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  • Possibilities of restoration of natural or seminatural grasslands: Papers of the „Challenges and Aspects in Grassland Management” conference held on 22-23 May 2008.

    The number of natural grassland restoration projects increased in the last decade in Hungary, and probably the area of restored grasslands will be significantly extended in the next years due to New National Rural Development Program. To contribute to the success of this activity, in this paper we review the most important theoretical and practical aspects of natural grassland restoration methods. In the course of grassland restoration, habitats dominated by grasses and/or sedges have been restored in place of arable lands. In order to perform “natural” restoration, we should consider the ecological conditions of the landscape, and reconstruct natural or seminatural grasslands including of native plant species. Essentially, rehabilitation of natural landscape is supported also by creating new seminatural grassland patches. The basic principles of the natural grassland restoration are:

    1. When a spontaneous secondary succession starts to proceed on an abandoned field without invasion of any alien plant species, the re-ploughing of the abandoned field has to be ignored.

    2. Generally, the old fields surrounded by species-rich natural or seminatural grassland pathes can succesfully be restorated. Then, as a consequence of newly restored vegetation patches the recovery of the whole landscape can be accelerated. Furthermore, by restoring isolated grassland patches surrounded by arable lands a more diverse landscape pattern could be developed.

    3. Spontaneous secondary succession of grasslands should be assisted.

    4. The development of typical species composition of a seminatural grassland can be promoted by methods of spreaded hay. For successful process the hay has to be cut in a habitat type similar to ones that will be restored.

    5. Applying seed-mix for sowing can be useful to prevent spreading weeds drastically in the early stages of succession.

    6. Ideally, the seed-mix is originated from own harvesting or gathering from similar (or the same) habitats. If it is not possible, commercially available seed-mix can be applied, in which the dominant species is the same as in the restored habitat, with similar proportion.

    7. Seed-mix consists of alien species has to be avoided.

    8. If the composition or structure of the restored grassland is not appropriate after some years, the renewal of the grassland could be necessary. During the improvement process the reploughing of the restored grassland is avoided, but spreading seeds or hay, and direct sowing can be applied.

    9. The loading of nutrient is not necessary in any stages of grassland restoration.

    10. Applying chemicals is avoided; any herbicides can be used only when extensive invasion of alien plant species occurs.

    11. The mechanical intrusions on soil are also avoided.

    12. The restored grasslands is required regular or continuous management, which could be a preserving mowing or moderate grazing. The aspects of nature conservation should be considered.

  • Global challenges and demands for grassland use

    The purpose of this review is to outline the status quo regarding multifunctional and social demands on grasslands. The products and services that grassland ecosystems can provide society are detailed. Existing agro-policies are reviewed as to how they reflect social demands on grasslands. A farm level analysis considers many factors that may influence the fulfilment of social demands. Conclusions are drawn on the future of grassland use under different socio-economic conditions. Traditional (meat, milk, fibre, medicinal plants, fuel, power) and non-traditional (branded products, biodiversity as gene pool, biomass for energy) products are identified. Services of grasslands are summarized at three different levels viz. globally (regulation of climate, air quality, water resources, soil health, carbon sequestration, maintaining biodiversity), regionally (aesthetic and landscape values) and locally (preservation of cultural heritage, maintenance of the significance of religion for pastoralism). Targeted policies are emerging that assist in sustaining healthy grassland ecosystems and fulfilling multifunctional demands at different social levels. In spite of these policies, the future of the world's grasslands seems to vary by country, according to the level of development. In poor countries, production from grassland will remain of vital importance (in some cases, with the threat of ecosystem degradation), whilst at the same time, ecological and amenity uses of grassland appear to be ignored. Trends in the function of grassland ecosystems in developed countries seem to be just the opposite. The importance of production is declining, while ecological and amenity functions receive increasing attention in response to multifunctional and social demands. Due to the national conditions the future of grassland use in Hungary will differ from these patterns. The production from grassland is going to be negligible. The ecological role (landscape, biodiversity) will remain very important. Remarkable increase is predicted in the amenity role of grasslands following the overall economic development in the country.

