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  • Túlérett kecsketrágyával végzett szervestrágyázás a vegetációs időszak alatt

    Hazai gyepeink alacsony és ingadozó terméshozama, olykor rossz minősége indokolja, hogy a tápanyag-gazdálkodásra ismét több figyelmet fordítsunk. Az extenzivitást, a fenntartható és az ökológiai szemléletet figyelembe véve elsősorban a szervestrágyák felé kell fordulnunk. A szervestrágyák közül az istállótrágya igen alkalmas lehet a gyepek tápanyag utánpótlására, de figyelembe kell venni, hogy mikor és milyen állapotban alkalmazzuk. A kijuttatás idejéről és hatásáról is változatos adatokat közölnek a szakirodalmi források. Ezért 2013-ban a vegetációs időszak alatt szervestrágyázásos kísérletet állítottunk be üde kaszálón Sámsonházán. A kísérlet során tavasszal (IV. 22.) és az első hasznosítás után (VII. 02.) végeztünk el szervestrágyázást túlérett kecsketrágyával. A vizsgálat során mértük a zöldfű-, a szárazanyaghozamot, vizsgáltuk a növényállomány változását és a takarmány minőségét is. Kísérletünk első éves eredményeként megállapíthatjuk, hogy a terméshozamra nem volt pozitív hatással a vegetációs időben történő trágyázás, kismértékben, de csökkent a zöldfű- és szárazanyaghozam is. Ezt a trágya növényzetre gyakorolt elnyomásával magyarázhatjuk, ami gátolta a gyep sarjadását. A terméshozammal ellentétben viszont a minőség terén kedvező változásokat mértünk. A trágyázás hatására nőtt a hasznos növények (pázsitfüvek és pillangósok) borítási aránya, és mérséklődött a gazdálkodás szempontjából értéktelen egyszikűek, valamint a szúrós növények által elfoglalt terület. A K-értékkel kifejezett takarmányminőség is megerősíti ezeket az eredményeket: a trágyázott területen kisebb volt a vizsgált időszakban a minőségromlás. 

  • Felhagyott jószágállások növényzetének vizsgálata a Hortobágyi Nemzeti Parkban

    Extensive grazing, especially sheep grazing is the most important land use type in alkali grasslands of the Hortobágy National Park. Extensive grazing systems rely on some basic infrastructure, such as sheep corrals, wells and stables. Sheep corrals are characterised by intensive land use: grazing, trampling and manuring is concentrated in these places, thus the vegetation of actively used corrals is markedly different from the vegetation of extensively grazed grasslands. I studied the vegetation composition of eight-year-old and sixty-year-old abandoned sheep corrals and extensively grazed pastures in Hortobágy National Park. I recorded the percentage cover of vascular plants in twenty 2×2-m plots. The cluster analysis showed that the vegetation of abandoned sheep corrals was different from pastures. I found that the cover of annual and biennial species was higher, while the cover of perennials was lower in abandoned sheep corrals compared to the pastures. Due to the intensive land use in the past, the proportion of nitrophilous species was higher in sheep corrals, than in the pastures. The cover of competitors was lower, while the cover of disturbance tolerants, weeds and ruderal competitors was higher in sheep corrals than in the pastures. The results suggest that even grassland regeneration started in the sheep corrals and several target species established in the vegetation, the recovery of grasslands similar to extensively grazed pastures takes longer time. 

  • Recent points of fertilization, plant protection, grazing and food safety on grasslands

    The purpose of Hungarian rangelands is looked upon in many different ways in our changing world. Environmentalists view the problem from an ecology centered point of view, while economists from an economy centered one. The third approach prefers a kind of rangeland management which can meet all expectations. Grassland and pasture management should be carried out in accordance with operative veterinary, phytosanitary, human and food safety regulations. An internationally acknowledged code includes all principles associated with these regulations. Food production will certainly gain greater significance, resulting in growing interest in rangeland management in the near future. Thus methods listed in this article should be kept in sight. 

