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     Surányi Béla és Kátai János ismerteti a Balázs Gusztáv szerkesztésében megjelent kötetet. Az új szervezeti felépítésű agrár-felsőoktatási intézmény, a Magyar Agrár-és Élettudományi Egyetem (MATE) 2021. február elsején született, amely egyúttal jelzi azt, hogy a hazai mezőgazdasági oktatás keresi a helyét. A kötet megszületéséhez hozzájárultak az intézménytörténeti munkák, új színként pedig a levéltári források.

  • A debreceni tudományegyetem szózata a Trianoni Békeszerződés ellen
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    Appeal of the University of Debrecen against the Treaty of Trianon. The source material calls attention to an almost forgotten and unique document: in 1919 the University of Debrecen was the sole institution of higher education in Hungary to bodily appeal to the world’s academic community in a pamphlet (”Appeal to the Universities of the Educated World”) for the purposes of drawing attention to the peace treaties—framed but not yet signed by Hungary—at the end of World War One. The peace treaties spelt out unbearable consequences for Hungary and the Appeal dramatically called attention to the inherent injustices and hazards. Some of the dramatic parts of the desperate manifesto, which is also likely to have been printed in English and French, are quoted verbatim.

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    A második világháború utáni évtized az atomkutatás fénykora volt, hiszen a nagyhatalmi versengés területévé vált. Szalay Sándor, a debreceni egyetemi Kísérleti Fizikai Intézet tanszékvezető professzora és egyben a Magyar Tudomány Akadémia Atommagkutató Intézetének vezetője ügyesen használta ki a konjunktúrát és sok jó szakembert tudott alkalmazni, köztük olyanokat is, akiket az akkori államhatalom félreállított. Azonban a Zichy Ernő vegyészmérnököt – akit korábban kitelepítéssel is büntettek – arisztokrata származása miatt neki sem sikerült egyik intézetébe sem felvennie.


  • „Lássatok hozzá, és építsétek föl Istennek, az Úrnak szentélyét” (A Debreceni Református Egyetemi Templom építésének története)
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    „Rise up and Build the Sanctuary of the Lord God, so that you may bring the Ark of the covenant of the Lord.” – The History of the Construction of the Reformed University Church in Debrecen. In this essay I try to find the answer to the question of what the main cause of the structure of the University Church was and which were the most relevant stages of the construction. After launching the university in Debrecen, the undergraduates, the professors and the local citizens established a claim to engender a place of worship where they could get an opportunity to inward edification. The negotiations about the church to be constructed began in the 1910’s, after all the quartercentenary of the Reformed College gave the handle for the church’s structure. The University Church was built in vicissitudinous ways and it came up against a lot of difficulties during the second half of the twentieth century. Consequently this fact encumbers the researching of the building’s history. However, the history of construction is trackable by the eight boxfuls of sources of the Archives of the Transtibiscan Reformed Church District.

  • Benedek László ideggyógyász-professzor, a debreceni m. kir. Tisza István-Tudományegyetem 1935–36. tanévi rector magnificusa
    3 - 10
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    László Benedek Professor of the Neurology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the academic year 1935/1936. The first professor of neurology and psychiatry and the director of the Department of Neurology of the University of Debrecen between 1921 and 1936 was László Benedek who studied at Cluj as a student of Károly Lechner. In the academic year of 1935/36 he held the post of the Rector of the university. This period was the era of silent development in the life of the university. Benedek as Rector focused on improving the living circumstances of the students. After his rectorate he was appointed to a professorship of the Péter Pázmány University of Arts and Sciences and the director of the Clinic of Neurology and Psychiatry in Budapest. His wife was the wellknown actress Irén Zilahy. After her tragic death in April 1944 Benedek collapsed and in March 1945 he committed suicide in Kitzbühel in Austria. László Benedek was a brilliant lecturer, an urging leader, and an inventive professor of science whose work in several partial branches of science was outstanding.

  • 100 esztendő öröksége
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    The Heritage of 100 Years. The library of the University of Debrecen celebrated its centenary in 2016. The current selection offers a summary of the most significant ideas in the lectures presented at the memorial session on September 30, 2016. It also offers a survey of the relevant events of the University of Debrecen pertaining to the festive occasion.

  • A Debreceni Egyetem Centenáriumi Év programsorozatának nyitó rendezvénye
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    THE OPENING EVENT OF THE SERIES OF PROGRAMS COMMEMORATING THE CENTENNIAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN, FEBRUARY 3–4, 2012. A commemorative session of the University Senate, the inauguration of a memorial plaque, the opening of an exhibition, a theatrical world premier, and an evening ball were part of the opening program of the centenary year with which the University of Debrecen celebrated the onehundredth anniversary of the foundation of its legal predecessor, the Royal Hungarian University of Debreczen. he brief summary below will evoke the respective events of the series of pertinent events.

