakmai és intézményi kultúra, valamint az intézményi és társadalmi környezet szerepét ennek alakulásában.
    Elemzésében kiemeli, hogy a képzések során formálódó szakmai kultúra és a szociális ellátórendszer mindennapi gyakorlatát meghatározó intézményi kultúra között gyakran jelentős távolság tapasztalható. Ennek okait elemezve kiemeli a képzések elszakadását a gyakorlatot képviselő intézményektől, valamint a szociális munkának mint professziónak bizonytalan megítélését és elégtelen szakmai érdekérvényesítését. Ez különösen megnehezíti az intézményközi együttműködést és egy korszerű interprofesszionális gyakorlat kialakítását. Fontosnak tartja a szociális szakma társadalmi megítélésének és elfogadásának erősítését és a szociális munka szakmai pozícióinak védelmét. A tanulmány végén kísérletet tesz arra, hogy ajánlásokat fogalmazzon meg a szociális munka hazai helyzetét javító teendőkről.

  • A szerkezetváltó gimnáziumok hozzáadott tanulmányi értékének vizsgálata a családitőke-elmélet fogalmi keretei közt

    Multi-year gymnasia is one of the most controversial institutions of the Hungarian education system. There are two main intellectual streams in educational sociology regarding the problem: one argues that a society’s prosperity depends on the competence of its intellectual elites, and multi-year gymnasia ensures the fast and efficient development of young talents; the other claims that the program selects on the base of family background, therefore deepens inequalities. In this paper I examined the connection of family capital and test scores in the 2015 PISA survey database. I concluded that the relative score advantage of multi-year gymnasia cannot be separated form family capital, and the components of family capital all together and separately determine the chances of getting into the program.

  • A közösségi tér, mint a bizalmi háló központja. Közösségi kötelékek a Labor Café körül az orosz-ukrán háború első napjaiban.

    The case study describes the organisation of a community space support network in a county seat in Eastern Hungary. The study of the Labor Café's facilitative collaborations presented in this article was conducted using participant observation, fieldwork and interview methods between 25 February and 7 March 2022, during the first ten days of the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war. The study aims to show the functioning of a grassroots solidarity and trust network organised around the Labor Café in a crisis. As the author herself was a volunteer member of this network during the fieldwork, this paper is both a synthesis of her experiences and a theoretical framework for understanding them. The paper will provide a detailed description of the solidarity networks in Hungary and support attitudes by describing the events presented in the case study.

  • A szociális munka etika oktatása

    How does the teaching of ethics appear in the education of social work and is this enough? I would like to answer to these questions in this article. In my thesis I tried to approach the topic from several aspects. On the one hand, I prepared questionnaires for bachelor students participating in various social work trainings. On the other hand I interviewed students, entrants and tutors. Finally, I reviewed the curriculums of these trainings, searching for subjects, which name refers that the subject includes aspects of social work ethics.
    Why is this topic so important? That is because social work is a profession of human rights, which not only aims to get people to respect rights but to guarantee their implementation and realization. Indeed, the task is to develop and protect these fundamental human rights, too. However, this is only possible if the social workers are aware of the Code of Ethics and the professional values, as essential parts of professional competences.
    The research concluded that the ethics education in universities and colleges is not structured and focused enough and still there are some social work students and professionals who do not know the Code of Ethics, did not hear about the Association of Social Work Ethics. Consequently, they may have difficulties to solve pivotal problems, and recognize dilemmas in the field of ethics.
    Nincs szociális munka szakmai etika nélkül. Ebben valószínűleg mindannyian egyetértünk, ahogy a szakirodalomban is olvasható „…a szociális munkában minden döntés tartalmaz etikai aspektusokat” (Loewenberg, Dolgoff 1988a: 181). Mégis, annak ellenére, hogy a szociális munkának szerves része a szakmai etika – vagy annak kellene lennie –, igen kevés tanulmány található ebben a témában a hazai szakirodalomban. Hogyan lehetséges az, hogy úgy kell kutatni, vadászni a kapcsolódó olvasmányokat? Pedig szükség lenne szakirodalomra, hiszen a „hatékony gyakorlat feltétele a dilemmákhoz való tudatos viszonyulás” (Andok, Tímár 2002: 88). Hogyan jelenik meg az etika oktatása a képzésben és ez mennyire elegendő? Erre a kérdésfeltevésre épül ez az írás.