  • 21st General Meeting of European Grassland Federation

    2006. április 3. és 6. között rendezte az Európai Gyepgazdálkodási Szövetség (European Grassland Federation) a 21. hivatalos konferenciáját (21st General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation) a spanyolországi Badajozban.
    A Spanyol Gyepgazdálkodási Társaság (SEEP, Sociedad Española el Estudio de los Pasots) a Szövetség Végrehajtó Bizottságának (Executive Committee) jóváhagyásával a gyep termelékenységének fenntarthatóságát (Sustainable Grassland Productivity) választotta a rendezvény átfogó témájának. Közel 40 ország csaknem 300 résztvevője a téma aktualitását kellőképpen indokolja.
    A szakmai program a Szövetség alapszabályának megfelelően bonyolódott hétfőtől csütörtök délig, amiből egy délutánt a szakmai tanulmányút (mid conference tour) foglalt el. Az európai gyepgazdálkodás szakirodalmát friss eredményekkel gazdagítja az a 278 tudományos dolgozat, amelyeket a konferencia idejére megjelentetett tudományos kiadvány (Sustainable Grassland Productivity – Proceedings of the 21st General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Badajoz, Spain, Grassland Science in Europe Volume 11. Caja de Badajoz, 847. p.) tartalmaz.
    A konferencia megnyitója a mediterrán térség gyepgazdálkodási sajátosságaival foglalkozott. Ennek első része a dél-spanyol térség tradicionális fás legelőit (dehesa) tárgyalta. Bemutatta, hogy ezt a történelmi gyökerekkel rendelkező gazdálkodási módot – közel 4 millió hektáron a térségben – milyen eredménnyel sikerült a vidékfejlesztés mai igényeinek is megfelelően megőrizni (termelés /erdő, gyep, időszakos szántó, valamint a kérődzők és a sertés legeltetéses tartása/, tájmegőrzés és természetvédelem).
    A megnyitó másik része a gyenge termékenységű arid klímájú mediterrán térség másik extenzívnek nevezhető gazdálkodási módját, a gabonafélék, az ugaroltatás és a juh legeltetés hármas rendszerét vizsgálta a multifunkcionális mezőgazdaság szempontjából.
    A tudományos program további részét öt szekció köré szervezték:
    1. A szálastakarmány-gazdálkodás szezonális problémáinak kezelése (Overcoming seasonal constraints to forage production)
    2. A pillangósok szerepe és lehetőségei (Role and potential of legumes)
    3. A takarmánytermesztés mennyiségi és minőségi kérdései (Production and quality aspects of different animal feeds)
    4. Az állattartási módok változása a közös agrárpolitikához igazodóan (Changes in animal production systems to meet CAP reforms)
    5. A gyepek és a klímaváltozás (Grassland and climate change)

  • 13th International occasional Symposium of the European Grassland Federation

    2005. augusztus 29. és 31. között rendezte az Európai Gyepgazdálkodási Szövetség (European Grassland Federation) immár 13. szimpóziumát (EGF 13th International Occasional Symposium) az észtországi Tartuban. Az Észt Gyepgazdálkodási Társaság (Estonian Grassland Society) a Szövetség Végrehajtó Bizottságának (EGF Executive Committee) jóváhagyásával a gazdálkodás és a fajdiverzitás harmonizációját választották a rendezvény címének (Integrating Efficient Grassland Farming and Biodiversity). 29 ország 168 regisztrált résztvevője a szimpóziumoknál megszokotthoz képest nagyobb látogatottságot jelez, ami elsősorban a helyszín kiválasztásának volt köszönhető (dominált az észt, litván és lengyel részvétel).
    A tudományos program a szövetség alapszabályában rögzített módon bonyolódott. Hétfőn egész nap, valamint kedden és szerdán délelőtt zajlottak a szekcióülések, kedden délután pedig a szakmai tanulmányút (mid-conference tour) tette kerekké a programot.
    A szimpózium címéhez és a várható érdeklődéshez igazodva a rendezvény tudományos bizottsága 3 szekcióra bontotta a programot.
    1. A gazdálkodás és a természetvédelem kapcsolata
    (Connecting grassland farming with nature conservation)
    2. Az extenzív gyepgazdálkodás és a biodiverzitás
    (Extensive /low-input/ grassland farming and biodiversity)
    3. A hagyományos intenzív (átlagos és magas ráfordítású) gazdálkodás, valamint a biodiverzitás
    (Conventional intensive /medium to high-input/ grassland farming and biodiversity)

  • Conflicts between farming and nature reservation in grassland managements

    In the last few years important changes occurred in the grassland usage and in the grassland framing, which changes revised the farming circumstances of the grassland farmers. These changes come to the fore leading in the environment friendly, agricultural environment friendly programs, and drove farmers into a corner. The unfavorable economic conditions impressed the whole agriculture, because the grass hay user ruminant stock depressed drastically, farms with small animal stock and the herds ended countryside. The economic process did not serve animal husbandry recovery. Farmers see way out for the grassland sector, but on the marked factors we saw the impresses of the negative effects. We say this because they marked complementary seeding and reseeding as primary factors. Aims of the agricultural environment protection programs and the farmer’s cost-of-living will generate more conflicts. On these conflicts could ease rethinking the aims of the agricultural environment protecting programs, with lighten the strict directions of the nature conservation provisions and with ecological grassland farming.