  • Néhány időjárási tényező és a hozam összefüggése száraz- és üde gyepeken

    The yield of pastures will be impaired by the climate change as a result of reduced amount of winter and vegetation precipitation and the increasing number of hot days as well as the increase in temperature. Species composition is also due to change, however, this change will be more difficult to be determined as the increasing concentration of glasshouse gases has different impacts on the various components. Grassland is a water demanding culture; droughts reduce yield significantly and these losses should be compensated by an adaptive agricultural technology. On protected and Nature 2000 pastures, comprising giving 50% of Hungarian pastures – strict regulations prevent the application of yield increasing techniques, such as irrigation, fertilization or oversowing. The impacts of the weather may only be compensated to a certain extent by the utilization technology. The effects of 3 utilization systems and some elements of weather conditions with special regard to water supply were investigated on dry and mesic grasslands in the years 2006-2010. On the bases of the results some suggestions are set up for modifying the specifications on pasture utilization in nature conservation areas, by having the first cutting earlier and increasing utilization frequency wherever possible. On dry grasslands, yield was affected most significantly by annual precipitation, the precipitation in the vegetative period showed the second strongest correlation with yield. On mesic pastures, temperature and radiation had the strongest influence on the yield. Here, the significance level in the case of total annual precipitation was lower, whereas the correlation was not significant for precipitation in the vegetative period.

  • Different agrotechnical mesures on the ecology and conservation in a wet meadow

    In grassland management systems, the various agrotechnical elements have to be used in many cases on "primitive grasslands", where the coordination of agricultural and nature conservation tasks is necessary. Here, animal husbandry is the main aspect, which includes the long-term preservation of the quality of the pasture, as well as the most economical use of the pasture and keeping the animals as cheap as possible. The tests were carried out on a grassy area on the border of the settlement of Aba. We examined the vegetation of 8 plots of the same size in the area and the quantitative and qualitative composition of the biomass produced there. In this thesis, we provide data on the vegetation composition and evaluation of the following treatments. The plots and treatments were as follows: I. plot-ventilated; II. parcel-relaxed; III. plot loosened and ventilated; ARC. parcel control; V. plot-ventilated and 15 t/ha manure; VI. plot loosened and 15 t/ha manure; VII. plot loosened, ventilated and 15 t/ha manure; VIII. plot loosened, ventilated and 30 t/ha manure. In each plot, 5 ceenological recordings were made using 4 x 4 m quadrats. The estimated coverage of each species was given in %, taking into account the proportion of grasslands and other species. Among Borhidi's plant ecological indicators, the species were evaluated based on the NB (relative values of nitrogen demand) and WB (relative soil water and soil moisture indicator numbers). The social behavior types (SZMT) were also defined based on Borhidi's work, and the nature conservation value categories (TVK) were defined according to Simon. The lifestyle analysis was performed based on Pignatti's lifestyle types.

    Based on the data, the composition of the vegetation of each plot changed significantly compared to the data of the control plot IV. A direct proportionality can be discovered between the increase in the cover value of the dominant lawn grasses, primarily Festuca arundinacea, Dactylis glomerata, Alopecurus pratensis, and Fabaeceae species (e.g. Lathyrus tuberosus, Lotus corniculatus) and the amount of applied nutrients. Based on the coenological survey of the eight examined areas, the control area (IV.) showed the most natural state, which was confirmed by the species composition and number of species. The IV. plots are close to I., II. and III. for plot recordings, which proves that aeration and loosening do not worsen the condition of the lawn, but rather promote the preservation of its natural state. The VII-VIII. plots have the smallest number of species, but based on the life form spectrum, naturalness indicators, nature conservation value categories and social behavior types, they are not very disturbed habitats.

    No significant difference can be detected between the effect of lawn loosening and lawn aeration, but III. plot, where both treatments were carried out, was closer to the control area. Regarding the effect of the lawn management methods, it was possible to produce a starting data set in the long term (with the same environmental conditions). Overall, the study gave valuable results regarding the age of change occurring during the application of different lawn management methods, and was also effective from an economic point of view.

  • Effect of fertilization on the aminoacid content and aminoacid yield an established all-grass swarde 5.

