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  • Gyires Béla élete és tudományos munkássága
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    THE LIFE AND WORK OF BÉLA GYIRES. he research activities of the professor emeritus of the University of Debrecen, and one of the doyens of Hungarian mathematicians included the matrix theory, linear algebra, probability theory, and mathematical statistics. He was one of those outstanding mathematician who did not draw a rigid line between applied and theoretical mathematics. His most important and widely known results were int he ield of linear statistics. Many of his achievements are cited in books and textbooks.

  • A magyar felsőoktatás 650 éves jubileuma
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    A Pécsi Tudományegyetem 6510 éves évfordulójára megjelentetett Per Aspera ad Astra különszámának ismertetése

  • Megemlékezés Hüttl Tivadarról
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    MY GRANDFATHER, PROFESSZOR TIVADAR HÜTTL. he commemoration speech was told by the grandson of Tivadar Hüttl, Tivada Hüttl Junior in 2013 at the unveiling of the professor’s sculpture in the sculpture park in the Medical Central at the Debrecen University. His son and grandson, bearing the same name, have become doctors and the love for this profession gave them strength. Hardly any heirloom or family stories remained for the descendants.

  • Interjú Niederhauser Emillel
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    AN INTERVIEW WITH EMIL NIEDERHAUSER. he interview with the elderly professor by Political Scientist Márk Rácz took place on January 11, 2009, a short time before the former’s death, at a senior citizens’ home in Üröm. During the conversation the retired professor, who originally had come from Bratislava, talked about his studies in his home city, his settling in Hungary, his survival in an increasingly communistoriented scholarly atmosphere, his non-partisan existence, and about his teaching career in Debrecen, which started in the 1950s. He also talked about his cool relationship with the party cadres and with the instructors of Marxism, and about the fact that, as a commuting ”suitcase professor”, he was looked upon by some with a degree of suspicion. However, his relationship with his students and his history-teaching colleagues was favourable, an asset that endured beyond his return to Budapest.

  • A Debreceni Egyetem Műszaki Karának fél évszázada
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    50 YEARS OF THE TECHNOLOGY FACULTY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN. he study reviews the higher education background of the technology education from 1965–2000 in relation to its teaching and organizational history. It describes the anniversary ceremony of the Technology Faculty organized in May 2015. hrough a selection of the most important statements at this ceremony, the writing shows the reults of the Faculty in the past 15 years.

  • Az 1912. évi XXXVI. törvénycikk „A Debreczeni és a Pozsonyi Magyar Királyi Tudomány Egyetem felállításáról” szövege és miniszteri indokolása
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    The Text and Ministerial Preamble of Article XXXIV of 1912 ”About the Foundation of Hungarian Royal Universities in Debreczen and Pozsony”. The objective of this source publication is nothing else but the bill and its preamble, through which in 1912 the universities of Debrecen and of Pozsony, respectively, came to be established. The preamble signed by Minister of Religion and Public Education János Zichy well reflects all the aspirations and controversies which characterized Hungarian educational and higher educational policy at the end of the 19th century, and the path, punctuated by manifestations of zeal and regression, finally led to the foundation of the third and fourth university in Hungary. The thorough preliminary professionalism pervading the preamble which, despite the disunity of the political spectrum, made a success of the bill can be regarded as exemplary.

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    Libuše Spáčilová germanista-történész, illetve férje a levéltáros-történész Vladimír Spáčil szerkesztésében jelent meg az Olmützi Egyetem Matriculája (Matricula olomoucké univerzity, Matrikula der Olmützer Universität (1636-1637) 1652-1729) két kötetben. Az ismertetőt Bozzay Réka írta.

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    Surányi Béla könyvismertetése Tenk Antal :" Dicső múltunk III. A Magyaróvári Gazdasági Akadémia szerepeMezőgazdaságunk 200 éves fejlődésében  (1818-2018)

  • A Pannoniakutató Járdányi-Paulovics István (1892–1952)
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    István Járdányi-Paulovics (1892–1952), Researcher of Pannonia. István Járdányi-Paulovics’s professional interest first turned to the study of the remains of Egyptian cults in Pannonia. His excavation work began in Intercisa, later he continued this activity in Brigetio and Savaria. In all three cases he produced memorable results despite the fact that subsequent excavations often failed to confirm his assumptions. In the case of Brigetio, he produced publications of enduring merit on the small bronze age and the analysis of the inscriptions of a law tablet. The most vivid interest was generated by the exploration of the excavations in the so-called Quirinus basilica in Savaria, which in the meantime has come to be regarded by more recent research as the palace of the procurator. His definition pertaining to the Capitolean Trias has been equally controversial. Between 1940 and 1952, at the University of Debrecen he invigourated the study of ancient history and of provincial archaeology.

