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  • Források és módszerek a Debreceni Református Kollégium diáknévsorainak feldolgozásához
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    SOURCES AND METHODS FOR PROCESSING STUDENT LISTS OF THE DEBRECEN REFORMIST COLLEGE. In commemoration of the 475th anniversary of the existence of the Debrecen Reformist College a long expected, two volume resource guide was published in 2013 under the title „History sources of the institution int he archive of the Debrecen Reformist College.” It contains student lists between 1588 and 1850 cataloguing 20 000 registrations. his essay summarizes the history of this research and lists the sources used in the process.

  • 90 éves a Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Ökológiai Kutatóközpont Balatoni Limnológiai Intézete
    177 - 179
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    The Lake Balaton Institute of Limnology of the Ecological Research Centre of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Sciences is 90 years old. The Balaton Limnology Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Arts and Sciences celebrated the 90th anniversary of its opening on the 8th of September, 2017, in Tihany, where László Fésüs, chairman of the Biology Section of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences greeted the event with the address printed here. The institute, originally called "The Hungarian Biology Research Institute" was the very first independent research institution in Hungary, established and opened in 1927 by the famous politician Kúnó Klébelsberg who is also highly respected for developing university campuses and many new elementary schools. During nine decades the institute attracted leading life scientists from Hungary as well as abroad, its research areas covered the major trends in biology including broad topics in botany, zoology, molecular biology, neurobiology and has had a crucial role saving Lake Balaton from ecological catastrophes.

  • Lengyel-magyar hungarológiai kutatások. Polsko-wegierskie badania hungarologiczne: Tanulmányok a Jagello Egyetem Magyar Filológiai Tanszéke 30. évfordulója alkalmából
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    A lengyel és a magyar nép sorsa és barátsága régtől fogva össze-összefonódik: amint a történelmi, politikai és gazdasági kapcsolatok, úgy a kulturális, művelődési és nem
    utolsósorban az oktatási és főként egyetemtörténeti együttműködések is évszázados múltra tekintenek vissza.

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