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  • Újabb magyarországi jogtanuló a 16. századi strasbourgi Academián (Kiegészítés az eddigi peregrinusnévsorhoz)
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    Yet Another Law Student from Hungary at the Strasbourg Academy (an Additon to the hitherto known list of Peregrine students). In the second part of the 16th century the municipal school of the Alsatian metropolis Strasbourg, was one of the popular destinations among wanderer, peregrine students from Hungary. In this school – beyond the liberal arts (artes liberales) – students could attend lectures on theology, medicine and law. Since the contemporaneous parish register of the school was lost it is hitherto unclear how many Hungarian students studied here until the foundation of the university in 1621. From the study offered here one can obtain information pertaining to a young student who has not been counted as a student in Strasbourg so far and who was originally from the Sips (Zips) region, and studied law on the evidence of two, hitherto unknown disputes of his. The paper is completed by an attempt to reconstruct earlier student lists: according to our knowledge it can be attested that Hungarian and Transylvanian students did actually study in Straßsbourg from the middle of the 16th century till 1621.

  • Emlékbeszéd március 15-én
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    Official Speech, March 15, 2010. The festive speech, of which a footnoted-extended version can be read here, attempted to highlight how the previous five generations of the students of higher education in Debrecen had participated in the celebration of the bourgeois revolution of 1848. It was also important to underscore in this speech that for about a hundred years the student body of the College, then of the University, of Debrecen celebrated together with, indeed at the forefront of, the population of the city while for the past few decades the rituals of the local celebrations have diverged.

  • Hungarológiai munkácska államtudományi hangsúlyokkal a 17. század első feléből
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    A little work of Hungarology with jurisprudential acc ents from the first half of the 17th century. Wilhelm Artner was the second person from Sopron, who became a jurist doctor in the Early Modern Age and applied his professional knowledge for the benefit of his city and Lutheran church. The present paper gives an outlook of his studies in Tubingen by introducing one of his works created there in detail. First, a draft is presented of the education and professors in the Law Faculty of Tubingen in the first third of the 17th century. Second, the circumstances of the creation and content of the disputation titled „De Regno Hungariae ejusque jure” – which was created with the co-operation of Professor Christoph Besold and Artner – is emphasized. The paper tries to eliminate the  erroneous and stereotypical evaluations that have been linked with it throughout the past centuries and now the disputation is viewed as one of the first works of Hungarology.

  • A nagyszebeni jogakadémia hallgatóinak kérelme az oktatás megreformálása tárgyában 1848 májusából
    117 - 126
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    The Request for Educational Reform of the Students of the School of Law in Nagyszeben of May 1848. In spring 1848 amidst the zeal of the revolution started in almost all of the higher educational institutions in Hungary and Transylvania student movements to reform education in the institutions. In May 1848 the students of the Law School of the Saxons in Transylvania at Nagyszeben also submitted an application through the institution’s Senate to the sustaining Lutheran Church including – among others – the following issues: guaranteeing the freedom to education and teaching, reforming the study and exam system, significantly developing the substance of the library, getting the right to meet and vote for the students’ representatives during procedures against students; reviewing the academy’s disciplinary regulation. The following source-presentation – besides the Hungarian translation of the request – explains the circumstances of origin and the afterlife of the application.

  • Az 1912. évi XXXVI. törvénycikk „A Debreczeni és a Pozsonyi Magyar Királyi Tudomány Egyetem felállításáról” szövege és miniszteri indokolása
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    The Text and Ministerial Preamble of Article XXXIV of 1912 ”About the Foundation of Hungarian Royal Universities in Debreczen and Pozsony”. The objective of this source publication is nothing else but the bill and its preamble, through which in 1912 the universities of Debrecen and of Pozsony, respectively, came to be established. The preamble signed by Minister of Religion and Public Education János Zichy well reflects all the aspirations and controversies which characterized Hungarian educational and higher educational policy at the end of the 19th century, and the path, punctuated by manifestations of zeal and regression, finally led to the foundation of the third and fourth university in Hungary. The thorough preliminary professionalism pervading the preamble which, despite the disunity of the political spectrum, made a success of the bill can be regarded as exemplary.

