
Italianistica Debreceniensis utilizes the LOCKSS, system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.

LOCKSS Publisher Manifest | Italianistica Debreceniensis (


Archiving statement
I declare as the representative of the Debrecen University Press that under the publisher’s contract the authors article’s manuscript entitled to be published by the following rules:

Archiving statement


I declare  as the representative of the Debrecen University Press that under the publisher’s contract the authors article’s manuscript entitled to be published by  the following rules:


  • Pre-prints

___   Can archive
X     Archiving not formally supported
___   Archiving status unclear

Restrictions: ………………………………………………………………………..


  • Post-prints

X     Can archive
___   Archiving not formally supported
___   Archiving status unclear

Restrictions: ………………………………………………………………………..


  • Publisher’s Version/PDF

X     Can archive
___   Archiving not formally supported
___  Archiving status unclear



__ On a public eprint server         

X On a non-profit server   

__ On author's or employer's web site only        

X   On author or institutional server only 

X   On author's personal web site

__  Eligible authors may deposit in         

X Publisher copyright and source must be acknowledged         

X Published source must be acknowledged       

X Must link to publisher version   

__  Publisher's version/PDF cannot be used       

X Publisher's version/PDF may be used 

__  Publisher's version/PDF must be used

Other: .................................................................................................................

Publisher’s home URL:


Copyright URL:


Journal’s home URL:


2677-1225 (Online)..............................................................................................................


Dr. Paolo Orrù

Editor of Italianistica Debreceniensis