  • The Role of Grassland in EU Soil Protection Strategy

    The three most important life quality criteria are: healthy and good-quality food, clean water and pleasant environment. All three are closely related to the sustainable management of natural resources; conservation of soil and water resources; rational land use and landscape preservation. Soils are conditionally renewable natural resources, consequently, their rational use, conservation, and the maintenance of their multipurpose functionality have particular significance both in the national economy and environment protection. The main soil functions are: integrator (transformer) of other natural resources; most important media for biomass production; storage of heat, water, nutrients, pollutants; buffer of various natural and human-induced stresses; huge natural filter (preventing groundwater pollution); detoxication media of various harmful substances; habitat for soil biota, gene-reservoir, media of biodiversity; conservator of the natural and human heritage.

    The maintenance of these functions is the key-element of sustainable development on all levels of the decision-making process: Globe → continent → region → country → subregion → settlement → farm → field. The EU Strategy for soil protection focuses attention on 8 environmental threats, for their prevention, elimination or moderation:

    – water and wind erosion;

    – decrease in organic matter resources;

    – compaction and structure destruction;

    – soil sealing;

    – the increasing frequency, duration and degree of extreme moisture events: flood, waterlogging – drought;

    – point and non-point (diffuse) soil pollution;

    – salinization/alkalization/sodification;

    – decline in biodiversity (decreasing number and activity of soil organisms, narrowing their species spectra).

    The EU-conform Soil Conservation Strategy of Hungary was elaborated during the last decades on the basis of long-term soil survey, soil analyses, soil mapping and soil monitoring activities. It comprises three main tasks:

    – the prevention, elimination or moderation of soil degradation processes;

    – the reduction of the unfavourable economic, ecological, environmental and social consequences of extreme moisture regimes;

    – the control of the biogeochemical cycle of elements: optimum nutrient supply of plants; prevention of harmful soil pollution and contamination of the „food chain”.

    Grassland management has to play a significant role in these actions. In addition to fodder production, rational grassland management can considerably contribute to the storage, buffer, filter and gene-reservoir functions of soil, to the improvement of soil moisture regime, to the moderation of extreme moisture conditions, and to the reduction of soil losses caused by water or wind erosion. In spite of these favourable impacts grasslands (covering about 12% of Hungary) have never been in the focus of Hungarian agriculture.

    Grasslands were always restricted to marginal lands (sands, salt affected soils, peatlands, floddplains) with low and risky (highly weather-dependent) biomass production and low animal carrying capacity. Relatively productive grasslands were upturned for corn in large hilly areas (resulting serious erosion losses and landscape deterioration); the huge floodplain grasslands were used for other agricultural crops after flood control and river regulation; peatland grasslands were also considerably reduced by the drainage of these areas and used (not always successfully and efficiently) for arable crops. Huge areas became seriously degraded wastelands or „weedlnds” due to irregular grazing, lack of weed control, plant nutrition, water management. Under improper management not only the biomass production decreased considerably but the soil conservation functions of grassland were also deteriorated, sometimes dramatically. The poor and degraded grassland vegetation were not able to prevent (or at least moderate) water erosion losses in hilly areas, wind erosion losses in the dry sand regions or „over-drained” ameliorated peatlands, and even their gene-reservoir functions are sometimes threatened seriously.

    Rational grassland management is an important element of both the European and Hungarian Soil Conservation Strategy. Its scientific bases are well-known. The details have to be determined by further research and scientific programs. The existing knowledge should be broadcast using all available information channels: teaching and education on various levels; demonstrations; media programs, etc. A proper system of stimulating economy regulations should be developed and formulated in various-level legal documents. But first of all an environment-friendly moral must be developed accepting the concept of sustainable grassland management.

