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  • Historical occurrence of Spergularia echinosperma, a rare Nanocyperion species in Hungary

    Three species of the genus Spergularia have been known from Hungary. The most widespread one, Spergularia rubra (L.) J. Presl et C. Presl occurs on young sandy fallow fields and other disturbed habitats.  The other species, S. marina (L.) Bess. and S. media (L.) C. Presl, occur sporadically in saline grasslands, and both have been recently spreading along salted roads. During a revision of the genus Spergularia in Hungarian herbaria, specimens of the species S. echinosperma (Čelak.) Asch. et Graebn. were found. It is a rare species previously known to occur only in Czechia and Germany and to be extinct in Austria and Slovakia (a few occurrences along the Morava and Danube rivers between 1909 and 1953). However, it was recently discovered in Western Siberia and Kazakhstan. It is a typical mudflat plant that occurs on exposed sandy shores of water bodies. Two herbarium sheets collected by Gyula Tauscher from near the village of Ercsi (riverbank of the Danube) in 1903 were found in the Carpato-Pannonicum collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. In addition, a new specimen was found, collected in Slovakia (Danube near Šamorín, collected by Mihály Résely in 1868) at the vicinity of the Hungarian border. The species was not confirmed during a field inspection of the target localities in Hungary; therefore, we have to consider it extinct in the country as well as in the whole Pannonian Basin. Recently, S. echinosperma was split into two subspecies – subsp. echinosperma and subsp. albensis. The subsp. echinosperma is probably restricted to fishponds in the SW part of Czechia and subsp. albensis occurs mainly in the floodplains of the river Elbe in Germany. The extinct populations of S. echinosperma in the Pannonian Basin belonged to the subsp. albensis. This taxon is morphologically close to S. rubra but can be reliably distinguished by densely verrucose seeds and shorter than wide stipules.

  • Carpathian, Transylvanian, Dacian and Pannonian elements in the flora of Sălaj region (NW Romania)

    This paper gives an account of biogeographically interesting plant species of the traditional ethnographic region Sălaj (in Hungarian: “Szilágyság”, NW Romania). The flora of the region, which is situated between the Transylvanian Basin and the eastern part of the Great Hungarian Plain, contains, besides the prevailing European species, a significant percentage of plant species from different biogeographic regions. Among these we noticed the continental species of eastern origin, as well as southern Sub-Mediterranean species broadly distributed in this area. A significant number of other interesting species is further represented by the endemic and sub-endemic Carpathian (Aconitum moldavicum Hacq., Symphytum cordatum Waldst. & Kit.), Transylvanian (Cephalaria radiata Griseb. & Schenk, Onosma pseudoarenaria Schur subsp. pseudoarenaria), Dacian (Helleborus purpurascens Waldst. & Kit., Phyteuma tetramerum Schur) and Pannonian (Centaurea sadleriana Janka), species, which occur in very different habitats.

  • Contributions to the escaped, naturalised and potentially invasive species of the Hungarian adventive flora

    In this paper we compiled data on 157 Hungarian adventive plant species – of which 65 had not been reported from the country previously – from 47 settlements of Transdanubia and the Great Hungarian Plain. These taxa are rare, interesting or not included in the most recent list of the Hungarian neophyte species. The list includes data about many rare, occasionally escaping species (e.g. Lagurus ovatus, Salvia coccinea), taxa considered incapable of reproduction under the recent climatic conditions of the Pannonian Basin (e.g. Cupressus sempervirens, Punica granatum) or naturalised plants that may become invasive in the future (e.g. Celtis sinensis, Lonicera japonica). In the outlook we highlighted some special urban habitats (e.g. private and botanical gardens) and practices (e.g. public green space management) that endanger the native flora. We also describe their role in promoting the appearance and the expansion of alien plant species, and processes (e.g. laurophyllisation, spread of thermophile species) that will become increasingly common in the future as a result of climate change.

  • Data to the flora and geobotany of Kisalföld (Lesser Plain) region, NW Hungary

    Lesser Plain (Kisalföld) – divided among three countries (Austria, Hungary and Slovakia) – is the westernmost part of the lowland areas of the Pannonian Basin. Present paper provides a résumé of the authors’ floristic work from the Hungarian part of the area, describing localities, habitats and regional phytogeography of 57 taxa altogether. The localities were listed according to the classification of small geographic regions. The most important results of the study are as follows:

    • We recorded 5 species new to the region (Brachypodium rupestre, Bromus ramosusHypericum dubiumLathyrus sphaericus, Tordylium maximum); all of them can be considered as submontane-montane elements.
    • We reported several species new to a microregion within the Lesser Plain: montane species in the W-SW part of the Plain (Cirsium rivulareDryopteris dilatataEquisetum telmateia), loess-connected species mainly on the Moson Plateau (Agropyron cristatumAllium atroviolaceumEuphorbia salicifoliaViola ambigua); and occurrences of species on sandy soils near the Lake Fertő (Draba nemorosaStipa pennata).
    • We explained the known localities of several salt tolerant species (e.g. Carex divisaCrypsis alopecuroidesJuncus maritimusLimonium gmeliniiSuaeda pannonica) from the Lake Fertő and its surroundings.
    • We assessed the role of the forest management and nature conservational actions in the distribution of some important tree species (Acer tataricumBetula pubescensFraxinus ornusQuercus petraea, Salix pentandra).
    • We discussed the regional nature conservational status of several protected and/or threatened species (e.g. Allium carinatumAllium suaveolensCarex strigosaHottonia palustris, Potamogeton coloratus, Stellaria palustris) in the Lesser Plain.

    The activities of the authors in the surroundings of Győr were supported by monitoring results gained during the Hungarian Little Plain project (LIFE08 NAT/H/000289).

  • Taxiphyllum densifolium (Taxiphyllaceae) and other rare bryophytes of the Mecsek valleys (SW Hungary)

    In this paper, we deal with threatened and/or legally protected bryophytes found in the shady, forested valleys of the Mecsek Mountains, which are rare in national and/or local terms. Taxip­hyllum den­sifolium, a rare moss in Europe has stable colonies with sporophytes in two valleys. This study is the first to describe the spore characteristics of this species. The previously considered unique and legally pro­tected Rhynchostegiella teneriffae is nowadays so widespread in the Mecsek that it can no longer be consi­dered a vulnerable species (VU) in Hungary. We present the first population of the legally pro­tected Nec­kera pennata in Tolna county, and we also report on the recent, unusual occurren­ce of the data-deficient (DD) Fossombronia wondraczekii. We also list new populations of three other endangered (EN) species, Blindiadelphus recurvatus, Palustriella commutata and Porella arboris-vitae. Several vulnerable (VU) taxa such as Blepharostoma trichophyllum, Porella cordaeana, Sciuro-hypnum flotowianum, Seligeria pusilla, as well as new occurrences of near threatened (NT) mosses such as Mic­roeurhynchium pumilum (with sporophytes), Phaeoceros carolinianus are documented. In addition, the data on Rhynchostegium rotundi­folium in Jakab Mountain, which has not been recorded for more than 50 years, is confirmed. The difficul­ties of differentiating Hygroamblystegium species are briefly discus­sed.

  • Leucanthemella serotina in the Dráva Plain (Hungary)

    New stands of Leucanthemella serotina (L.) Tzvelev were found on the Hungarian side of the Dráva Plain. This legally protected species has not been found in the region for about 150 years. In the text, we report the maximum plant height, and thousand seed weight of the species as well as the species composition of its preferred habitats.