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  • A debreceni tudományegyetem szózata a Trianoni Békeszerződés ellen

    Appeal of the University of Debrecen against the Treaty of Trianon. The source material calls attention to an almost forgotten and unique document: in 1919 the University of Debrecen was the sole institution of higher education in Hungary to bodily appeal to the world’s academic community in a pamphlet (”Appeal to the Universities of the Educated World”) for the purposes of drawing attention to the peace treaties—framed but not yet signed by Hungary—at the end of World War One. The peace treaties spelt out unbearable consequences for Hungary and the Appeal dramatically called attention to the inherent injustices and hazards. Some of the dramatic parts of the desperate manifesto, which is also likely to have been printed in English and French, are quoted verbatim.

  • Láng Nándor, az első bölcsész rektor élete és munkássága

    The Life and Work of Nándor Láng, the First Philologist Rector. Nándor Láng, who came from a German family, in the service of the shared goals of a multicultural Hungary prioritized those ideals which asserted the education of an increasing number of  sophisticated scholars and scientists as well as elevating domestic science and scholarship to an international level. In the first period of his career, as a secondary-school teacher, he focussed on supporting the promulgation and teaching of classical culture
    through his scholarly activity, including the authoring of textbooks. A crucial turning-point in his life occurred when he was invited in 1914 to serve as head of one (Latin) of the departments of Classical Philology of the newly created University of Debrecen. In the academic year of 1916/1917 he was Rector of the university, a service that he fulfilled with a maximum commitment and a truly professional approach. The combination of his professional erudition and human characteristics made him an ideal pedagogue.
    He was active in Debrecen until 1932, when he retired, but he continued to carry on significant sholarly activity in the archeology and epigraphy of the Roman period in Pannonia.

  • Feltáratlan emlékek Kenézy Gyula életéből és munkásságából
    54 - 78

    Unexplored memories from the life and work of Gyula Kenézy. Gyula Kenézy is an outstanding historical figure of the University of Debrecen as well as of the City of Debrecen. Beyond many sculptures, street, prize, a hospital, and a civil society which carry his memories, the cities of Debrecen and Hajdúszoboszló regularly remember the renowned professor. Many monographs gave the account of his life and accomplishments, and a collection of his relics gained a permanent place for commemoration in the Museum of Hajdúszoboszló. Nevertheless, one-hundred years after the beginning of medical education in Debrecen, new pieces of historical records continue to enrich our memories about Gyula Kenézy. For the first time in its history, the Kenézy Memorial Day was organized by the Kenézy Civil Society and the University of Debrecen together in 2017. The program provided us with exciting recollections, and so far unraveled details of the life of Gyula Kenézy.

  • The Settlement of the Hungarian Royal Minin and Forestry College (Academy) from Selmecbánya to Sopron, 1918/19

    The Resettlement of the Hungarian Royal Mining and Forestry College (Academy) from Selmecbánya (Banská Štiavnica) to Sopron, 1918/19. The history of the Hungarian Royal Mining and Forestry
    College’s goes back to 1735, the establishing of the School for Training Mining Officers. During the centuries, this school developed in his type to the only higher educational institution of the Hungarian part of Austro-
    Hungarian Empire. At the beginning of World War I, it was a Europe-known technical college. With the outbreak of World War I, there was a big rupture in the life of the college. The last lectures started on 6th
    October, 1918, but the academic year could not be finished. The troops of the new Czechoslovakia occupied the region. The professors and the students decided to keep the Hungarian citizenship and they wanted to
    teach and learn in a Hungarian institution hence they packed up the college and moved from the ancestral residence to Hungary. They had many difficulties during the flight but finally the so-called „refugee
    university” found place in Sopron.


    An Experiment to Reconstruction. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the law academies in Hungary and Transylvania played an important role in the training of the intellectuals of the multi-ethnic Carpathian Basin, especially in the training of officials. Perhaps the most unusual of these institutions was the History of the Academy of Law in Sibiu. To the best of our knowledge, the following data archive is the first attempt to reconstruct the composition of the teaching staff of the Academy of Law in Sibiu over the slightly more than four decades of its existence. The compilation is based on available printed and archival sources.

  • Emlékbeszéd március 15-én

    Official Speech, March 15, 2010. The festive speech, of which a footnoted-extended version can be read here, attempted to highlight how the previous five generations of the students of higher education in Debrecen had participated in the celebration of the bourgeois revolution of 1848. It was also important to underscore in this speech that for about a hundred years the student body of the College, then of the University, of Debrecen celebrated together with, indeed at the forefront of, the population of the city while for the past few decades the rituals of the local celebrations have diverged.