  • Botanical and grassland investigations in a pasture grazed by Hungarian grey catte in Badacsonytördemic in 2008

    Sample areas can be found in the Tapolcai Basins. Phytosociological samples were collected: 32 ha grassland stand with low intensity grazing (under-grazed pasture), 38 ha overgrazed pasture, 34 ha meadow (hayfield) and the stand where animals drank. The areas were suitable for following up the changes of vegetation and production during the grazing season of the year. 5 replicates of 2×2 m phytosociological samples plots were examined on each grasslands according to the Braun- Blanquet method (1964) in April, May, June, August and September 2008. 118 Hungarian Grey Cattle were grazed on the pastures. 14 species were common in each saple areas, wich are dominant species of natural grassland associations (Agrostis stolonifera, Festuca arundinacea, Deschampsia aespitose) in the region. The overgrazed pasture had only low nutritive value and contained high number of weed species. About one month per year grazing time in the undergrazed area was not enough to achieve a better state of species diversity, although the forage production of the area remained high. The number of species and the 32 ha grassland was high (58) weeds was due to the high number of weeds, however the nutritive value of this grassland was poor. The species number of the hayfield was lower (31) than and grassland, however species composition was better and the nutritive was higher. It seemed that management was suitable and the hayfield.

  • Investigations on grassland and nature reservation effect of horse grazing in Tapolca and Káli Basins (2008)

    Examined areas can be found in the Tapolca and Káli Basins near Köveskál and Nemesgulács. Near Köveskál 2 horses were grazed on a 1 ha grassland, which was on a degraded association of Cynodonti-Poëtum angustifoliae. Control area was found close to the grazed grassland where Salvinio-Festucetum rupicolae association was found. The grassland was grazed formerly by sheep. Near Nemesgulács 4 horses were grazed on a 6 ha pasture under free range grazing system (0.7 horse/ha) on a Cynodonti- Poëtum angustifoliae grassland that is situated on a slope. Sample areas were selected the upper (UTS) and lower (LTS) third of the slope. This area formerly was as vineyard. 5-5 replicates of 2 by 2 m coenological quadrates were monitored on each sample area. Sward composition was investigated by Braun-Blanquet method (1964) in the grazing season of 2008. Ground cover (D) species composition and species number (n) were evaluated as analytical parameters. Relative nitrogen demand (NB), social behavior types (SBT) (Borhidi, 1995) and nature conservation value categories (TVK) (Simon, 2000) were also analyzed. At the LTS of the slope near Nemesgulács we could find species with bigger proportions indicating nutrient rich production sites and N indicating Artemisia vulgaris, characteristic species of manured sites appeared, too. At the UTS their proportion was smaller. The reason for this difference is the nutrient run off the slope and its accumulation at the LTS. The reason for the low nutritive value of the grassland are the lack of valuable Poaceae and pulses species and the low total cover. Valuable plant species were grazed out of the sward and negative effects of trampling could have been observed. Concerning the selective grazing preference of horses, the species composition of this area is not suitable for horse grazing. Instead of horses the area could be more suitable for sheep grazing. Pasture near Köveskál had extremely high proportion of species requiring nutrient rich conditions that can be probably due to frequent depositions of excreta and urine by grazing horses. Both control and pasture areas has the highest (approx. 35% absolute) cover of natural species with disturbance tolerance. The biggest difference in nature conservation value categories was the decrease of association composing species on the pasture. This was mainly caused by the grazing out of Poa angustifolia that was the most valuable species in the association. Overgrazing and grazing method applied caused very low plant cover on the grazed pasture.

  • Botanical and natural conservation comparison of seminatural and man-made grasslands in Paskom near Csakvar

    During the survey, the vegetation, botanical composition and grassland management values of a grassland were studied. The study site was originally a pasture, then was transformed into an arable land and finally back to pasture. The 160-ha-sized area is called „Szűzföld” and is located in the Zámoly Basin, West Hungary. In 1998, grazing of Hungarian grey cattle has begun on the grassland. The changes in the vegetation were followed from 1998, making records in every 6th year (1998, 2015, 2021). 6 coenological records were made in each type of grasslands, by recording the list of the occurring taxa and their cover values. During the survey the main questions were the following: considering nature conservation, coenology and grassland management, in which direction does the vegetation evolve with the grazing? Was the grazing with Hungarian grey cattle successful?
    Based on the results, the grasslands became much more mosaic-like; drier and wetter vegetation patches could be separated (2015, 2021). As the grazing continued, species richness and diversity increased, especially in the wet areas.
    The number and the cover of economically important grass taxa and legumes have increased. The following taxa became dominant: Festuca pseudovina in the drier parts, Agrostis tenuis and A. stolonifera in the wet ones. Based on the life form system of Pignatti, the area is not overgrazed, as rosette and reptant taxa did not became dominant. Based on nature conservation values, cover of the taxa of natural grasslands increased.
    During the grazing, the meadow was universally covered mainly by weeds in 1998, and became much more valuable by 23 years later by means of nature conversation and grassland management. Moreover, this state has been stabilized according to the diversity values.
    Based on the results, the grazing with Hungarian grey cattle was successful by both nature conservational and economical means.