    The effects of different N, P and K supply levels and their combinations were examined on the amino acid content and yield of an established all-grass sward with seed mixture of eight grass species in the 28th year of a long term fertilization field experiment set up on a calcareous chernozem loamy soil. The lay-out and method of the trial, as well as the fertilizer responses on the hay yield and quality parameters, were published elsewhere (Kádár, 2005; Kádár and Győri, 2005). The soil of the growing site contained around 3% humus, 5% CaCO3, 20-22% clay in the ploughed layer and was originally moderately well supplied with available K, Mg, Mn and Cu and poorly supplied with P and Zn. The trial included 4Nx4Px4K=64 treatments in 2 replications, giving a total of 128 plots. The fertilizers applied were Ca-ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride. The groundwater table was at a depth of 13-15 m and the area was prone to drought. In 2001, however, the area had a satisfactory amount of 621mm precipitation with a fairly good distribution. The grass was established on 21. September 2000. The main results and conclusions can be summarised as follows:
         1. The content of GLU, ASP, HIS and ARG increased in the crude protein of the 1st cut hay as a function of N-fertilization up to 12-19%. The same time the content of PRO decreased up to 23%, CYS up to 25%, TRY up to 42% and ALA up to 48% compared to the N-control. The P fertilization raised the concentration of ASP, LEU, GLY, HIS, PHE and CYS, while the content of ALA dropped down to 41% that of P-contol.
         2. As a function of NxP positive interactions the content of ASP rose from 7.2 to 10.3%, HIS from 3.8 to 5.8%, ARG from 3.2 to 4.2% compared to the NP control, while the content of ALA diminished from 5.8 to 2.2%, TRY from 1.3 to 0.6%. The K fertilization also depressed the TRY synthesis. The N0P0K0 plots showed 1.59% TRY in protein, while the N3P3K3 maximum supply plots only 0.35%.
         3. The yield of amino acids was enhanced 3-4 times by N fertilization, 2.0-2.5 times by P fertilization and 20-30% by K fertilization. The amino acid yield increased on the N3P3K3 plots, compared to the N0P0K0 plots, in the case of ALA and TRY 3-4 times. Most of the other amino acids yielded 8-12 times more, HIS 14 times, PRO 16 times, GLY 18 times and CYS 20 times more. The maximum yield of essential amino acids made up 774 kg/ha, the total amino acid yield 1552 kg/ha and crude-protein 1779 kg/ha in the 1st cut hay.
         4. As a result of NxP interactions the ratio of ASP/ALA changed from 1.2 to 4.7, that of ARG/TRY from 2.5 to 6.3, that of HIS/TRY from 2.9 to 9.7 with the increased NP supply. Thus, fertilization can induce an imbalance of amino acids and so change or deteriorate the biological quality of protein. In similar circumstances the forage may require a TRY supplement to restore the imbalance of amino acids.

  • The effects of fertilization on 2 year old established swards. Quality and nutrient yields 8.

    The effects of different N, P and K supply levels and their combinations were examined on the quality nutritional values and nutrient yield of an established 2 year old all-grass sward in the 29th year of a long-term fertilization field experiment set up on a calcareous chernozem soil. The soil of the growing site contained around 3% humus, 3-5% CaCO3, 20-22% clay in the ploughed layer and was originally moderately well supplied with available N, K, Mg, Mn and Cu and poorly supplied with P and Zn. The trial included 4Nx4Px4K=64 treatments in 2 replications, giving a total of 128 plots. The fertilizers applied were Ca-ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride. The groundwater table was at a depth of 13-15 m and the area was prone to drought. In 2002, the area had 401 mm precipitation and gave 2 cuts of grass. The 1st year results of the trial were published earlier (Kádár, 2005a, b). The main conclusions can be summarised as follows:
    1. The N-responses were decisive for both the hay quality and the hay and nutrient yields. The N-fertilizer increased the crude protein content and diminished the same time the crude fibre, crude ash and total sugar contents in the hay. The P-responses were not significant while the K-fertilization stimulated the crude ash accumulation in both cuts.
    2. The hay yield of 2 cuts in 2002 amounted to 1,7 t/ha on the N0P0K0 plots not receiving any fertilizer during the 29 experimental years, while on the maximum N3P3K3 supply levels figured out 8.7 t/ha. The same time here the crude fibre increased from 532 kg/ha to 2876 kg/ha, crude protein from 113 kg/ha to 1100 kg/ha, crude ash from 132 kg/ha to 672 kg/ha, crude fat from 39 kg/ha to 173 kg/ha, while the crude fibre/crude protein ratio dropped from 4.7 to 2.6.
    3. After 3 years storing the decisive part of carotine decomposed in the hay and gave as little as 0.9 mg/kg average value. The N-control gave 0.6 mg/kg, the 200 kg/ha/yr N-treatment resulted in 1.3 mg/kg, than the N-excess 300 kg/ha/yr plots showed again significantly less 0.9 mg/kg.
    4. The 2nd cut hay had a little yield however, was rich in crude protein and crude ash having 50-70% higher average content compared with the primary hay. The crude fat content was 3-times higher in the 2nd cut hay, while the crude fibre about 20% less. The ratio of crude fibre/crude protein figured as an average 1.9, while in the low-quality primary hay amounted 4.2.
    5. The N-fertilization depressed the content of N-free extract and acid detergent fibre (ADF) and enhanced the content of energy dependent protein (MFE), N-dependent metabolic protein (MFN) and nettoenergy (NE) parameters. The P fertilization did not cause any changes, while the K-fertilization decreased the N-free extract and the nettoenergy parameters (NE) and slightly stimulated the neutral detergent fibre (NDF) synthesis in the 2nd cut hay.

