Vol. 10 No. 2 (2023)

Published December 23, 2023



  • Elöljáróban

    A Párbeszéd szociális munka folyóirat a szakmát gyakorlók, kutatók és oktatók munkáinak megjelenési felülete. A publikálás a szakmai munka önkifejezése, a szakmai közösség érdeklődésére számot tartó szerzői gondolatok megírása és a szerkesztőség általi elfogadása.


  • A Szociális Munka Énhatékonyság Skála magyar változatának reliabilitás vizsgálata

    In our study, we present the development of the Hungarian version of the Social Work Self-Efficacy Scale, the validation process of the Hungarian instrument, and the most important results of empirical data collection on the validity of the scale, mainly based on reliability studies. The scale is designed to measure the self-efficacy level of social worker students. Our research has convincingly demonstrated that the Hungarian version of the scale is valid, works well, and is suitable for use in domestic research.

  • Az empowerment, mint indikátor

    Determining and identifying the effectiveness of social work pose significant challenges for both researchers and practitioners alike. Due to quality assurance, training expectations, and scientific thoroughness, we continually seek ways to define results and to make the necessity of social work visible. In our interpretation, empowerment realized in a support relationship can serve as both the aim of assistance and as an indicator of the effectiveness of the relationship. Due to the multifactorial nature of the support process, it is not easy to identify which agent in the collaborative work led the individual to a state where they can control their own lives and influence their environment. In our study, we examine the morphosemantic meaning of empowerment and uncover the content contradictions that emerge in the analysis. Subsequently, we direct attention to the organizational environment of the support relationship: we explore which organizational characteristics and operations influence the realization of empowerment and how this may occur.

Módszertan – Hazai Pálya

  • Nyomorskála 2.0

    This paper analyses a part of the annual February 3rd survey of 2023, data about the income of 5600 respondents. It reflects that the average income of homeless people does not reach one third of the average net income of the Hungarian population. It seeks to find whether there are layers of poverty among these extreme financial circumstances and identify the factors behind the differences of income between various groups. The analysis highlights the vital role of in-kind donations at the personal and service level, as inflation threatens many with starvation.

  • A kora gyermekkori intervenció elmélete és gyakorlata II.

    Preventive and intervention services in the early years of life are crucial for the development of the child, the strengthening of the family, and the future of society. A theoretical grounding of early childhood intervention and an overview of international trends and practices help to identify the points of policy intervention in Hungary and to define the directions for the development of the care system. Building on international experience, previous research and development results, the integration of the adaptable elements of coordinated, integrated service systems based on interdisciplinary teamwork into the Hungarian model will contribute to the development of a more efficient system. In this way, the problems of children with developmental differences, delayed development and at-risk will be detected and identified at an earlier age, and then they and their families could have access to appropriate, needs-based care and services in a timely manner.

  • „elhivatottság” – „szakemberhiány” – „eszköztelenség”

    In this study, I am looking at how a service whose conditions and requirements are constantly changing can survive and meet expectations. What keeps it running, what helps it, what hinders high quality professional work in child welfare services? My hypothesis is that laws and their implementing regulations only provide the basic framework and conditions for the provision of services. Their implementation depends on the professionals working in the service. The interview, literature review and questionnaire survey confirmed my hypotheses. Professionals working in child welfare services are terribly despondent and pessimistic about the present and the future. The legislator's efforts to improve services are in vain if their purpose and strategic background are obscure to those who can implement them.

  • Gyorsjelentés munkahelyi veszélyekről és biztonságról a szociális munkában

    Workplace safety and risk are rarely mentioned in social work, so we researched the topic. We explored how workplace risks, client aggression and workplace bullying manifest themselves and who is affected by them, from a national and international perspective. Our survey was based on a questionnaire from the Association of Union of Social Professionals, which, from the responses, has shown a strong interest among those working in the profession. The responses showed that professionals are not prepared for dangerous situations that happen in all areas of social work. National and international research data and professional materials suggest that there is a responsibility on the part of the legislator, the profession, training, institutions, and professionals themselves to ensure a safe workplace and safe working conditions. Professional minimum standards are needed to increase safety in the workplace and in social work. International standards and national experiences can be used to develop this. A protocol of this type can provide a basis for training on the subject and for the development of further detailed, discipline-specific standards.