  • Recovery of grasslands in former croplands using the combination of seed sowing and hay transfer

    In accordance with general trends in agricultural and natureőconservation practice in Europe, grassland restoration and traditional grassland management has gained increased importance in Hungary. In grassland restoration using of low rates of seed (less than 30kg/ha) and hay cover is suggested. In the present paper the effect of hay cover combined with low rate of seed (25 kg/ha) is studied in early grassland recovery. We aimed at to answer the question whether or not the speed of grassland recovery can be increased with a combined use of seed sowing and hay cover. The establishment of Festuca species was favoured by hay cover combined whit seed sowing. The emergence of shortlived weeds was significantly lower on most of the fields treated with hay cover and seed sowing. The species richness and diversity of early weeds did not differ significantly in fields sown only and fields treated both with seed sowing and hay cover. Our results suggest that the combination of seed sowing and hay cover is successful in fields, where high rate of weed invasion is possible, thus intensive post-restoration management is necessary.

  • Multiple uses of grasslands: Papers of the „Challenges and Aspects in Grassland Management” conference held on 22-23 May 2008.

    In recent decades grassland science has identified all those products and services, which grasslands can provide for society. Among commodity goods traditional (meat, milk, leather, fibre, medicinal plants, animal excreta for heating, animal power to cultivate crops) and new products (labelled food from grasslands, biodiversity as gene pool for plant breeding, grass for energy) have been discussed. Non commodity benefits of grasslands are discussed in global (mitigation of climate change, air quality, water resources, soil health, carbon sequestration, maintenance of gene pools for biodiversity), regional (aesthetic or landscape values, conservation of watersheds, facilitation of tourism and hunting, avoidance of disasters such as avalanches and landslides, buffer zones for power lines, rehabilitation of landscape damages in mining areas) and local (preservation of grassland based cultural heritage) contexts. These products and services are investigated from the points of sustainability and multifunctionality. Existing grasslands and turfs in the county are categorized according to their basic functions. It is concluded that grasslands are the only ecosystem that is able to fulfil so mary tasks and requirements. Future prospects of grassland use in Hungary are outlined from the point of multifunctionality. Production functions of grassland are facing a slight increase due to organic farming. Ecological function will maintain their high importance. Remarkable increase is expected in amenity uses of grasslands. 

  • Investigation of early season phytoproduction in sheep pastures

    In the droughty spring of 2021, we investigated the rate of phytoproduction development in extensive grassland plots with solonyec soil conditions from the perspective of sheep grazing. During the empirical time interval of the start of potential sheep grazing, data were recorded on a total of 7 occasions at 6 different sites registered under one parcel number. Our results showed that the highest soil moisture values during the study period were measured in the fallow grassland, while the highest soil temperature values were measured in the grassland used as enclosed pasture. Plant height values were highest in the fallow grassland and in the grassland of the pasture forest. The lowest plant height was recorded in the enclosed pasture, although the highest nutrient availability was also measured here.

  • Impact of a change of use on extensive grassland yields

    The impact of converting overgrazed extensive grassland to mowing was investigated in Karcag between 2017 and 2020. At the beginning of the experiment, the plant composition of the overgrazed grassland community, which had been overgrazed for 3 years, showed a high and continuously increasing cover of unconditionally weeds avoided by sheep, which presented clearly higher quantitative indicators in terms of yield values. However, in the grassland communities that were converted to mowing, the cover of unconditioned weeds decreased steadily at the end of the experimental period and the cover value of grassland components valuable for animals increased, thus stopping degradation and recultivation by conversion was successful.