  • Tinédzserkori gyermekvállalás és iskolai lemorzsolódás – Egy fiatalokkal végzett részvételi akciókutatás módszertani tapasztalatai

    The study presents the experience of a youth participatory action research (YPAR) that was conducted in the summer of 2020 by the research group of 11 researchers: 10, 13–24-year-old Roma youngsters and 1 facilitator. The topics of the research were teenage childbearing and school dropout, but the study focuses on the experiences of the concrete methods used during the research and the methodological and ethical considerations of YPAR. The main methods of participatory action research were online survey, as well as group and individual interviews. Each phase of the research was designed and carried out with the involvement of young researchers. Research demonstrates that the involvement and participation of youth should become part of the way how we think about them, the programs targeting them and for this we need to know their experiences, insights, emotions, fears and desires. Programs should respond in a meaningful way to the specific, local opportunities for secondary education, career opportunities, labour market circumstances and opportunities, and the emotional difficulties of primary and secondary school years.

  • Morális kockázat – Hazugság és/vagy érdekvédelem a szociális munkában

    A következőkben a Hilscher Szalon kerekasztal-beszélgetését összegezzük, mely 2018. április 19-én valósult meg a 3SZ Etikai Kollégiuma tagjainak részvételével. A beszélgetést Hubai László elnök moderálta. Az Etikai Kollégium tagjainak a témával kapcsolatos álláspontját a felszólalások sorrendjében ismertetjük.

  • Az idősek kiszolgáltatottsága és kockázatai a digitális szolgáltatások útvesztőiben

    In this study we offer a survey on the defencelessness and hazard of the elderly recipients of digital services emphasizing the security hazards of the transactions in the bank system and customer services. We offer propositions for the cooperation of the elder users, the service providers, the security experts, and the gerontological specialists on the field of risk reduction of the digital attacks against the users and the service systems.

  • Szempontok egy élettörténeti interjúkra épülő kutatás kapcsán az idősödés tranzitív változásainak tanulmányozásához

    In this study the authors give a summary about the methodical considerations which are connected their research topic of „Transitive Changes on the Road of Aging”. This study is a part of the disseminations, which give presentations about the stages of this research program, following the process of inquire with the emerging questions and problems searching for the direction of discovery named by qualitative research.

  • A szociális munka válsága a lakhatási válság szemszögéből

    Our study’s aim is to open a debate and reflect to the crisis of social work, the empty usage of social work as a concept and method, the distance of theoretical work and practise and the struggle of no means in everyday work.

    Our views and experiences are illustrated through two program’s experiences dealing with reducing housing poverty, supported by significant sums, and we focus on social work.

  • Mentális zavarral, hajléktalanságban élő személyek segítése - a BMSZKI gyakorlatának rövid bemutatása

    Persons living with mental disorders and homelessness belong to a particularly vulnerable client group. The stigma associated with mental illness reinforces the stigmatization of homelessness. If someone receives a psychiatric diagnosis, society treats it as a label and categorizes the person. Fear of being labeled undermines the motivation of people with mental disorders to seek help. A good example of this is the case of people living in homelessness and with mental disorders, who do not want to take on another stigma in addition to the stigma of homelessness and therefore do not use help or services in connection with their mental problems. Another difficulty is the problem of accessibility to services. The F3 report on the 2020 homeless data collection "After the criminal law - before the pandemic" Péter Győri's summary work Becoming homeless - services - perspectives shows that 29% of the respondents were receiving psychiatric treatment. The misconception that "homeless people are mentally ill, psychiatric patients" can be found in the work of Péter Győri (Győri, 2020). At the same time, we know that not all people with mental disorders appear in the care system, so there may be more than 29% of people who are affected by the problem. The Budapest Methodological Social Center and Institutions (BMSZKI) has developed a complex rehabilitation service for people living in homelessness and with mental disorders in cooperation with the Awakenings Foundation. The purpose of this paper is to present this practice.