Vol. 3 No. 1 (2016)
Kérdőív a Párbeszéd szociális munka folyóirat olvasóinak
Views:115Kedves Olvasó! A Párbeszéd szociális munka folyóirat szerkesztőbizottsága megkéri olvasóit mondjanak véleményt a folyóiratról, és írjanak javaslatokat, miről szeretnének olvasni a lapban. A Párbeszéd két éve indult, online elérhető, és úgy gondoljuk, hogy ennyi idő alatt az olvasóknak van mondanivalójuk a folyóiratról, és talán arra is vállalkoznak, hogy maguk is írjanak cikkeket, tanulmányokat a folyóiratba.
A kérdőív rövid, a válaszadás önkéntes és anonim. Köszönjük a válaszadást.
A kérdőív elérhetősége: http://goo.gl/forms/pUqfp3pf0g
A szociális szolgáltatások hatásosságát és hatékonyságát érintő néhány kérdés
Views:157The paper investigates the effectiveness and efficiency of social services, as well as terms and questions related to them, regarding their role in service organization. At first it makes an attempt to clear up some words with similar meaning, including ones based on quality and outcome. Then it reviews the historical roots concerning efficiency and effectiveness, followed by researches took place in social work particularly, covering the related terms, the trend called managerialism, then the quality management, witch originates from it, and the evidence based practice. Next, the topic related fundamental indicators are presented, according to the measurability of social work, naming some indicators it could measured with while evaluating. Toward the end the relation between service planning/organizing and efficiency/effectiveness, and the relevant terms considering this relation are discussed.
PDF (Hungarian)178 -
A Szociális Szakma Digitális Archívuma
Views:53A címmel ellentétben a következő cikkben nem a Fővárosi Szabó Ervin Könyvtár, a Szociális Innováció Alapítvány és a Szociális Szakmai Szövetség által létrehozott weboldalról lesz szó, hanem a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Illyés Gyula Kar (PTE IGYK) Szociális Munka és Szociálpolitikai Intézetének[1] egyik kurzusát mutatom be, amely ugyanezt a nevet viseli, de célja a szociálismunka-professzióval kapcsolatos élményszerű tanulás, saját tapasztalatok segítségével.
PDF (Hungarian)117
Tanulmányok – Kitekintő
The importance of social rehabilitation as an effective tool for activation for the parent’s perspective
Views:81If the situation arises when a child's proper upbringing and favourable development are at risk and parents cannot or are not able to solve this situation by themselves, the child is, according to act on social and legal protection of children, considered as endangered (Act No. 359/2009 Coll., on social and legal protection of children).
It is not easy to determine the degree of risk and it is even harder to choose the suitable support service and involve parents, considering the degree of risk. A true professional makes the family realize that the problem solution is connected with responsibility and the quality care for children (Gjuričová, Š., Kubička, J., 2003).
During the last five years, several new sorts of support services have been created in order to attempt to provide support tailored to the needs of the aforementioned families (Act. No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services).
Social rehabilitation is an example of such auxiliary service. It emphasizes the bond between parents and children and brings out family ties in general (Act. No. 108/2006 Coll., on social services).
The acceptance of social rehabilitation is very difficult for every family. With regard to psychology, families must deal with complicated stressful situations (Bob, P., Vymětal, J., 2005).
Centre for children of South Bohemian region in Strakonice has been performing social and legal protection for children since 2006. The main target of the Centre for children is mutual communication with families, cooperation and rational problem solution. This would be barely possible without the participation of the family, or at least one of its members.
Mutual cooperation, empathy, thoughtfulness, helpfulness, sympathy and patience are essential for social work. In order to solve problems efficiently, it is also convenient to know the viewpoint of the family in relation to the provided service. The opinion of the family can reveal many issues.
Martin Karas is the director of the Centre for children, which focuses on active involvement of family in social rehabilitation. He highlights one of several problems - insufficient and unsystematic support of family from institutions in the process. Insufficient support may prevent children’s return to their biological family in time. In his studies he focuses on an important issue – the active participation of the family in problem solving.
The aim of this article is to point out that active cooperation with family, especially the opinion of family, is an important criterion of the quality of the partnership. The article contains interviews with participants and former participants of social rehabilitation; several conclusions were made based on these interviews.PDF50
Tanulmányok – Visszapillantó
Tudástár – Recenzió
Szemelvények PhD-hallgatók munkáiból - Recenzió
Views:46Kocsis Erzsébet (szerk.), 2014, Budapest
Magyarországi Szociális Szakemberek Képzéséért Egyesület -
Egy tanulmánykötet összefoglalója - Recenzió
Views:84Csizmadia Zoltán–Tóth Péter (szerk.) (2014): Helyi társadalom és intézményrendszer Győrben. Universitas – Győr Nonprofit Kft., Győr
PDF (Hungarian)145