  • 14th International occasional Symposium of the European Grassland Federation

    2007. szeptember 3-6. között rendezte az Európai Gyepgazdálkodási Szövetség (European Grassland Federation) 14. szimpóziumát (14th Symposium of the EGF) a belgiumi Gentben. A szimpózium témájául a rendező szervezetek (a Belga Gyep- és szálastakarmány Társaság – Belgian Society for Grassland and Forage Crops; a Ghenti Egyetem; a Mezőgazdasági és Halászati Kutató Intézet – Institute of Agricultural and Fisheries Research) a Szövetség Végrehajtó Bizottságának (EGF Executive Committee) jóváhagyásával az „Állandó és időszakos gyepek – növény, környezet és ökonómia” (Permanent and temporary Grassland – Plant, Environment and Economy) témát választották.
    A tudományos program a szövetség alapszabályában rögzített módon bonyolódott. Hétfőn egész nap, valamint kedden és szerdán délelőtt zajlottak a szekcióülések, kedden délután pedig a szakmai tanulmányút (mid-conference tour) tette kerekké a programot.
    A szimpózium címéhez és a várható érdeklődéshez igazodva a rendezvény tudományos bizottsága 3 szekcióra bontotta a programot.
    1. A gyep termése és annak minősége
    (Production and quality)
    2. A gyepgazdálkodási mód hatása a környezetre
    (Impact of grassland management systems on environment)
    3. A gyepgazdálkodás társadalmi-gazdasági következményei
    (Socio-economical consequences)

  • Összehasonlító botanikai és természetvédelmi vizsgálatok telepített és felújított gyepekben a Csákvár melletti Páskom területén

    We studied the vegetation of a 260 ha gray cattle pasture near Páskom, which can be found in Zámoly basin. We carried out our surveyes in May 2012. The pasture can be divided into five parts. One part, approximately the half of the area (150.83 ha), is an oldfield grassland, which was overseeded 20 years ago. The other half of the pasture was restored (109.17 ha) in 4 different ways in 2009 and then was mowed until 2011. 7 relevés were made in each part of the pasture (the occurence of species and their cover scores were recorded). The aim of our study was to compare the effects of the different restoration methods and mowing on the botanical composition of the pasture. The results showed, that the grassland restored with hay transfer method was the most similar to the natural conditions. The greatest number of species was recorded in that part and the species of natural grasslands become dominant. The directly sowed and the spontaneous grassland parts separated chiefly from the semi-natural 30-year-old grassland. 

  • Expectable changes in the utilization of pastures: Papers of the „Challenges and Aspects in Grassland Management” conference held on 22-23 May 2008.

    Analysing the past and the future facts and figures of the Hungarian pasture management the authors has been found the following: − In the period between 1993 and 2003 it was generally believed, that the total area of pasture will be increasing in the future. This forecasting comes not be true. − In the period between 2004 and 2008 the Hungarian pasture area decreased with 13%. We can realise decreasing in the total yield and the yield to/ha too. At the same time in the National Parks and on other protected pastures the grassland management was improved. − Analysing the estimated stock of grazing animal and the necessary pasture area the authors give the main features of the Hungarian pasture utilization in the period after 2008. 

  • Spontaneous winter fire effects on semi-natural grassland

    The effect of uncontrolled turf fire was investigated on the meadow grassland of the Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Karcag Research Institute. The fire in January 2022, which was very dry, resulted in an increase in the proportion of bunchgrass and uncovered area in the burned area, based on our cenological recordings. We measured higher carbon dioxide emissions in the burned area at all measurement times using an infrared gas analyser. Soil moisture values recorded with soil probes were higher in the control grassland with intact grassland cover. Since we had the opportunity to carry out studies in a drought year, it is absolutely justified to investigate the effects of grass fires in other growing areas and under other precipitation conditions, because their more frequent occurrence in our country can be predicted.

  • Long-term mowing on biomass composition in Pannonian dry grasslands in the Western-Cserhát

    This study is focusing on the vegetation of seminatural dry grasslands. Those loess grasslands are valuable with large biodiversity; however their long-term preservation requires regular conservation management. The report demonstrates the results of mowing experiment, designed to suppress the spread of unpalatable grass species, Calamagrostis epigeios. The study site is located in mid-successional loss grasslands, in the Western-Cserhát, near Rád, northern Hungary.

    The study aims to the investigate the followings: Can the unpalatable Calamagrostis epigejos be suppressed by mowing? Are there possibilities to increase the diversity of sward by this? The study aims, to measure potential value-increasing effect of mowing, and to determine the carrying capacity in the aspect of grassland management.

    In 2001, Camagrostis epigeios was the species with the highest coverage rate according to the both treatment types, with an average cover value of 63%. However, as a result of mowing, a significant difference was detected in the amount of litter and legumes species as well. The number of species showed a slight increase in both types of treatment, from 15 to 37 in the mowed plots, but also from 18 to 27 in the control plots. We concluded that mowing twice a year was beneficial to modify botanical composition of a grassland. In a way it was suited well for agricultural usage, in particular grazing which can replace the expensive and time-consuming scythe. It is also a suitable management measure for controlling the native invader species as a Calamagrostis epigeios, and can significantly increase the proportion of species with higher forage values.