  • Magyarországi diákok egyetemjárása az úkorban 1–22.: (Könyvbemutató és recenzió)
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    THE UNIVERSITY ATTENDANCE OF STUDENTS FROM HUNGARY IN THE MODERN AGE, 1–22 (BOOK PRESENTATION AND REVIEW). In this generically peculiar sort of writing, which is ACTUALLY a book review that grew out of the observations at an actual book presentation, is the introduction of an enterprise which is unique even by European standards. It is a series of books that has been in the making for twenty years under the leadership of Professor László Szögi. he primary objective of the project is to inventorize all those students in Hungary who – between the beginning of the 16th century and the beginning of the 20th century – pursued advanced studies abroad at some European university. he overview evaluates the unique volume of the enterprise, appreciates, without attempting to be complete, its most spectacular merits, outlines the possibilities of the utilization of the amassed data, and highlights, through personal experience, why this unique low of books is so signiicant to the scholars of several areas of knowledge.

  • Kísérlet a jogösszehasonlítás mint diszciplína bevezetésére a debreceni egyetemen (1927)
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    An Attempt to Introduce Comparative Law as a Self-Contaiained Discipliline at the University of Debrecen (1927) At the beginning of 1927, Géza Marton, professor of law in Debrecen, prepared a position paper with regard to the chances of introducing comparative law as a separate subject at the school of law. Commenting on this event, the present study—which thematically pertains to the history of the old law school—offers data concerning the history of comparative law, with proper priority given to disciplinary and educational ramifications of this area of study formerly both parly boosted, partly neglected int he history of Hungarian learning. Prior to the publication of and the comments on Professor Marton’s original text, the study reiterates some memorable facts and aspects of Hungarian scholarly and educational history, interlarding these with some less well-known data and points of interest.

  • Bernolák Nándor (1880–1951), a Debreceni M. Kir. Tudományegyetem második rektora
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    Nándor Bernolák (1880–1951), the Second Rector of the Hungarian Royal University of Arts and Sciences in Debrecen. As second rector of the Hungarian Royal University of Arts and Sciences, Debrecen, which was launched in 1914, Nándor Bernolák played an important role in shaping the events of the first years. He was a nationally recognized theoretical criminal jurist when he was invited to chair the department of penal law in Debrecen. In addition to an outline of his brief, seven-year, university career, a discussion of his previous professional activities is offered, and the events of his life pertaining both to the early history of the university and to his subsequent political and legal career are highlighted. Professor Bernolák’s reformist initiatives pertaining to criminal law as well as his attempts aimed at the renewal of law training are likewise reviewed. In summary it is stated that Nándor Bernolák excelled both as a criminal jurist and as a university manager. As regards his political career, it turned out to be rather brief and controversial. In view of the fact that he turned his back to his university commitments, we are obliged to consider him as one of those university professors who was lost for Hungarian higher education when they assumed political commitments.

  • A Debreceni Egyetem Állam- és Jogtudományi Kar 100 éve 1914 – 2014 című kiállítás megnyitása
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    THE OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION „100 YEARS OF FACULTY OF LAW OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN”. In the fall of 2014 the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen celebrated the 100th anniversary of beginning of university training. Just as the Faculty of Arts, the Faculty of Law commemorated the anniversary with an exhibition. he published speech was presented at the opening of the exhibition organized in the the Library of Social sciences. It relects on the importance of keeping traditions and on the reassuring thoughts addressed to the teachers and students of the Faculty.

  • Folyóiratunk elé
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    Folyóiratunk elé

  • Pozsonyi protestáns joghallgatóból katolikus jogászprofesszor Linzben: Johann Ferdinand Behamb
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    Pozsonyi protestáns joghallgatóból katolikus jogászprofesszor Linzben (Johann Ferdinand Behamb). A 17. század magyarországi származású jogi írói közül mind termékenységével, mind ismertségével kiemelkedik a pozsonyi származású Johann Ferdinand Behamb, aki rekatolizálása után Linzben lett jogtanár a felső-ausztriai rendek szolgálatában. A tanulmány megkísérli rekonstruálni Behamb tanulmányait és tanári tevékenységét, felhívva a figyelmet egy sajátos korabeli felsőfokú iskolatípusra (Landschaftschule) is.


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    Bozzay Réka könyve az intézményközi kapcsolatok történetét dolgozza fel Debrecen és Hollandia viszonylatában. A könyvet P.Szabó Béla ismerteti.