  • Egy évszázados adósság – A Magyar Értelmiségi Adattár (Repertorium Academicum Hungariae) elkészítése

    A centuries-old debt. The creation of the Hungarian Intellectuals’ Database (Repertorium Academicum Hungariae). Not school registers nor collections of archival sources were published about the Hungarian universities in the second half of the nineteenth and in the twentieth century. Similar books were publicised abroad much earlier about foreign institutions. Since Hungary has lost two third parts of its territory after the First World War the archival sources of these regions fell into foreign hands. Unfortunately,
    during the time of the Hungarian revolution in 1956 a few archival sources of the University Archives has also perished. Until nowadays we knew very little about students who were educated at universities or any other ecclesiastical or secular higher educational institutes. In 2013 the MTA-ELTE History of Universities Research Group was formed with the purpose of collecting and transforming into a database every available personal and educational information about every higher educational students from the beginning to 1850. The name of this future database will be Repertorium Academicum Hungariae. According to our current knowledge before 1850 there were 108 institutes in Hungary, Croatia and Transylvania which provided higher-level education than the intermediate level. We have already processed the two-thirds of the collected data and we are going to continue this task. The final database will be useable together with the completed database of the foreign-educated Hungarian students. The electronic database will be contain information about nearly 400,000 matriculated students and it will be unquestionably a useful scientific source for the nations of the Carpathian Basin.

  • A magyar protestáns peregrináció a 16–18. században

    Hungarian protestant peregrination in the 16th–18th century. Thanks to the researches of the last two decades nowadays we are able to nearly precisely determine the foreign educated Hungarian university students’ numbers and denominational affiliations. In the article I primary examined the order of magnitude of the catholic and protestant peregrination in the marked 3 centuries. In that era, the denominational characters of the different universities determined which students could attend their educations. Naturally, a few „tolerant” universities like Padova accepted students from every religion. In the research, we used the word „protestant” as generic term, because in the beginning of the 17th century it is nearly impossible to separate the Lutheran, Reformed and Unitarian students in the historical documents. The data of matriculations indicate that the protestant students represented a higher number in the Hungarian peregrination in every century however this fact was especially true for the 17th century. Namely, because the protestants usually matriculated at many different universities during their educations. Although, if we examine the summarized number of students who attended foreign education we gain nearly equal numbers about the Protestants and Catholics.

  • Jubileumi programok a 475 éves Debreceni Református Kollégium intézményeiben

    ANNIVERSARY PROGRAMS IN THE INSTITUTES OF THE 475-YEAR-OLD REFORMED COLLEGE OF DEBRECEN. he Reformed College of Debrecen celebrated its 475th anniversary in 2013. he College is a unique and interesting institute of Hungarian school system. It is a national historical site, where the reformed heritage of the 16th century, the values of Puritanism of the 17th century, and the intellectual efervescence of the 18th century are commemorated. Anational historical site where the victims of the freedom ight for our independence in 1848–49 are kept alive and where the College’s mission to foster talent even during the turbulent times of the 20th century is remembered. Today teaching activities are present on all levels of public and higher education from the kindergarten to the university.


    The database presents the list of students of two Hungarian gymnasiums from the 16th and 17th centrury. These details have been largely unknown to date and they help to complement the information we have of the Protestant peregrination from Hungary. A large portion of the peregrines who attended the two institutions continued their education at one of the universities in Germany. Therefore, the informaton presented here provide an important contribution and reveal some of the peregrations paths of the 16th and 17th century.

  • Az 1912. évi XXXVI. törvénycikk „A Debreczeni és a Pozsonyi Magyar Királyi Tudomány Egyetem felállításáról” szövege és miniszteri indokolása

    The Text and Ministerial Preamble of Article XXXIV of 1912 ”About the Foundation of Hungarian Royal Universities in Debreczen and Pozsony”. The objective of this source publication is nothing else but the bill and its preamble, through which in 1912 the universities of Debrecen and of Pozsony, respectively, came to be established. The preamble signed by Minister of Religion and Public Education János Zichy well reflects all the aspirations and controversies which characterized Hungarian educational and higher educational policy at the end of the 19th century, and the path, punctuated by manifestations of zeal and regression, finally led to the foundation of the third and fourth university in Hungary. The thorough preliminary professionalism pervading the preamble which, despite the disunity of the political spectrum, made a success of the bill can be regarded as exemplary.

