Authors Guidelines

Call for papers and stylesheet for Italianistica Debreceniensis

The call and the stylesheet are available for download at the following link


The editorial board of Italianistica Debreceniensis, journal of the Italian Studies Department of the University of Debrecen, invites scholars in all fields of Italian studies to submit contributions for the next issue (27 - 2021) to be published later this year.

Deadline for submitting your proposal: 30 october 2021


The journal has always collected original contributions and research in the various fields of Italian studies: literature, linguistics, history, cultural studies, cinema and arts, as well as reviews of volumes published in the last two years in these sectors.

The journal has a wide thematic horizon and is open to any theoretical and methodological approach.

The authors must scrupulously follow the rules indicated below (or downloaded from the link). Contributions that do not comply with editorial standards will not be taken into consideration for publication.


Please submit your proposal through the OJS platform, in case of problems/enquiries contact the editors. It is also possible to send proposals via email to the editors.

Prepare your manuscript as to ensure the blind peer-review procedure (remove any reference to the author/s; remove any personal details from the word document; do not include your name in the manuscript; try not to refer directly to your previous studies/research).

Attach to the proposal a file with your personal details (name, affiliation, address, a short bio max. 150 words).

Please also attach to the proposal the following Authors' declaration duly filled and signed.

The journal doesn’t require Article Processing Charge (APC) from the authors.

Rules valid for all research areas: Culture; Philology; Literature; Linguistics; History;

Length of essay: from 30,000 to 50,000 characters (spaces included)

Abstract, in English, maximum 250 words.

Keywords: 5 (in English and Italian)

It is possible to attach a reasonable number of images


Lenght of reviews: 10,000 characters (spaces included)


Policies of the sections

Articles: these are research papers, which present original and innovative research in any field of Italian studies (literature, linguistics, social studies, arts, cinema studies, cultural studies and so on). The section is subjected to double-blind peer review.

Reviews: we accept reviews of books, edited books, special issues of a journal, edited in the last 3 years. The section is not peer-reviewed. 


Italianistica Debreceniensis' stylesheet

Title of the essay: size 14, bold, centered

If the paper has sections/paragraphs

  • number the paragraphs, in bold, body 12, aligned to the left

Start with 1. Introduzione

  • Distinguish first order in bold, second order in italics; third-order in the round;
  • Two blank lines before the first order titles and one blank line after;
  • one blank line before and after the second order title;
  • no blank lines after the third order titles.


Body text:

  • Times New Roman, standard, justified, 1,5 points spacing, size 12pt;
  • no spacing among paragraphs;
  • the first paragraph of each section with no indentation, each following paragraph should be indented (1cm)
  • The paragraph immediately following a quote longer than three lines is not indented.



Under three lines: in the body of the text, introduced and closed by low quotation marks «», the body goes in the round (do not use italic characters for quotations, do not use low quotation marks at the opening and high quotation marks at the closing)

Quotations longer than 3 lines: leave a white line above and below, all the text must be indented to the left by 1cm; size 11pt, standard character (no italics, no bold)

The bibliographic reference will go to the footnote (see "Bibliographic notations" section below)


Highlighting and other indications:

  • For the highlighting key concepts or to indicate a figurative use, use the double quotation marks "...."
  • Single quotiation marks ( ‘ ’ ) to explain/refer to the meaning of a word
  • Foreign words in italics;
  • Examples: numbering with Arabic numerals in round brackets, indentation 1 cm to the left, 11pt character, no italics, no bold
  • Dates: date formatting as follows: «January 1, 1965», «July 21, 1979» (avoid format 01/01/1965 or 21.07.1979); centuries always with Roman numerals: "the / in the 19th century" or "the / in the 19th century".

Tables, pictures, graphs:

  • Tables, figures and graphs only if indispensable for analysis and accompanied by comments;
  • Caption (number and title) above tables but under pictures and graphs;
  • Reproduction rights: The author undertakes to observe the copyrights of the graphic and textual elements and to use the graphic and textual elements created by himself or licensed by him.


Footnoes and references:

  • Use only footnotes (no endnotes), single-spaced, 10pt size;
  • In the text, the note must always be after puntuation marks;
  • Bibliographic references must be included in the footnotes;
  • It will not be necessary to list the bibliography at the end of the essay, all references will be in the note.




M. Virdis, La Sardegna e la sua lingua, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2019.

Edited book:

Dimmi come parliIndagine sugli usi linguistici giovanili in Sardegna, a cura di C. Lavinio e G. Lanero, Cagliari, Cuec, 2008.

Book chapter:

L. Coveri, Novità sul linguaggio giovanile, in La lingua dei giovani, a cura di E. Radtke, Tübingen, Narr, 1993, pp. 35-47.

Journal article

G. Alfonzetti, Le funzioni del code switching italiano-dialetto nel discorso dei giovani, «Bollettino del Centro di Studi Filologici e Linguistici Siciliani», XIX 2001, pp. 235-64.

(if the volume has multiple issues, the issue number must be indicated in brackets after the volume number)

Conference paper in edited book:

C. Cairns, La Commedia dell’Arte in Inghilterrail“Gran rifiuto” mito o realtà, in Origini della commedia improvvisa o dell’Arte, Atti del XIX Convegno Internazionale del Centro di Studi sul Teatro Medioevale e Rinascimentale, Roma 12-14 ottobre 1995/Anagni 15 ottobre 1995, a cura di M. Chiabò e F. Doglio, Roma, Torre d’Orfeo, 1996, pp. 291-301.

Online sources:

The source must be followed by the url address and from the phrase (last access on the X month 201X).


References and quotations

When entering a reference for the first time, the entire bibliographic indication is reported in full, thus:

M. Virdis, La Sardegna e la sua lingua, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2019.

After the first time it will be sufficient to report the abbreviated reference: the initial is deleted, the title goes in abbreviated form, like this:

Virdis, La Sardegna.


First quotation.

When you quote the first time: you insert the entire reference by adding the page number at the end, like this:

M. Virdis, La Sardegna e la sua lingua, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2019, cit., p. 85.


In the case of an article/chapter/conference paper:

Follow the rule set out above for individual cases and add the page of the quotation in brackets (cit., p.).


when the reference has already been introduced in a previous note or when you quote again from the same source:

the initial is deleted, the title goes in abbreviated form, the wording "cit." is inserted and you indicate the page of the quote, like this:

Virdis, La Sardegna, cit. p. 145.


Ibid. (in italics) = to be used when repeating the last bibliographic citation of the immediately preceding note, with reference to the same pages.

Ivi (standard), followed by the indication of the pages = to be used when repeating the last bibliographic citation of the immediately preceding note, with reference to different pages.



Most used abbreviations:

confronta = cfr.

eccetera = ecc. (no comma before)

edition/s = ed./edd.

Italian version = ed. it.

original edition= ed. orig.

foglio/i (for manuscripts) = f./ff.

manuscript/s = ms./mss.

note = n.

number = n°

page/s = p./pp.

recto = r apice in tondo: f. 8r

following = sg./sgg.

without date = s.d.

without editor = s.e.

without place = s.l.

series = s.

tomo = to.

Italian translation = trad. it.

verso = v apice in tondo: f. 12v

volume/s = vol./voll.