Peer-review process

Each submitted manuscript is firstly read by at least one of the editors who, upon considering it suitable for publication after the first screening, send it to at least two referees for a thorough assessment.

Italianistica Debreceniensis recurs to the method of "double-blind" review, where the author does not know the name of its referees and the referees do not know the name of the author of the work that they are evaluating.

All articles are subject to double-blind peer review by at least one anonymous evaluator.

The contribution can be accepted in three ways:
- without request for changes;
- with a request for major changes;
- with requests for minor changes.

In the event that significant changes are requested, the text will be checked again by the anonymous reviewer/s.

The procedure takes between 1 and 3 months.

The evaluation criteria adopted for publication are as follows:

- originality of content and methods;
- relevance for the journal's readers and for the scientific field;
- argumentation/ structure/linguistic quality of the essay;
- presentation of data and critical approach.


Contributions must clearly spell out their research objectives.

Authors should discuss existing research and clearly explain how the contribution fits in it. 

The proposals must offer an original contribution and new insights to the development of the field of study.

Articles proposed by non-native Italian/English authors must be proofread by an expert native speaker. In the event of significant problems, the contribution may be refused even before the blind review process.