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  • From a Protestant Law Student a Catholic Professor of Law in Linz (Johann Ferdinand Behamb)

    From a Protestant Law Student a Catholic Professor of Law in Linz (Johann Ferdinand Behamb).  From among the law writers of Hungarian origin in the 17th century, Johann Ferdinand Behamb from Bratislava emerges regarding both his efficiency and his awareness. After his recatholisation he became a law educator in Linz serving the Upper Austrian Orders. The paper tries to reconstruct Behamb’s education and teaching activity, also paying attention to a special type of school of higher education (Landschaftschule).


  • Egyetemjáró zalai nemesek és a reformáció kezdetei a 16. századi Zalában

    Academical Noble Students from Zala County and the Beginning of the Reformation in Zala County in the 16th Century. The appearance and spread of the Reformation in Zala county in the 16th century has been hardly examined so far. It can be explained both by the low number of the sources and their low exploration. The new researches in connection with the 500th anniversary of the appearance of the Reformation have revealed several new, unexplored primary sources unknown up to the present and the publications on the Hungarian academica peregrinatio uncovered the academical home students of the mainly German, Protestant universities. Furthermore, the charters of the Zalavár and Kapornak convents as places of authentication (locus credibilis) and the notes of the minutes of the general meetings of Zala county can also be involved in the research. These diverse sources complete the well-known data of the Bánffy diary, the Canonica Visitatio of the Veszprém bishopric in 1554 and the personal letters of Tamás Nádasdy. However, it has to be mentioned that these sources contain only few direct details referring to the Reformation. Meanwhile, the noblemen residing in Zala county or having connection with it (Alsólendvai Bánffy, Nádasdy, Zrínyi) and their familiaris (Csányi, Háshágyi, Terjék, Zele, Kávásy and other families), who were devoted to the new religion or sympathized with it, and among them the students of Wittenberg, appear in several charters or minutes which demonstrate the obvious appearance, spread and social background of the Reformation in Zala county.


    The Repertorium Academicum Germanicum (RAG) is a long-term digital project that has been researching the students and scholars of the Holy Roman Empire (HRE) between 1250 and 1550. In 2020, the RAG was integrated into the larger project Repertorium Academicum (REPAC), which now also includes the Repertorium Academicum Helveticum (RAH) and the Repertorium Bernense (RB). The three sub-projects analyse different European regions: the HRE in the RAG, the Swiss Confederation in the RAH and the territory of the city of Bern in the RB. REPAC is based at the Historical Institute of the University of Bern. The common goal of the projects is to create prosopographical foundations for the history of the impact of scholars and their knowledge in order to clarify the origins and developments of the modern knowledge society.

    Methodologically, the projects combine approaches from social, university and knowledge history with digital prosopography. At the centre is a research database in which the biographical events of students and scholars are recorded. This data is localised geographically and temporally to enable dynamic visualisations on maps, in networks and time series. The analyses focus on the geographical and social mobility of individuals and on the dissemination and application of academic knowledge by individuals and institutions such as universities, schools, churches, monasteries, ecclesiastical and secular courts and tribunals. In addition, this digital methodology enables together with the tools for data visualisation the reconstruction of specific knowledge spaces analysing their determining factors.

    This article explains this methodologies using the Hungarian scholars documented in the RAG. This group is a vivid example of the study of academic knowledge circulation and spaces in European networks, with the University of Vienna playing a central role as a mediator of knowledge. The Hungarian scholars demonstrate fundamental research perspectives that are particularly relevant for collaborative approaches: Since biographical data collection requires in-depth knowledge of the historical background of the respective region, an in-depth study of the Hungarian scholars in the RAG would be particularly insightful if their biographies could be digitally supplemented with information from regional or local libraries and archives.


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