  • Debrecen szülötte, egyetemünk diákja és tanára, a 20. század kiemelkedő geológusa

    Native of Debrecen, Student and Professor of our University, Significant Geologist of the 20th Century: Dr. Vilma Fux Székyné (1916–2006). Dr. Vilma Széky-Fux, an exceptional scientist of the 20th century, geologist and professor with Széchenyi Prize was born in Debrecen 100 years ago and passed away in Budapest 10 years ago. She carried out successful education and research at two universities contributing to geology and expert training with useful inventions and valuable works at a time of war and regime
    changes. She was member of numerous national and several international scientific boards and her results were recognised abroad as well. She worked hard in aspiring student research and refereeing the results of colleagues working for scientific degrees. Her activity as an organizer, presenter and leader in the Hungarian Geological Society was outstanding. Her work was always highly respected as reflected by her prizes. The life and works of Professor Széky-Fux should stand as an example for all of us.


    Since Antiquity Rhetoric, Ars Dictaminis and different types of Prose-Composition have great importance within education on the one hand, but on the other hand, we can see the different ways to localize Rhetorica within the canon oft liberal arts. Latest with Alcuin Rhetorica became the main point in practice in ruling. This means that knowledge of rhetorical precepts got part of the „educatio Regis”, and this we can see at least up to Eneas Silvio de Piccolominibus’ Tractatus de liberis educandi, written for Ladislaus Postumus (d. 23-11-1457). With the eleventh and twelfth century Ars dictandi got his place in educating persons who are specialists in „dictare”, formulating privileges, charters, epistles, and all other different sorts of empowering. With the Universities Rhetorica had his place in Faculty of Arts „Artistenfakultät” in there between Poetria and practice.  Studying for many students meant to get tools to be successful in princely chancelleries, Episcopalian and town (urban) administrations. There exits many examples to give us a survey to the different ways of teaching and gathering examples for „how to write” the different sorts of texts-documents in political communication. Here we can see an examples from the third and fourth decade of the fifteenth century, which combines theory (Brieftheorie/Ars dictandi), and examples. Because those examples show us the different themes, because we can see laypeople and clergy throughout all positions in society, and because we find mentioned places we can see the coverage in teaching and ruling. Finally yet importantly, we know by many examples of charters and letters how those compendia artis dictandi also could rule the script.

  • An Undeservedly Forgott en Publication Series. The Studies of the Teacher Training Institute of the Reformed Colleges of Debrecen

    The Calvinist Teacher Training Institute of Debrecen was modelled after the Eötvös Collegium of Budapest. It trained teachers for Hungarian Calvinist secondary schools between 1925 and 1952 by means of supplementary courses. The students of the Institute got significant impulses for their academic research from their tutors. Many of them became determining figures of Hungarian culture and education by the middle of the 20th century. The publication series published their doctoral theses and other academic papers on the 3000 pages of the 28 volumes between 1936 and 1943. This study aims to present the circumstances of the beginning, the termination and the intellectual profile of the series titled „Acta Instituti Paedagogici Collegii Debreceniensis”.

  • Debreceni zenetörténet – Az évfordulók tükrében

    MUSIC HISTORY OF DEBRECEN – IN REFLECTION OF ANNIVERSARIES. he study provides an extensive review of the 50 year history of professional music education in Debrecen. Special attention is put on the changes in the institutional structure of the training from the foundation of vocational school of music arts in 1966 to the present Music Faculty of the University of Debrecen. he writing relects not only on the spaces, forums of the daily teaching and artistic work, the living areas of the students, the international relations, but also on the important role the Faculty plays in the cultural life of the city.

  • A hadiárva és a hadirokkant apával rendelkező hallgatók számának emelkedése az egyetemeken az 1930-as években

    AN INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF WAR-ORPHAN STUDENTS AND STUDENTS WITH WAR-DISABLED FATHERS AT HUNGARIAN UNIVERSITIES IN THE 1930S. he thematic focus of the present study is a somewhat neglected phenomenon: the sudden rise in the number of war-orphan university students and students with war-disabled fathers in the irst half of the 1930s. During and immediately after World War One institutions of higher education were called upon to accept the enrollment of a large number of veterans who returned from the war with physical injuries and psychic scars: often these ”veterans” were returning war-disabled students. By the beginning of the 1930s the focus of relief of disabled servicemen shifted to those whose father had either died or became war-disabled in the Firsts World War. As early as the academic year of 1929/30 this shift was well discernible, by the 1934/35 academic year, however, there came a steep rise in their relative number. he present study ofers a glimpse at those natural causes and administrative measures that will make it more understandable to sort out the factors at work. It will also ofer an insight into the life and social circumstances of war-orphan students and the ones who had a war-disabled father.

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