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    2021 nyarán -váratlanul- Adler Péter professzor könyvhagyatékához jutottunk. Adler professzor 1946-1978 között vezette a debreceni Stomatológiai Klinikát, és nemzetközileg elismert szaktekintély volt. A hagyaték részeként kaptunk egy amerikai fogászati folyóiratot is, melynek 1947-es száma tartalmazott egy névtelenül közölt cikket, mely egy magyar fogorvos II. világháborús kálváriájáról számol be. Az adatokból és a leírásokból egyértelműen kiderül, hogy Adler Péter professzor írta a közleményt. Érdekes olvasmány, mely természetesen kissé szubjektív megközelítésű és figyelembe kell venni, hogy külföldieknek, elsősorban amerikaiaknak íródott. Különlegessége, hogy magyarul eddig -tudtommal- sehol sem jelent meg. Akkori közlése a hidegháború kezdetére datálható, mely esetleg magyarázatot ad arra, hogy miért kérte a szerző az anonimitást. A cikk olyan fontos hiánypótló információkat tartalmaz, melyek révén hozzájárulhat a korszak jobb megismeréséhez.


  • Javaslat a trimesztriális rendszer bevezetésére – A debreceni jog- és államtudományi kar felterjesztésé gróf Zichy János vallás- és közoktatásügyi miniszterhez (1918. augusztus 1.)
    95 - 105
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    Proposal for the Introduction of the Trimester System – Proposal by Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen to Earl János Zichy, Minister of Religion and Public Education. The Faculty of Law of the University of Debrecen in the last period of the World War I. made a proposal in order to divide the school year to three semester. It was a strange source of the history of the Hungarian higher education. Based on this document can be cognizable the real life and thinking of the students of the university who came back from the war and of the professors who met with them the first time. The trimestrial system of the higher education was favoured by the students too, but it wasn’t able to come to real because the collapse of the Monarchy.

  • Neuber Ede Bőrgyógyászprofesszor, a debreceni m. kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1931/32. Tanévi Rector Magnificusa
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    Ede Neuber, Professor of Dermatology, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the Academic Year 1931/32. Professor Ede Neuber was the organizer and first director of the Clinic of Dermatology and Sexual Pathology, and nationally, it was he who first organized the health supervision of university students. Again, he took part in spearheading the campaign against venereal diseases also through curtailing epidemic diseases by means of creating a law (lex veneris).
    In the 1931–1932 academic year he was Rector of Debrecen’s István Tisza University. During his rectorship, the Main Building of the University was completed and inaugurated, and the university took over the city’s public hospital for the purposes of training and practice. From 1936 through 1938 he represented the university in the upper house. In 1938 he was appointed principal professor of the clinic of dermatology of Budapest’s Péter Pázmány University, so he left Debrecen.

  • Magyar peregrinusok kölcsönügylete Erlangenben
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    The Loan Transaction of Peregrine Students in Erlangen. The sources—four brief documents—made public here offer an insight into student life at the end of the 18th century: the high fees of tuition, especially the cost of their studies abroad, significantly impacted not only on the cost of education but on the subsequent lives of the students as well. The ”peregrine students” were obliged to take loans, the burdens of which they had to carry for long years. Two of the documents here presented pertain to two peregrinators who completed their studies at the College of Debrecen but had earlier concluded a loan agreement in Erlangen, Germany. In the Archives of the Debrecen Protestant College we can read the texts of the original contracts, as well as the written documents submitted to the home church authorities in the matter of the reclamation of the loaned sum.

  • Rectori beszámoló
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    Rector’s Report on Debrecen University 1914–1915 The rector’s report about the first academic year of the Royal University of Debrecen depicts a poignant picture. While recording the national joy that was felt over the opening of a new university, he also notes how the first academic year was rudely disrupted by the outbreak of World War I. His report reflects the sense of duty and the patriotic spirit which pervaded both the students and the faculty of the university, and the immediate ensuing hardship which was conquered by an undiminished faith in education despite all difficulties.

  • Bakó Elemér hagyatéka a debreceni egyetemi könyvtár kézirattárában
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    THE LEGACY OF ELEMÉR BAKÓ IN THE ARCHIVE OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN. he legacy of Elemér Bakó (1915–2000), the former Department Head of the Library of Congress and famous researcher of Hungarians, is held in the archive of the University and National Library of the University of Debrecen since 2013. he essay reviews the main parts of the 20 boxes of archive materials, which contain important information for contemporary linguistic research.

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    Gerlőtei Jenő fontos szerepet töltött be műgyűjtő és művészeket támogató tevékenységével a debreceni egyetem működésének első korszakában. A Francia Intézet magántanára, irodalomtörténész volt. Meghirdetett órái és publikációi, valamint a róla írt feljegyzések mély művészeti érdeklődéséről tanúskodnak. Fennmaradt levelezése bizonyítja mecénási törekvéseit. Képzőművészeti tárlatok és művész életutak méltatásával is találkozunk életművében. Sajnos, életéről nagyon keveset tudunk, alig áll rendelkezésünkre forrás vele kapcsolatban, a hazai adatbázisok és a debreceni egyetemi dokumentumok között még halálának időpontja sem ismert.