  • Quellen zur frühneuzeitliche Universitätsgeschichte: Typen, Bestände, Forschungsperspektiven
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    Quellen zur frühneuzeitliche Universitätsgeschichte: Typen, Bestände, Forschungsperspektiven - recenzió

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    A 19. században és a 20. század elején a magyarországi és erdélyi jogakadémiák fontos szerepet töltöttek be a soknemzetiségű Kárpát-medence értelmiségének képzésében, különösen a hivatalnokképzésben. Ezen intézmények között talán a legkülönösebb sorsú a nagyszebeni jogakadémia volt. Az alábbi adattár – tudomásunk szerint – az első kísérlet arra, hogy rekonstruáljuk a nagyszebeni jogakadémia tanári karának összetételét az intézmény fennállásának valamivel több, mint négy évtizede alatt. Az összeállítás a rendelkezésre álló nyomtatott és levéltári forrásokon alapul.


  • Miniszteri előterjesztés a Nagyszebeni Királyi Jogakadémia megszüntetése tárgyában I. Ferenc József előtt és annak parlamenti előzményei
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    Ministerial Proposal in the Matter of the Dissolution of the Royal Legal Academy of Law in Nagyszeben Before (I) Franz Josef and its Parliamentary Antecedents. The publication of the source material—an archival file from the Haus-, Hof- and Staatsarchive in Vienna—makes available for those interested hitherto unknown material. The Academy of Law in Nagyszeben, which was established in 1844 and which was first maintained by the Transylvanian Saxon Universitas, then, in the age of neoabsolutism, by the Austrian state, was subordinated after 1867 to the Hungarian Ministry of Culture, and was recognized as one of the most well-equipped legal schools of the age. The central unit of the source document contains the German text of the proposal, in which Minister of Religion and Education Ágoston Trefort (between 1872 and 1888) appealed, in November 1883, to Franz Josef I to accept in supreme resolution the idea of the possible discontinuance of the educational institution in Nagyszeben. What makes the
    document unique is the fact that the relevant materials of the Ministry of Religion and Education relating to universities and colleges in the period after the Compromise and before 1916 were destroyed, thus the document in question may be the only extant copy of the proposal. Trefort’s proposal is complemented and commented upon by the parliamentary speeches which, between 1870 and 1884, either called in doubt or, contrariwise, underscored the necessity for existence of the Academy of Law in Nagyszeben. For want of other sources, the records of these speeches highlight those incentives which in a certain sense were contributory to forcing Trefort to back down and to ”sacrifice” the institution of Nagyszeben. These parliamentory documents are also made available in the present study.

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    A 18. század második felében Pest városában egy sajátos oktatási intézmény működött: a város egy jogi szakiskolát működtett 15 éven át, ahol elsorban római jogot és kánonjogot oktatott a város alkalmazásában álló professzor. A tanulmány az iskola történetét dolgozza fel külön figyelmet fordítva az intézmény egyetlen professzorának, a karintiai származású Paulus Lucas Pergholdnak életére, oktatási tevékenységére és tudományos munkásságára.

  • Haendel Vilmos jogászprofesszor, a Debreceni M. Kir. Tisza István-Tudományegyetem 1942/43. tanévi rector magnificusa
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    Haendel Vilmos 14 éven át a Debreceni Református Kollégium jogakadémiáján, további csaknem 30 éven át a debreceni tudományegyetemen oktatta a politikatudományt. Az egyetem II. világháború előtti jogi karának tanárai közül kitűnt sokoldalú egyéniségével. Debrecen politikai, társadalmi és kulturális életében évtizedeken keresztül jelentős szerepet játszott. Ugyanakkor nacionalizmusa és antiszemitizmusa is jellegzetes alakjává tette a 20. század városi közéletének. A tanulmány eddig nem összegzett adatok alapján végigköveti életútját, megkísérli bemutatni tanári tevékenységet es rektori évének eseményeit, felvillantva tudományos munkásságának legfontosabb műveit is.

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    CHRISTOPH JACOB TREW (1695‒1769) KATALOG 1582‒1765 című művéről.


  • Két könyv a svájci peregrinációról
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    Két könyv a svájci peregrinációról - könyvismertető

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