  • Bio komposztadagok hatása egy arid termőhelyű ősgyep első növedékének hozamaira

    Kísérletünk során, melyet 2015-17-ben a Debreceni Egyetem AKIT Karcagi Kutatóintézetében folytattunk, kétféle komposztot teszteltünk az intézet juhtelepe melletti, alacsony termképesség[1], szolonyec talajon kialakult sgyepen. Mindkét komposzt on-farm anyagokból, mélyalmos tartásból származó trágyából készült, és engedélyezett Natura 2000 és AKG szabályozás alá es területen is, de míg az egyik adalékanyagoktól mentes natúr komposzt, a másik foszforral dúsított. Három dózist teszteltünk (10 t/ha, 20 t/ha, 30 t/ha) négy ismétlésben. Mintavétel után szárazanyagtartalom, nyersfehérje-tartalom és életfenntartó nettó energia tartalom került meghatározásra, melyekbl egységnyi területre vetített hozamot kalkuláltunk. Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy minden kezelés szignifikánsan növelte a hozamot a kontrollhoz képest, st egyes esetekben majdhogynem meg is triplázta azt, habár az eltér minségi mutatók eltér dózist igényeltek a kimagasló hozam elérése érdekében. A két komposzt közötti különbség jól érzékelhet, de meg kell említeni, hogy a natúr komposzt is hatékonyan tudta növelni a hozamot, noha eredményessége elmaradt a foszforral dúsítottól. Eredményeinket összevetve a meteorológiai adatokkal, kiderült, hogy a sok csapadék növelni tudja a komposzt hatékonyságát, lévén elsegíti a benne található anyagok feltáródását. Eredményeinket alátámasztják a bvített talajvizsgálat eredményei is, melyek jelents foszfortartalékot mutatnak az E komposzttal kezelt parcellák feltalajában. 

  • The effects of fertilization on 2 year old established swards. Yield and mineral content 6.

