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    The world-famous theologian professor spent a significant part of his life in Debrecen. Between 1928 and 1932, he studied at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Debrecen, where he graduated, and in 1942 he received his doctorate in theology. At the end of 1945, he was appointed public extraordinary professor at the same faculty, and in the summer of 1949, he was appointed public ordinary professor. In the academic year 1949/50, as Dean of the Faculty of Theology, he was responsible for the establishment of the organizational structure of the Debrecen Theological Academy of the Tiszántúli Church District, which had been separated from the university by government action and had become an independent institution. In 1966, the church leadership transferred Pákozdy and his department from Debrecen to the Reformed Theological Academy in Budapest, where he taught future pastors for about two decades. Professor Pákozdy, a religious historian, has been awarded honorary doctorates by two foreign universities for his scholarly research on the Old Testament and the Dead Sea Scrolls, and for his translation of the Bible into Hungarian. In the twilight of his life, obtaining the Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences degree was made possible.


    Károly Erdős (1887-1971) began his teaching and research career as a teacher of church history at the Reformed College in Debrecen. After the Faculty of Reformed Theology became part of the university, which began to function in 1914, Erdős became a teacher and later director of the Institute for the Training of Ministers of the Reformed Church. In 1929 he was appointed professor in the New Testament Department of the Tisza István University. As an university professor and pastor, he rendered great service to the city and the Church, both as a teacher and as a scholar. After 1949 he became a professor at the Reformed Theological Academy in Debrecen.

  • Laudation of Carl Irlet, the Organizer of the Child relief Action in Switzerland, at the University of Debrecen

    The Laudation of Carl Irlet, the Organizer of the Child Relief Action in Switzerland, at the University of Debrecen. The University of Debrecen awarded in 1925 two protestants organizers of the
    child relief project with the title of doctor honoris causa: the Swiss clergyman Carl Irlet and the Dutch baron Willem Carel Adrien van Vredenburch. Zsigmond Varga, professor of theology in Debrecen, wrote in his
    laudation, how important was the role of Irlet in organisation and coordination of the child relief action, and how important was the role of the children to create a positive image of Hungary because of political
    and economic reasons. The document of award was signed by Miklós Horthy, Regent of Hungary and Kunó Klebelsberg, Minister of Education and Religion.

  • Teológushallgatók doktorálása pedagógiából a debreceni egyetemen 1949-ig

    THE DOCTORAL STUDIES OF THEOLOGY STUDENTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN UNTIL 1949. Based on the minutes of the doctoral culminative exams at the Faculty of Arts of the University of Debrecen before 1949, the essay comes to the conclusion that numerous doctoral students in the Faculty of Arts between 1917–1949 completed their studies as students of the Faculty of heology. It has been proven that it is not only a unique practice in Debrecen, but it is a continuation of an established practice in Kolozsvár. he author decsribes the practice in Kolozsvár and how it was adapted at the University of Debrecen. Based on some memoirs, the author shows that numerous signiicant representatives of Pedagogy started their careers as students of Theology.

  • Simai Erdős József, a negyedik rektor

    József Simai Erdős, the Fourth Rector. The fourth rector of the University of Debrecen was József Erdős, who was born in Szatmárnémeti and who pursued his studies in Debrecen and Vienna. For a short time after 1888 he served as minister at the Theological Academy of Debrecen’s Protestant College, then, from 1914, at the Faculty of Theology of the newly-established university he was professor of New Testament exegesis. When, as dictated by the principle of rotation, it was again the Faculty of Theology’s turn to delegate a new Rector, in the academic year of 1917/18 he became the fourth Rector of the University. In 1908 be received a title of Hungarian nobility, and in 1946 the silver-headed scholar was awarded the title of Doctor honoris causa. He carried on extensive work in the history of religion (The General Outlines of the Life and Reformist Activity of Ulrick Zwingli; Theology at the University; The Basic Principles of the Statecraft of Apostle Paul, etc.). He translated and published the Catechism of Heidelberg and the Second Helvetian Creed.

  • Debreceni Református Kollégium teológiai oktatásának története 1850–1912. A Teológiai Akadémia a Kollégium oktatási rendszerében

    The History of Theological Education at Debrecen Reformed College between 1850 and 1912. The changes in the educational system of Theology at Reformed College of Debrecen were heavily influenced by the political-social events of historic Hungary between 1850 and 1912. The first date signals the introduction of arbitrary rule of the Habsburg monarch who suppressed the Hungarians during the War of Independence in 1848-49. The closing date is the emergence of a new state run university in Debrecen. The study throws light on how the Organisations Entwurf tried to modernize as well as Germanize the education system in the Habsburg Empire. As a result, the traditional education structure at the College was entirely restructured. It brought about the disintegration of humanity and art faculty into a grammar school thereby only the law and theological faculties were left intact for a while. The Reformed Church District strongly protested against the dismantling its more than 300 years old education system.  It is the irony of history what the oppressing Austrian could not achieve, it was realized after the Compromise by József Eötvös, the Hungarian minister of culture, religion and education. Needless to say that education at all levels needed to be modernized and standardized. It is clear that it had a positive impact on the curricula of Reformed theological education in the long run. The paper introduces briefly the life of theological professors, their career with a view to their studies abroad and finally their works at various departments of theology. 

  • Studies of the History of Theology and the Education of Reformate Minister between 1850-2000. Editors: Levente Béla Baráth and Károly Fekete

    The book is the 4th volume of the serie of the History of the Teological Education in Debrecen

  • Kálmán Kállay, Professor of Theology the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1941/42.

    Kálmán Kállay was born in in Bratislava. After finishing his theology studies, he worked as a religion teacher afterwards as a reformist priest in Romania. After the first world war, he organized holidays of the Hungarian children in Netherlands. At the University of Debrecen, he worked as the professor of the Old Testament reading and related studies from 1928 until his death. Within this time period, he was the Dean of the Faculty three times, and the Rector in 1941–42. He published numerous essays and books in relation of the Old Testament.


  • Pokoly József

    JÓZSEF POKOLY REKTOR. After inishing theology studies, he was the tutor of Count Lajos Tisza (son of Prime Minister Kálmán Tisza) in Geszten, then he was a Reformist priest for a year. He was the teacher of church history at the Reformist heology Academy in Kolozsvár from 1895, and at the heology Academy of the Debrecen Reformist College from 1912. At the University of Debrecen, established in 1914, he became the professor of ancient history at the Faculty of Arts from 1918 on. Between 1922 and 1930, until his retirement, he was the teacher of church history at the Faculty of Reformist heology. During the academic year of 1920–21 he was the Rector of the University. Until his retirement, he was the President of the István Tisza Scientiic Society and he also worked as a senate member of the University. His worked centered around Reformist church history and the history of Hungarian Protestantism in 16–17th centuries.

  • Sass Béla élete és munkássága

    BÉLA SASS REKTOR. His father was a Reformist priest in Albis, Bihar County and the padre of General József Nagysándor in 1848–49. After inishing his theology studies, he worked as a religion teacher at the Debrecen Grammar school for a short period of time. From 1890, he was a teacher of Old Testament readings at the heology Academy of the Debrecen Reformist College. Between 1895–98 he was the Director of the Academy. At the recently established University of Debrecen he worked as the professor of Old Testament readings and related studies from 1914 until his death. Within this time period, he was the Dean of the Faculty of Reformist heology in 1915–16 and in 1926–27, and the Rector in 1921–22. He published numerous essays in relation to the Old Testament and to the history of the Reformist church and wrote philosophy books, as well.

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