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  • Seed dispersal and habitat preference of the endangered Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus L.) and larger goose species in the Hortobágy National Park

    Several studies found that waterfowl are important endozoochorous dispersal vectors for plant species. Germination of the seed content of their droppings provides valuable information on their diet and also on their role in seed dispersal. Our aim was to analyse the seed dispersal potential of the critically endangered habitat-specialist Lesser White-fronted Goose (Anser erythropus) in their autumn and spring staging areas in Hortobágy National Park. The study was supported by the LIFE10-NAT/GR/000638 project. We also studied the seed dispersal potential of larger generalist goose species foraging in the same areas, such as Greater White-Fronted Goose (Anser albifrons Scopoli) and Greylag Goose (Anser anser L.). We asked the following questions: (i) Which habitat types are the most frequently used by Lesser White-fronted Goose and larger goose species? (ii) Is the different habitat preference of Lesser White-fronted Goose and larger goose species reflected in the seed content of their droppings? (iii) Are there seasonal differences between the seed content of spring and autumn droppings? We identified the most frequently used feeding habitats. We collected 40 droppings of Lesser White-fronted Goose and larger goose species per site in April and October 2012, in total we collected 720 droppings per species. Droppings were concentrated and spread on trays filled with sterilised potting soil. Samples were germinated in a greenhouse from April to November 2013. In total we germinated 21 plant species from the goose droppings, which suggests that goose species play an important role in seed dispersal. We found that Lesser White-fronted Goose dispersed more species typical to alkali habitats, and fewer weeds compared to larger goose species. Lesser White-fronted Goose and larger goose species used a wide range of feeding habitats, thus, they play an important role in dispersing seeds between habitats along a moisture gradient. Total species number and species number of plant functional groups were higher in autumn droppings. Seed content of the droppings suggests that Lesser White-fronted Goose is confined to natural habitats, thus for the effective protection of this critically endangered species it is crucial to preserve its natural feeding habitats.

  • Taxiphyllum densifolium (Taxiphyllaceae) and other rare bryophytes of the Mecsek valleys (SW Hungary)

    In this paper, we deal with threatened and/or legally protected bryophytes found in the shady, forested valleys of the Mecsek Mountains, which are rare in national and/or local terms. Taxip­hyllum den­sifolium, a rare moss in Europe has stable colonies with sporophytes in two valleys. This study is the first to describe the spore characteristics of this species. The previously considered unique and legally pro­tected Rhynchostegiella teneriffae is nowadays so widespread in the Mecsek that it can no longer be consi­dered a vulnerable species (VU) in Hungary. We present the first population of the legally pro­tected Nec­kera pennata in Tolna county, and we also report on the recent, unusual occurren­ce of the data-deficient (DD) Fossombronia wondraczekii. We also list new populations of three other endangered (EN) species, Blindiadelphus recurvatus, Palustriella commutata and Porella arboris-vitae. Several vulnerable (VU) taxa such as Blepharostoma trichophyllum, Porella cordaeana, Sciuro-hypnum flotowianum, Seligeria pusilla, as well as new occurrences of near threatened (NT) mosses such as Mic­roeurhynchium pumilum (with sporophytes), Phaeoceros carolinianus are documented. In addition, the data on Rhynchostegium rotundi­folium in Jakab Mountain, which has not been recorded for more than 50 years, is confirmed. The difficul­ties of differentiating Hygroamblystegium species are briefly discus­sed.

  • A new montane bryophyte species from the Mátra Mts, Hungary: Hymenoloma crispulum

    Due to the geomorphological situation and climatic conditions of Hungary, true montane climate is restricted to very few and small areas of higher elevation, with the highest peak (Mt Kékes, 1014 m) in the Mátra Mountains (North Central Hungary). During a bryofloristical survey in this re­gion, a few cushions of a Boreo-arctic montane bryophyte species, Hymenoloma crispulum (Hedw.) Ochyra (syn.: Dicranoweisia crispula (Hedw.) Milde), was discovered at the steep northern slope of Mt. Kékes in an andesite boulder scree with cool and humid microclimate. H. crispulum is new to the Hun­garian bryoflora and fits in well with other co-occurring vascular and cryptogamic taxa of northern-montane affinities. The population is very small and vulnerable, therefore it should be rated 'critically endangered' (CR) in an updated national red list.

  • Bryofloristical study in the Brunszvik manor park in Martonvásár, Hungary

    This is the first bryofloristic study in the Martonvásár manor park. In our survey in 2015, 56 species (6 liverworts and 50 mosses) were found in the park. Most of them are considered to be common in Hungary, but an endangered (Eurhynchium speciosum), a vulnerable (Orthotrichum patens) and five near-threatened species (Aphanorrhegma patens, Orthotrichum obtusifolium, Orthotrichum pumilum, Pseudocrossidium revolutum, Riccia cavernosa) were also found. These results point out the nature conservation value of the manor park.