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  • Distribution and identification key of Rubus L. ser. Micantes in Hungary

    Based on a substantial field-work and herbarium revision carried out between 2007 and 2014, the authors present the taxonomical evaluation of recently known representatives of Rubus L. ser. Micantes Sudre in Hungary, providing the first grid-based distribution maps and an identification key of four species of the section (Rubus balatonicus Borbás, R. clusii Borbás, R. styriacus Halácsy, R. tabanimontanus Figert) for Hungary.

  • Carpathian, Transylvanian, Dacian and Pannonian elements in the flora of Sălaj region (NW Romania)

    This paper gives an account of biogeographically interesting plant species of the traditional ethnographic region Sălaj (in Hungarian: “Szilágyság”, NW Romania). The flora of the region, which is situated between the Transylvanian Basin and the eastern part of the Great Hungarian Plain, contains, besides the prevailing European species, a significant percentage of plant species from different biogeographic regions. Among these we noticed the continental species of eastern origin, as well as southern Sub-Mediterranean species broadly distributed in this area. A significant number of other interesting species is further represented by the endemic and sub-endemic Carpathian (Aconitum moldavicum Hacq., Symphytum cordatum Waldst. & Kit.), Transylvanian (Cephalaria radiata Griseb. & Schenk, Onosma pseudoarenaria Schur subsp. pseudoarenaria), Dacian (Helleborus purpurascens Waldst. & Kit., Phyteuma tetramerum Schur) and Pannonian (Centaurea sadleriana Janka), species, which occur in very different habitats.