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  • Az egyetemi és akadémiai ifjúság politikai szerepvállalása 1830–1880 között
    59 - 77
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    The Political Involvement of the University- and Academic Youth between 1830 and 1880. The institutional network of the higher education in Hungary was very diverse on the turn of the 18th and 19th century and in the first part of the 19th century. In the multi-national and multi-confessional country, 88 institutions provided higher than medium level education. Most of these institutions were related to the historical denomination but besides them several state higher educational institutions existed. We reported about the student movements of these schools in this paper. In the first part of the 19th century the Holy Alliance’s system prohibited the foundation of student movements, although, in most of the institutions, reading circles and literature student associations were formed in which the leaders of the future national movements played an important role. The period of the revolution and the fight for freedom of 1848–1849 was significant regarding the student movements as well, because at most universities the studentry listed their requests aiming not only the reform of student life but the social changes as well. After the defeat of the freedom fight it was not possible to form student associations for ten years. But from the 1860s the battle for the national language of higher education marked the Hungarian youth movements. After the Austro- Hungarian Compromise, the studentry’s activity decreased, although they spoke in some political questions. For example, in 1867–1877, during the time of the Russian-Turkish war, the students in Pest and Cluj- Napoca stood against the Russians and not the Turks. This action produced that the university youth got back 36 valuable medieval codices from the Turks which were stolen in 1526 from the Royal Library in Buda.

  • A debreceni tudományegyetem diáksegély­pénztárának (Bursa Academica) alapszabályai
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    Articles of the Student Relief Fund (Bursa Academica) of the University of Debrecen. Bursa Academica, the student welfare fund of the University of Debrecen was one of those student welfare institutions between the two world wars whose existence and operation were unknown even to those members of the general public who show interest in the history of the university. In publishing the full text of the articles of association and by prefixing an introductory essay before it, the author’s objective is to adequately clarify the essence and importance of the institution’s operation. Both in terms of its noble objectives and its activities maintained, the Bursa Academica deserves to be remembered, for it played, together with other similar institutions, an outstanding role in student life.

  • Prof. Endes Pongrác élete és munkássága visszaemlékezés születésének 110. és halálának 25 éves évfordulójára
    145 - 172
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    The Life and Scientific Career of Prof. Endes Pongrác: In Memoriam of His 110Th Birthday, and the 25Th Anniversary of His Death. The study reminisces on the life and work of Prof. Pongrác Endes, through the account of the author who was a colleague and student of Endes. Professor Endes had been a dominant figure of the field of pathology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Debrecen for a number of years. He became a legend even before his death, and a number of anecdotes circulated about his expertise. The study is based on the presentation of the author, adjured by the Hungarian Society for the History of Medicine, and the Professor’s Club of the University of Debrecen, to celebrate the dual anniversary of Professor Endes. The presentation includes bibliographical details, in addition to interesting scientific and educational information. The tone of the study clearly indicated that the Master and student relationship between Professor Endes and the author turned into a friendship over the years.

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    A magyar diákok 20. századi hollandiai egyetemjárásának történetében fontos szerepet játszott az 1761-ben alapított utrechti Stipendium Bernardinum. Számos magyar teológus nyerte el az ösztöndíj támogatását. Forró Imre a debreceni teológiai tanulmányai végeztével nyert felvételt Utrechtbe, ahol három évet töltött el, majd kutatása folytatására még egy évet pályázott és nyert el az ösztöndíjbizottságtól. Jelen tanulmány Forró diákéveinek több aspektusát vizsgálja: a tanulmányait, a korabeli diákéletet és az 1930-as években megkezdett kutatómunkát, a franekeri magyar peregrináció történetének feldolgozását. Minden élettörténet egyedi, mégis a külföldön tanulók tanulmányai és hétköznapjai számos hasonlóságot mutat egymással.