  • Szabó Árpád klasszikus filológus, tudománytörténész életrajzi kronológiája Születése 100. évfordulójának tiszteletére
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    THE BIOGRAPHY OF ÁRPÁD SZABÓ CLASSICAL PHILOLOGIST AND HISTORIAN OF SCIENCE. his collection of data reviews the most signiicant events of the long career of Árpád Szabó (1913–2000), an internationally recognized classical philologist and historian of science. He worked as a university teacher at the University of Debrecen, later moved to Budapest, but due o his role in the 1956 hapennings, he did not get a chance of teaching in Hungary until the 1990s. From the end of the 1950s he was an associate at the Institute of Mathematics of the Hungarian Academy of Science, and during this period, against his political background, he had a compelling scientiic career. he chronology reviews his most important works, his lectures
    abroad and his role in the international scientiic circles.

  • Miskolci Csulyák István peregrinációs albuma
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    A láthatóan megszerkesztett kerek történet voltaképpen azt beszéli el, hogy az ifjú Szenci Molnár a peregrinációs albumába (a latin eredetiben: liber, libellus) valamely nevezetes
    személyiség bejegyzését kéri, és ő annak szívesen tesz eleget

  • Árvay Emléknap 2017. május 26.
    155 - 160
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    Árvay Memorial Day. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the University of Debrecen organised a memorial meeting in honour of its former director, Professor Sándor Árvay, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of his death. The text presents the events of the memorial day (the inauguration of the statue of Professor Árvay, a memorial scientific sitting, a meeting of the retired colleagues), the major events of Professor Árvay’s life and his merits.

  • A Debreceni Stomatologiai Klinika kialakulásának története
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    The foundation history of the Stomatology Clinic in Debrecen. The Hungarian Royal University was opened in the autumn of 1914 and the Medical Faculty was formed in 1918. Already in 1921 the Medical Faculty has applied for the establishment of a Stomatology Clinic from the government, but mainly because of financial reasons the request was turned aside. In the upcoming years the request was repeated several times, without any success. Finally the Medical Faculty has established the Stomatology Polyclinic in the East Wing of the Surgical Clinic, which was opened in 15. February 1935. András Csilléry a dentist of Budapest the former Minister of Public Health and Welfare was called for leader in professional lecturer’s position. In the autumn of 1935 the undergraduate studies begun. In September of 1936 was a new surgery opened to treat the students in the main building of the university. In January of 1937 the school dental care was launched. In the summer of 1940 Csilléry was named university professor and he was elected as head of the Stomatology Clinic, placed in to the East Wing of the Ophthalmic Clinic of the ceremonial event on 30 November 1940.

  • Egy kis egyetemtörténet anekdotákban
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    THE HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSITY IN STORIES. he writing remembers the teachers of the Reformed heological Faculty of the Debrecen University in anecdotes. he work and academic activities of the cited professors are commemorated through interesting stories and funny anecdotes. he author describes these professors amicably and amusingly as nice people who seem sometimes rigorous or eccentric, and who strived to maintain the high quality of academic work.

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    Magyar történészek egy csoportja báró Radvánszky Béla vezetésével 1883-ban hozta létre a Magyar Heraldikai és Genealógiai Társaságot, amely a történelmi segédtudományok (elsősorban családtörténet, címertan, pecséttan) művelőit fogta össze. Folyóiratuk, a Turul évente többször is megjelent. A társaság és annak vezetősége néhány tudományos kutató mellett mecénás főurakból, amatőr családtörténészekből és levéltárosokból állott. A II. világháború után a politikai támadások és az anyagi források miatt ellehetetlenült és 1951 elején megszűnt. A családtörténet és a címertan tiltott tudománnyá vált évtizedekre a kommunista rezsim alatt. A tanulmány a társaság vezetőségét mutatja be napra pontos adatokkal, nagyrészt a folyóiratban közölt közgyűlési jegyzőkönyvek alapján.

  • Tombi Beáta: Tudomány és ismeretterjesztés a XVII-XVIII. századi Itáliában.
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    Hol lehet meghúzni a határvonalat tudományos és ismeretterjesztő irodalom között? Melyek azok a kritériumok, amelyek segítségével elválaszthatók egymástól a tudományos és az ismeretterjesztő szövegek? Ezekre a kérdésekre keresi a választ új könyvében Tombi Beáta, a Pécsi Tudományegyetem Olasz Tanszékének oktatója, a kérdéskör ismert kutatója, melynek ismertetésére Pete László vállalkozik.