    Mowing has significantly increased the density of Calamagrostis epigeios, the species richness, and the diversity in the course of secondary succession. Therefore, mowing twice a year proved to be a successful management measure for controlling Calamagrostis epigeios, and for obtaining a sward composition. The treatment was effective in restoring grassland composition, although the achievement and maintenance of favourable conservation status for the grassland habitat require long-term management planning and regular treatment. According to the objectives, mowing not only promotes the control of the invasive species, but also the economic utilization of the area.

  • The effect of overripe sheepmanure on the composition and the yield of first growth Alopecuretum pratensis grassland association

    An experiment with overripe sheep-manure was carried out to make the environmental protective technology of nutrition on a cut-utilized grassland in the Karcag Research Institute of University of Debrecen, CAS. Based on our research results gained from the experiment of the low input Alopecuretum pratensis grassland association we established 4 year old research, that the 20 t/ha dose overripe sheep-manure the most favourable economical point of niev and perspective to increase the cover rate of clovers.

  • Clarifying the effect of season on the early crop development of unconditionally grazed sheep

    The feasibility of first grazing of extensive sheep pastures was investigated by monitoring the height of grassland in the spring of 2022 and 2023 at the Karcag Research Institute, focusing on the effect of vintage in this manuscript. For 6 grassland plots with different parameters, potentially suitable for early spring sheep grazing, in a meadow on solonyec soil with no level of inputs due to environmental subsidies, we refined soil temperature, soil moisture and height of grassland vegetation at the same time of year. For both years, it was concluded that it is justified to start grazing sheep on the fallow grassland and the pasture forest.

  • Change of perspective in grassland analysis, three-dimensional crop estimation and qualification method

    From the point of view of the lawns' current existence, use and their existence for the future, but the tasks, goals and challenges of grassland management have changed, and in line with this, we have carried out surveys and developed and modified a method for fast and efficient application.

    In practice, it is very important to know the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the forage found in the pasture, as well as the exact economic value of the pasture. The purpose of this study is to present a cheap, fast, reliable and easy-to-apply estimation method.

    We took the previous methods into account and corrected and further developed them with the help of recent lawn management research results. Based on our tests, the corrected Balázs method can be used well to estimate the yield of grasslands and to determine the fodder value of the grassland. This method is cheap and requires no technical background. It also has the advantage, based on experience, that it takes into account the preference of species by animals.

    The data from the cenological survey and the height measurement of the plant stock can be used to estimate the yield, fodder value and economic value. Being a non-destructive method involving minimal trampling, it is also particularly suitable for monitoring the grassland habitat of protected plants and animals. The method is also presented on a sample example, which proves its applicability.

  • XXth International Grassland Congress in Dublin, Ireland, June 26 – July 1. 2005

    Immár XX. alkalommal rendezték meg a gyepgazdálkodási világkongresszust, ez alkalommal Írország fővárosában, Dublinban, 2005. június 26. és július 1. között. A négy évente rendezett kongresszusok célja nem változott. Összegzést adni a tudomány elmúlt négy évének eredményeiről és támpontokat adni a kutatás számára a közeljövő elvárásairól.
    A Gyepgazdálkodási Világszövetség (International Grassland Congress) Állandó Bizottságának (Continuous Committee) jóváhagyásával a szervezők „A gyepek mint világméretű erőforrások (Grasslands – a Global Resource)” mottót választották a kongresszus témájául. A tudományos program ennek megfelelően átfogta nem csak a gyepgazdálkodás, de az érintkező tudományterületek szélesebb körét is. Az Ír Gyepgazdálkodási Szövetség (Irish Grassland Association) és az angol Gyepgazdálkodási Társaság (British Grassland Society), mint szervezők a szakmai rendezvények formájának jó megválasztásával ügyeltek arra, hogy az előadott témakörök a téma jellegének megfelelő fórumon kerüljenek terítékre. Ennek megfelelően valamennyi résztvevőt fogadó plenáris ülések foglalkoztak három átfogó témakörrel:
    1. A gyepen termelt állati termékek iránti igény
    A plenáris ülés mérlegelte a gyepről származó állati termékek iránt várható igényeket 20 éves távlatban a világon és a nagy földrajzi régiók szintjén, illetve kereste azokat a kulcstényezőket, amelyek befolyásolják a változások irányát vagy mértékét.
    2. Gyepek és szálastakarmányok a társadalmi jólét javításáért és a szegénység csökkentéséért
    A plenáris témakör kereste azokat a főbb lehetőségeket, amelyeket a gyepek és szálastakarmányok kínálnak a fejlődő országok elmaradásának/szegénységének csökkentésében. Sikeres projekteket mutatott be különböző társadalmi-gazdasági és agro-klimatikus zónákból, és rámutatott a sikerek kulcstényezőire.
    3. Az állati termék előállítás és környezetvédelem gyepeken
    A téma előadói tárgyalták és értékelték azokat az irányelveket és megközelítési módokat, melyek mentén összeegyeztethető a hatékony állati termelés a környezetvédelemmel és a környezeti állapot javításával, beleértve a szennyezés-, a talaj degradáció megelőzését, a biodiverzitás javítását. Vizsgálták annak mozgásterét, hogy hogyan lehetséges egy bizonyos területen az eltérő céloknak megfelelni, avagy a különböző célokat eltérő területegységeken lenne ésszerűbb megvalósítani.