  • Darkó Jenő bizantológus professzor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1928/29. tanévi rector magnificusa
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    Jenő Darkó, Professor of Bizantinology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1930/31. Jenő Darkó (1880–1940), Professor of Byzantinology and the member of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Sciences was the Rector of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen in the 1928–1929 academic year. Being an appointed Professor of the Theological Academy of Debrecen he was proposed a full professorship at the newly found University of Debrecen in 1912 since the Theological academy was the forrunner of the Universtiy of Debrecen. Between 1918–1919 he was an appointed Dean of the School of Arts . After finishing his time in office, he was offered the opportunity to fulfilling repeatedly this position in 1938–1939.) Under his rectorship, the university witnessed unprecedented development in professional life and infrastructure. Within this framework new departments were established (botany, zoology, mineral and earth sciences, mathematics), the university library experinced significant advancement and additionally Professor Darkó organized courses to disseminate results in arts and sciences. The professors of the university were regularly invited to international conferences and the younger faculty members were gained international scholarships. The construction of the observatory together with the main building was underway, as well as the realization of the elegant on-campus professors' villas were agreed upon. The socially sensitive rector  encouraged the establishment of student housing, and student support program to enable students in need. He was especially keen ont he idea to engage young people from Transilvania soon after World War I. Furthermore he succeeded in managing the extreme anti-Semitic manifestations of certain student groups in autumn 1928.

  • Az egyetemi élet átolitizálódásának megnyilvánulása 1939-ben Debrecenben – hallgatói feljelentés Tankó Béla ellen és Hóman Bálint levele
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    The Appearance of the Politicization of the University Life in Debrecen in 1939. A student’s Accusation against Béla Tankó and Bálint Hóman’s response. A very special source of the history of the Hungarian higher education and of the history of the University of Debrecen that accusation which was made in the autumn of 1939 by a student. This short and nameless letter was an accusation against professor Béla Tankó who had taken a note about the German origin of Bálint Hóman who was the Secretary of Religion and Public Education at that time. One of the students who was the member of the Árpád Comradeship Association wrote a short and modest letter to Hóman about it. This was a clear sign of the radicalization and the politicization of the whole society and of the life in the Hungarian universities. Also had been found the response of Bálint Hóman who sent back this accusation to Béla Tankó with a short letter in which he interpreted this as a wrong deliver. This unpleasant case had been solved by Hóman this way, but the radicalization of the students of the universities and the devaluation of the Hungarian political culture continued.

  • Bacsó Jenő, a polgári perjog tanára, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1938/39. évi rector magnificusa
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    Bacsó Jenő a debreceni jogászképzés és egyetemi élet emblematikus alakjának számított. Életútját végignézve nem véletlenül fogalmazott úgy a Debreceni Képes Kalendárium szerkesztője, hogy az 1938/39-es nevezetes
    tanévre akkor is Bacsó Jenőt kellett volna rektorrá választani, ha más következett volna, hiszen ő volt az, aki összekapcsolta a várost, a kollégiumot és az egyetemet. Szentpéteri Kun Béla mellett ő volt a másik
    olyan professzor a karon, aki az egyetem és a kar megalakulásától (1914) a jogászképzés felfüggesztéséig (1949) végig oktatott és az egyetemi közéletben is aktívan tevékenykedett. Számos feladattal bízták meg az
    állományban eltöltött 33 és a két további, immár nyugdíjasként végigoktatott év alatt: a kar felvételi, tandíjkedvezményi (tandíjmentességi) és dékáni hivatalt átadó-átvevő bizottságainak egyik meghatározó alakja
    volt; részt vett a Mensa Academica, az egyetemi területrendező bizottságban, valamint rektorként a diákzavargások idején kiküldött vizsgálóbizottságokban. Az Országos Felsőoktatási Tanácsnak ő volt az
    egyik debreceni tagja. Három jogi kari dékánsága 1922/23-ra, 1934/35-re és 1946/47-re esett.

  • Debrecen szülötte, egyetemünk diákja és tanára, a 20. század kiemelkedő geológusa
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    Native of Debrecen, Student and Professor of our University, Significant Geologist of the 20th Century: Dr. Vilma Fux Székyné (1916–2006). Dr. Vilma Széky-Fux, an exceptional scientist of the 20th century, geologist and professor with Széchenyi Prize was born in Debrecen 100 years ago and passed away in Budapest 10 years ago. She carried out successful education and research at two universities contributing to geology and expert training with useful inventions and valuable works at a time of war and regime
    changes. She was member of numerous national and several international scientific boards and her results were recognised abroad as well. She worked hard in aspiring student research and refereeing the results of colleagues working for scientific degrees. Her activity as an organizer, presenter and leader in the Hungarian Geological Society was outstanding. Her work was always highly respected as reflected by her prizes. The life and works of Professor Széky-Fux should stand as an example for all of us.