  • Coetus Ungaricus – A wittenbergi magyar diáktársaság (1555–1613)
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    Coetus Ungaricus. Hungarian student body in Wittenberg (1555–1613). At the University of – Wittenberg, in 1555, the Hungarian students – with Philipp Melanchthon’s support – founded a student society (in Latin: a coetus) which existed until 1613. Its important documents are the university records, now kept in Halle, and the society’s register-book can be found in Debrecen. The most important documents of the university archive (to be found also in Halle nowadays), due to the stormy historical events only a fragmental one, can be reached today in a printed form. The Hungarian scholars started to deal with the history of the coetus in the first half of the 20th century, but those publications are not accurate enough according to the modern norms. The majority of the students arrived from the rural layers of Hungarian society, from villages or small towns, and this fact can be witnessed in their family names. An element of which was generally the very name of their native settlement. (See: Gáspár Károlyi, who was born in Nagykároly, etc.) In certain periods some young men from the smaller nobility, or even aristocracy appeared in this community. Most of the Hungarians studied in Wittenberg only for one-two years, and couldn’t reach an M.A, degree, but some of them spent a long time abroad, in several countries. After their arrival the served as professors, and later ministers of the Hungarian protestant churches, some of them became superintendents, bishops of our Reformed Church.

  • A Debreceni Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem Archontológiája 1950-1990 XV. (befező rész): Idenenyelvi Lektorátus
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    A Kossuth Lajos Tudományegyetem két kara, a Bölcsészettudományi Kar és a Természettudományi Kar, valamint az ún. központi egységek 1950. január 1. és 1990. december 31. közötti archontológiáját a Rektori
    Hivatal személyi kartotékjai és anyagai, valamint a kevésbé dokumentált ’50-es évek tekintetében kiegészítőleg a Személyzeti Osztály éves kimutatásai alapján készült. Ennek ellenére a rendelkezésünkre álló
    anyag nem lehet teljes és nem lehetséges teljes pontossággal összeállítani az archontológiát. Jelen XV. rész az Idegennyelvi Lektorátus dolgozóinak listáját adja a lektorátus vezetőtől az ügyintézőig.

  • Emlékezés Visky Károlyra (1908-1984), a római jog nemzetközi hírű művelőjére
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    KÁROLY VISKY WAS AN INTERNATIONALLY KNOWN SCHOLAR OF ROMAN LAW. he present paper describes the life and scholarly activities of Dr. Károly Visky, who was a sub auspiciis scholar of law at the Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen. he paper highlights the fact that Visky achieved a highly respectable scholarly career while working as a practising lawyer. He did not hold an academic chair, yet he became an internationally recognized representative of the study of Roman law in Hungary. he paper introduces the main ideas of his most important scholarly writings.

  • A Debreceni Tudományegyetem Orvostudományi Karának tansegédszemélyzete 1919–1950 III. rész: Klinikák 2.
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    The Assista nt Personnel of the School of Medicine, University of Debrecen, 1919–1950. Part 3: The Clinics 2. Indispensable participants of the teaching and therapeutic activities of the School of Medicine were the personnel assisting the work of the professors. The register is designed to serve as an overall recording of the pertinent data of the departmental professors, assistant professors, instructors, interns, and teaching assistants. In this third part, the assistant personnel of the following clinics is registered: Clinic of
    Internal Medicine, Clinic of Surgery, Clinic of Otolaryngology, Polyclinic of Stomatology; and other institutes: University Pharmacy, the X-Ray Institute, the Institute and School of Nursery.

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    A kötet nemcsak hiánypótló, hanem Szögi László életművének összegzése is. Több mint harminc éve kutatja a magyar diákok külföldi tanulmányainak nyomait. A könyvben bemutatott adatok a középkortól 1919-ig mintegy 101 ezer beiratkozó adatait dolgozták fel, és az adattárak és az abból létrejött számítógépes adatbázis egy Európában, de még talán a világon is egyedülálló gyűjtést tartalmaznak, melyek éppen az életpályák iránt érdeklődők számára fognak a jövőben is nagyon hasznos segítséget nyújtani.


  • Bazsa György: Metszetek felsőoktatásunk közelmúltjából: Debrecen, Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, 2014, 134 lap
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    Bazsa György: Metszetek felsőoktatásunk közelmúltjából - recenzió

  • A debreceni KLTE archontológiája II. Matematikai Intézet (1950–1990)
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    ARCHONTOLOGY OF THE KOSSUTH UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN 1950–1990 2. PART. INSTITUTE OF MATHEMATICS. he archontology of the Faculties of the Natural Sciences and the central units of the Kossuth University between January 1, 1950 – December 31 was prepared on the basis of the personal documents of the Human Resources of the Rectorate supplemented by the chronological documents of the Human Resource Department. he existing documents are not complete, therefore the archeontology cannot be drawn up completely. he second part introduces the teaching and administrative staf of the Institute of Mathematics in chronological order including everybody from the head of the institute to the administrator.

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