  • Domestic water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) grazing as a habitat management and application option against invasive species

    In nature conservation, the aggressive expansion of invasive plant species and the preservation of valuable grasslands are a global problem. Based on this, the following question can be formulated: which animal species and breeds are suitable for habitat management? Is the water buffalo suitable for lawn care and to what extent? With the overview work, we review the results so far, highlighting domestic areas where we already have preliminary results and where previous data have already been produced. Based on this, the invasive Solidago was completely suppressed in the marshes of the Zámolyi basin, the pasture was completely transformed, and the dominant species became Sesleria uliginosa. Also in the area of the Zámolyi basin, there were significant floristic and physiognomic differences in the vegetation. You may find that buffalo grazing is a suitable habitat management method in both dry grassland and wet grassland. Therefore, in addition to being effective in the control of Solidago gigantea, grazing with buffaloes is successful both in terms of nature conservation and grassland vegetation from an economic point of view. The first stage of the long-term planned work is an overview of the work on the water buffalo. The research is supported by the creation of Innovation operational groups and the investment necessary for the implementation of the innovative project. call for tenders (VP3-16.1.1-4.1.5-4.2.1-4.2.2-8.1.1-8.2.1-8.3.1-8.5.1-8.5.2-8.6.1-17) and the Innovation and the New National Excellence Program of the Ministry of Technology code number ÚNKP-22-3-I-MATE/2 was supported by the grant funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund and grant AKGF-119-1-202.

  • Degradation degree evolution under different grassland management

    The objective of this manuscript is to clarify the changes in vegetation structure of an extensively managed grassland association under different land use practices. In the grasslands of the Hungarian Great Plain, the westernmost part of the Eurasian steppe, the largely decreasing grazing livestock numbers and the almost disappearing pastoral grazing make the topic very topical. We analysed the last 4 years of the study period 2009-2020 and found that the lowest degradation rates were measured in the meadow utilisation management, with values ranging from 0.277-0.463 in the 11th year of the experiment. And the highest degradation values were measured in the treatment with the overgrazing mode, with degradation degrees 3.43-5.0 in the 11th year of the experiment. In the treatment demonstrating the effect of overgrazing, we measured a high increase in the cover value of the weed Hordenum murinum, which is very dangerous for sheep, between 2017 and 2020, with an average of 107.6%.

  • The effect of mowing and pasturing on grassland vegetation in Mátra Mauntains (Parádóhuta)

    We carried out our surveys on grasslands near Parádóhuta. The sample area was a mountain grassland (Festucetum rubrae-Cynosuretum Tx. 1940, Soó 1957), which was mowed until 2013, then foraged with borzderes and racka cattle within the framework of nature conservation management for two years, and after that it became mowed again. We analysed the effects of foraging and mowing between 2013 and 2019.

    Our goals were the following: to disclose the vegetation of the sample areas (i), surveying the natural regeneration of the grassland and analysing, valuing the effect of mowing and foraging on grasslands (ii); analysing the vegetation in terms of nature conservation and valuing its life form spectrum (iii).

    The analysed grassland was very diverse in 2013, we noticed well differentiated Nardus stricta patches. In 2015 the vegetation became more mosaic-like because of heavy pasturing: animals have grazed arboreals and Nardus in lesser amount, but species diversity declined and coverage of shrub remained the same. In the last years of the survey foraging stopped, and mowing began, which increased the coverage of herbaceous plants, which approximated the values of the first years. According to our results, on these habitats systematic mowing has a much more positive effect on biodiversity and coverage of species marking naturalness.