    The effects of different N, P and K supply levels and their combinations were examined on the hay yield and mineral element content of an established 2 year old all-grass sward in the 29th year of a long-term fertilization field experiment set up on a calcareous chernozem soil. The soil of the growing site contained around 3% humus, 3-5% CaCO3, 20-22% clay in the ploughed layer and was originally moderately well supplied with available N, K, Mg, Mn and Cu and poorly supplied with P and Zn. The trial included 4N×4P×4K=64 treatments in 2 replications, giving a total of 128 plots. The fertilizers applied were Ca-ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride. The groundwater table was at a depth of 13-15 m and the area was prone to drought. In 2002, the area had 401 mm precipitation and gave 2 cuts of grass. The 1st year results of the trial were published earlier (Kádár, 2005a, b). The main conclusions can be summarised as follows:
    1. As a function of N×P fertilization the two cuts of the hay yield made up 1.4-8.0 t/ha while the green herbage 5.0-24.0 t/ha. The N-fertilization was of vital importance, which increased the hay mass 5 times. The P-response was moderate in the 1st, cut while there were no K-responses at all on this soil with 135 mg/kg ammoniumlactate (AL) soluble K2O values in plough layer.
    2. On those plots well supplied with PK the 100 kg/ha/yr N-treatment gave a total of 48 kg surplus hay/kg N applied. The 200 kg/ha/yr N-treatment yielded 11 kg, while the 300 kg/ha/yr N-treatment yielded 4 kg surplus hay/kg N applied. The NO3-N content of the 1st cut hay increased over permitted 0.25% level when using the maximum N-rate and made up this NO3-N form 26% of the total-N pool. The optimum PK-supplies in this site seems to be about 130-150 mg/kg AL-P2O5 and AL-K2O in plow layer with 200 kg/ha/yr N applied.
    3. N-fertilization enhanced the content of N, K, Mg, Na, Mn, Cu and NO3-N, while the concentration of S, P, Al, Fe, B and Mo dropped in the primary hay. The increasing P-supply stimulated the uptake of P, Ca, Mn, Sr and Ba, while hinderned the uptake of S and Mo. The K-fertilization rose the content of K and Ba and diminished the concentration of Mo and the antagonistic metal cations like Ca, Mg and Na.
    4. The NPK fertilization-induced Mo-deficiency can first of all jeopardized the fodder quality in this site. On the unfertilized plots the hay showed around 1.0 mg Mo /kg D.M., while on the N3P3K3 plots 0.1-0.2 mg/kg D.M. The P/Mo ratio lifted from 2-4 thousand up to 20 thousand. In the 2nd cut this phenomena partly disappeared, while developed the P-Zn antagonism. On P-control plots measured 15 mg/kg Zn
    dropped to 10 mg/kg while the P/Zn ratio rose from 167 up to 364.
    5. The 2nd cut hay had a little yield, yet was rich in minerals having 30-50% higher average element content compared with the primary hay. However the N, Al, Fe and Mo showed 2-times higher concentrations in the 2nd cut hay. There were found extra large, 25-fold differences in hay Na content as a function of N×K supply levels under synergetic effect of N and antagonistic effect of K treatment.
    6. Summarizing the above we can state that the long-term fertilization may drastically change the content and ratios of elements built in hay through synergetic or antagonistic effects. In the air-dried 1st cut hay for example, the minima-maxima concentrations of measured elements varied as follows: N 0.7-3.0%, K 1.3-3.0%, Ca 0.3-0.5%, Mg 0.13-0.21%, S 0.15-0.32%, P 0.10-0.32%; Na 50-1400, Mn 60-120, Al 50-120, Fe 70-140, Sr 8-170, Zn 6-40, Ba and B 3-6, Cu 2.5-5.5, Ni 0.4-1.4, Mo 0.1-1.0 mg/kg.

  • Effect of NPK fertilization and manure load on the grazed natural permanent grassland
    1. The 2nd year effects of fertilization at Cserkeszőlő site were not proven statistically in hay yield. However, the NP-fertilization and the sheep manure gave 1-1.5 t/ha hay surpluses at Bakonszeg farm. The mineral composition of the hay did not change significantly as a function of treatment neither at Cserkeszőlő, nor at Bakonszeg site.
    2. Elevated, in some cases extreme high K, N, Ca, P, Mg, S and partly Sr, Cd, B concentrations were found in the above ground plant tissue on the resting hump; as well as Fe, Na, Al, Cr and Co concentrations on the driveway. Plant samples were not cleaned or washed so surface pollution could also contribute to the abnormal composition.
    3. According to soil analyses the organic matter content increased in the 0-40 cm layer at watering-place and screen wall. The NO3-N content can reach 250-300 kg/ha level in the 0-1 m soil layer under the watering-place. The potassium rose more fold in the 0-40 cm layer at passageway, watering-place and near to screen wall. The NH4-acetate+EDTA-soluble P content of the whole 0-1 m layer showed 2-fold excess at driveway, 4-fold at resting hump, watering-place and screen wall, as well as 23-fold at passageway.
    4. The resting hump and passageway showed Zn pollution/accumulation. This phenomenon needs to be cleared by more examination. The soluble Fe increased in the topsoil near to screen wall, while soluble S in the topsoil of the watering place and around screen wall. The 0-20 cm soil layer had 72 mg/kg NH4-N and 25 mg/kg NO3-N, so N load can reach 300 kg/ha. The rear, suffering grass stand on this place can not use this N-pool, so here point pollution can be significant.