  • Varga Zsigmond teológia professzor, a Debreceni m. kir. Tisza István-Tudományegyetem 1932/33. évi Rector Magnificusa
    3 - 22
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    Zsigmond Varga, Professor of the History of Religion, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the academic year 1933/1934. Several memorable events took place at the university during his time in office. The historical background of this was the fact that the political and social tensions caused by restrictive measures taken by the Hungarian government to fight the consequences of the Great Depression reached their peak in that academic year. There were several events that made the extraordinary actions of rector Zsigmond Varga necessary: the public debate on the policy of education aiming at the restructuring of the higher education threatened the university with loosing one of its four faculties and the ongoing student revolts hindered the teaching and research activities for months. In addition to Varga’s activity in the University administration, this study describes his work as an academic and as a scholar, and addresses his public activities outside of the university, too. It also offers a glimpse into his family life at a certain point of time. Referring to a memorial booklet written by Varga, his son, Zsigmond Varga jr., the young Reformed minister and promising biblical scholar is also remembered in this study. Varga jr. was a student of the University of Vienna, he was nprisoned by the Gestapo and he died a martyr’s death in the concentration camp of Mauthausen-Gusen.

    Megtekintések száma:

    A hallgatói szervezetek, klubok és szövetségek mindig sajátos és gyakran meghatározó színfoltjai az egyetemeknek itthon és külföldön is. Ezek célja és esetenként feladata is, hogy kiegészítsék a reguláris oktatás által le nem fedett és/vagy ortodox módon le nem fedhető  hallgatói igényeket és szakmai aktivitási területeket. A hazai felsőoktatás és különösen az orvosképzés struktúrája a szakmai előadások, szemináriumok, gyakorlatok szigorúan szabályozott keretei között szerveződik, ami sokak véleménye szerint nem ad kellő teret a dinamikusan változó hallgatói igények, ezzel a legújabb szakmai trendek és technológiák, társadalmi kérdések maradéktalan kielégítésére. Továbbá a feszített tanrend talaján, idő hiányában sokszor nincs lehetőség a gyorsan változó világunk kihívásaira való azonnali reflexióra, azok megélésére, feldolgozására. Ezen nyilvánvaló feszültség feloldását, valamint a hallgatói és oktatói igények kielégítését szolgálják a Tudományos Diákkör és különböző hallgatói kezdeményezésű szervezetek. Ezek közül emelkedik ki nézetünk szerint a Sántha Kálmán Szakkollégium, ami 35 éve létezik változó, főnix módjára meg-megújuló formában a Debreceni Egyetemen illetve jogelődjein. Ebben a visszaemlékezésben a medikus hallgatókat tömörítő Sántha Kálmán Szakkollégium kialakulásának és működésének történetét kíséreljük meg összefoglalni, saját tapasztalataink, archivált dokumentumok, valamit korábbi és jelenlegi tagok részletes beszámolói alapján.


  • Benedek László ideggyógyász-professzor, a debreceni m. kir. Tisza István-Tudományegyetem 1935–36. tanévi rector magnificusa
    3 - 10
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    László Benedek Professor of the Neurology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the academic year 1935/1936. The first professor of neurology and psychiatry and the director of the Department of Neurology of the University of Debrecen between 1921 and 1936 was László Benedek who studied at Cluj as a student of Károly Lechner. In the academic year of 1935/36 he held the post of the Rector of the university. This period was the era of silent development in the life of the university. Benedek as Rector focused on improving the living circumstances of the students. After his rectorate he was appointed to a professorship of the Péter Pázmány University of Arts and Sciences and the director of the Clinic of Neurology and Psychiatry in Budapest. His wife was the wellknown actress Irén Zilahy. After her tragic death in April 1944 Benedek collapsed and in March 1945 he committed suicide in Kitzbühel in Austria. László Benedek was a brilliant lecturer, an urging leader, and an inventive professor of science whose work in several partial branches of science was outstanding.

