Vol. 2 No. 1 (2015)

Published February 1, 2015



  • Az együttműködés a szociális munka egyik kulcsa és eszköze

    Starting out from the relevant international and Hungarian literature and current Hungarian social work practice this study examines the different aspects of cooperation. The reasoning for cooperation one of the main part of professional helping activity follows in context of the ideas and international definition of social work. The key elements viewed in a system represent the areas of interaction with so-called inter-model and cooperation is demonstrated as a key-competence for social worker. The qualitative aspects of cooperation are discussed: such as its dynamics, learn ability, map for development, community and interprofessional characters and finally the difficulties that may hinder cooperation.

  • A szociális munka új, 2014-es globális definíciója

    The paper introduces the Global Definition of Social Work as an important milestone of international discourse on social work. Outlines historical background of the Definition, inclusive the debates which characterised the development of the draft, and new features of the Definition accepted in 2014. The preliminary issue of the global definition is, whether there exists, or is possible to exist a universal social work. The paper introduces the main topics and point of views in the debates concerning the issue. It formulates the conclusion that the role of the Definition is not so much to describe the reality, nor to lay down the norms of social work, but should be understood as an accomplishment of global discourse of social workers. The task for Hungarian social workers is not to learn the Definition and to comply with the „norms”, but to develop their own discourses on issues represented in the Definition.

  • Pillanatképek a szociális munkások képzéséről a tanfolyamoktól a diplomát adó képzésekig

    The aim of the study is to show the historical development of social workers training in Hungary. We all so present the development of the social work as a profession. The development of training faces to so me difficulties. In our study we tried to show the history of social workers training from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century which was not so easy in so me cases. We all so tried to introduce the training courses, to reorganize the master they were destroyed, redefined his profession, renovate the training. We do these to help to consolidate and confirm the identity of our profession from the conclusions and suggestions we had from our study and make that it will able to fit to the development of the modern education.

  • A szociális képzés repertóriuma

    Esély 1989−2014
    Gyermek, család, ifjúság 1992−2010 (jelenleg online megjelenés)
    Háló 1995−2011 (később online megjelenés, jelenleg szünetel)
    Humán Innovációs Szemle 2010−2013
    Kapocs 2002−2014
    Párbeszéd 2014 (online megjelenés)
    Szociális Munka 1989−2006 (jelenleg szünetel)
    Szociális Szemle 2008−2013
    Szociálpedagógia 2013−2014

Módszertan – Hazai Pálya

  • A kritikai pedagógia és a szociális munka kapcsolata: pedagógia a szociális munkában szakemberek nézőpontjain keresztül

    This paper is trying to enlighten the interrelations between pedagogy and social work practice through lenses of professionals and by analysing similar courses of development and professionalization of these two disciplines. My question in this small research basically was how social workers do and educators think about similarities and differences of the two disciplines in practice and in theory as well. Do social workers identify pedagogical situations, which include a process of learning in their social work praxis? If they identify situations when they are participants in a learning process with the service users do they apply educating methods and techniques? Do social workers apply pedagogical methods and skills in their praxis consciously?
    From my point of view the process of empowerment is also a learning process of ourselves and our environment therefore I think social workers would need to facilitate these learning situations to make empowerment happen thus I also think they might need to know of different theories of learning, importance of feedbacks, terms of educational psychology, different learning styles. Based on these thoughts it occurred to me to examine what professionals think about the connection between pedagogy and social work? I was also curious of if social workers can apply a perspective on their professional practise that includes learning situations and educational work as well? Or do they perceive educational work’s and social work’s theories and practises really differently?
    In my research I have done a focal group interview with social workers and educators where we used different approaches on cases from social work practise and try to identify learning situations. In this paper I am using the person-centered approaches of pedagogy and the theory of critical education because I think that is where an overlapping can be found between the objectives of reform education theories and social work.

Tanulmányok – Kitekintő

  • Kulcspontok a külföldön dolgozó prostituáltak kapcsolataiban

    Our research focused on Hungarian women working as prostitutes in Switzerland. We came in contact with younger and active age women who worked as legal sexworkers in Zurich and Basel. We modified the ISEL test (Cohen és Hoberman 1983) and we used it in our research work. We called it street work ISEL test. It includes 20 items supplemented with data about personal social networks.
    We have determined that the driving force of prostitution is basically livelihood. In many cases this is the base of choice of becoming sexworkers. However, we found the signs of vulnerability and exploitation which proved to be more significant abroad than in women’s home environments. Four groups can be distinguished in prostitutes’ social space that seems to affect women’s vulnerability in different ways. These groups are family and friends; husband (life partner) and his family; beneficiaries of prostitution; social workers and official professionals (police).
    Based on our experience social workers and volunteers can use street work ISEL test and the matrix of social space (Street work-ISEL display) in street work for collecting information about individuals and about the target group of social work.

Tudástár – Recenzió

  • Módszertani ajánlás az egészségügyben végzett szociális munkához

    Jandás Alexandra: Módszertani ajánlás az egészségügyben végzett szociális munkához 1. kötet Kiadványismertető
    Kiadó: Az Egészségügyben Dolgozó Szociális Munkások Egyesülete, Sátoraljaújhely, 2014

    Horváthné Mészáros Gabriella
    Dr. Molnár Mihályné
    Nagy Jusztina
    Sógorka Ildikó

    Berkes Gabriella
    Fehér Judit
    Péterné Molnár Gizella