  • Szarvas Pál kémia professzor élete és munkássága
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    The Life and Work of Pál Szarvas, Professor of Chemistry. At the University of Debrecen, the Faculty of Science was founded in 1949. The management boards of the new Faculty and of the University spared no effort to bring prominent scientists as leading members of the newly organized science departments. In this manner, Pál Szarvas was also invited in 1951 to come to Debrecen to be the Head of the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry. His first task here was to organize the furnishing and equipment of the student and research laboratories, to initiate classroom teaching and research work despite the rather unfavourable financial conditions. From 1952 on the number of staff members began to increase and from the mid-1960s the level of the laboratory equipment was also improving. Research work was launched in the field of analytical chemistry, where various methods were developed for the determination of some rare metals in the presence of larger amounts of other elements. From the end of the 1960s the main research field of the Department was solution chemistry, the equilibrium and kinetic studies on the formation of complexes of transition metals and lanthanides with organic ligands. Another developing field was the synthesis and study of new boron-organic compounds. The focus of research in analytical chemistry shifted to the use of emission spectrography and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Professor Szarvas was also involved in the leadership of the Faculty and of the University. He was Dean of the Faculty (1954–58) and the Rector of the University (1963–66). His activity was highly important in the preparation of the construction of the chemistry building. Professor Szarvas, who retired in 1975, played a significant role in the organization of the teaching and research work of the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, which has exerted an important impact on the current existence and successes of the Department.

  • Kitaibel Pálnak, a királyi magyar tudományegyetem professzorának tanulmányai
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    The Studies of Pál Kitaibel, Professor of the Hungarian Royal University. During the Age of Enlightenment the field of natural sciences went through fundamental changes that are present until this day. One of the most famous natural philosophers of the age in Europe was Hungarian Pál Kitaibel, who created the still valid basis for the description of the flora, natural geography and landscape research of the Carpathian Basin. Little is known about his student years at the Royal Academy of Győr (1777–78) and at the
    Medical Faculty of the Royal Hungarian Science University (1780–84), which provided him with a wide range of knowledge in natural sciences. With the help of historical documents pertaining to the age this study investigates the approximately ten years of Kitaibel’s life from a culture-historical and pedagogical point of view in connection with the evolving Hungarian natural scientific thinking.

  • Magyar peregrinusok kölcsönügylete Erlangenben
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    The Loan Transaction of Peregrine Students in Erlangen. The sources—four brief documents—made public here offer an insight into student life at the end of the 18th century: the high fees of tuition, especially the cost of their studies abroad, significantly impacted not only on the cost of education but on the subsequent lives of the students as well. The ”peregrine students” were obliged to take loans, the burdens of which they had to carry for long years. Two of the documents here presented pertain to two peregrinators who completed their studies at the College of Debrecen but had earlier concluded a loan agreement in Erlangen, Germany. In the Archives of the Debrecen Protestant College we can read the texts of the original contracts, as well as the written documents submitted to the home church authorities in the matter of the reclamation of the loaned sum.

  • Én is voltam egykor joghallgató – Egy jogászélet főbb állomásai
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    I ALSO USED TO BE A STUDENT OF LAW: STAGES IN A JUROR’S LIFE. An authentic record, never before published, of the reminiscences of 92-year-old Loránd Boleratsky, a one-time scholar of evangelical church law and the last surviving privat-docent from the decades before 1950, pertaining to the cultural climate involving the academy of law in Miskolc and the relations surrounding the school of law in Debrecen. His reminiscences also include an account of his studies in Berlin and Helsinki, as well as his short-lived teaching career at the law academy in Miskolc. hrough a description of his increasingly more diicult fate in the 1950s we can gain an insight into the hostile relationship between the state and the church, the attacks of the atheist communist regime upon the churches, about the tragic fates of bishops József Mindszenthy, Lajos Ordas, and Zoltán Turóczy, all of them friends and colleagues of Loránd Boleratzky, one of the initiators and accomplishers of their rehabilitation.

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