  • Szoboravatás
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    INAUGURATION OF A STATUE OF DR. GYULA ELISCHER (1875–1939) IN THE SCULPTURE GARDEN OF DEBRECEN UNIVERSITY’S CAMPUS. he brief text highlights the inauguration, on November 8, 2014, of a bust of Gyula Elischer of hurzóbánya on the campus of the University of Debrecen. he text ofers a description of the life career of the world-famous radiologist professor, Hungary’s irst radiographer, his professional achievements and printed publications. he text also underscores the fact that Professor Elischer – like many other doctors of the heroic age of radiology – sacriiced his life in the service of science and of his fellow human beings.

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    A Debreceni Egyetem Böszörményi úti kampuszán 2020 októberében avatták fel az 1919-ben elhunyt Kozma András professzor mellszobrát. Az ünnepségen a Gazdaságtudományi Kar dékánja emlékezett meg a nagy hatású, országos jelentőségű egyetemi tanár munkásságáról.


  • A Debreceni Egyetem centenáriumi előkészületei
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    Centenary Preparations at the University of Debrecen. The editors of the journal offer status reports on the preparations for the centenary celebrations of the University of Debrecen in 2010. Special attention is devoted to those publications which thematize the history of the university (as well as the history of its predecessor institutions) and of the faculties, of which pre-eminent position is occupied by the commemorative centenary volume offering a comprehensive history of the university in answer to the expectations and requirements of the 21st century. Brief surveys are provided of preparatory projects such as the ones aimed at establishing a Museum of the University, the processes of conducting interviews pertaining to the history of the university, as well as the emerging programs of the centenary year.

  • Kincsek az egyetemen: A titokzatos festmény
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    Treasures at the University – The mysterious Painting. For decades the Rectorial Council Hall of the Main Building of the University of Debrecen has been decorated by a large-sized painting created by Iványi- Grünwald Béla, that is titled: Dull Mihály elítélése [that translates as: Sentencing of Mihály Dull]. Until now, however, hardly just legends have been circling around about how, when and under what circumstances the painting was brought to Debrecen. The author of the writing attempts to explore the reality behind these legends.

  • Az agrár-felsőoktatás történetéből (Hensch Árpádtól A Debreceni Üzemtani Iskoláig): A magyaróvári „Nagy Tanári Kar” egyik kiválósága Hensch Árpád 1847–1913
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    FROM THE HISTORY OF AGRICULTURAL HIGHER EDUCATION. his paper connects the two periods and places of Hungarian agricultural higher education. he link is the scientiic work of Árpád Hensch – professor of Academy of Agricultural Sciences in  Mosonmagyaróvár at the end of the 19th century – which has a signiicant efect on the Hungarian economic higher education even nowadays. his signiicance is proven by the eforts since the 1960s in Debrecen evolved on the Department of Business Economics in the former University of Agricultural Sciences.

  • „Dabitur vobis in illa hora” – Kiegészítések Dr. Huzella Tivadar életrajzához
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    „DABITUR VOBIS IN ILLA HORA” – NOTES TO THE BIOGRAPHY OF TIVADAR HUZELLA. Certain data from the biography of Tivadar Huzella, the anatomy professor of the University of Debrecen, then later one of the Budapest University, are falsely transferred from one essay to another. he book by Imre Törő puts his birthplace to Nagyvárad, however his family was already living and trading in Budapest in 1886, when he was born. he other false information about him is the date of his death: he died on July 11, 1950 at a reserach station established in his property in Alsógöd. Mostly the right date is used, however Imre Törő, Professor of Anatomy and Doctor of Academy for an unkown reason propagates the date of 1951 through his writings about Huzella.

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    Barta János könyvismertetője Péterffy Árpád-Péterffy Pál: Az erdélyi magyar orvosképzés és sebészet története című könyvről. A kötet négy érdemi fejezetet tartalmaz, kettőt közülük az erdélyi magyar orvosképzésnek, kettőt az ottani sebészet történetének szentelve.

  • Virágos Zsolt Kálmán–Pálffy István: A Debreceni Angol Tanszék története (1938–2014): Debrecen, Debreceni Egyetemi Kiadó, 2014, 336 oldal
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    Virágos Zsolt Kálmán–Pálffy István: A Debreceni Angol Tanszék története (1938–2014) - recenzió

  • Filozófia és világnézet Tankó Béla életművében Gondolatok „Az autonóm filozofálás jegyében. Tankó Béla redivivus” című kötethez
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    PHILOSOPHY AND WORLDVIEW INT HE LIFEWORK OF BÉLA TANKÓ: THOUGHTS ON HIS WORK TITLED „IN TERMS OF AUTONOMOUS PHILOSOPHY: BÉLA TANKÓ REVIVED”. he work „In terms of autonomous philosophy: Béla Tankó revived” – published in 2012 and edited by László Gáspár and Tamás Valastyán – ofers an insight into the lifework of Béla Tankó (1876–1946), a Professor from Debrecen and a signiicant representative of Hungarian neo-kantianist philosophy. His work was determined by three thematic directions: (1) the theoretical consummation of philosophy, (2) its pedagogical applicability, and (3) the problem of protestantism’s social situation. hese three key issues gain equal emphasis in the work relecting the harmonic relationship of these subjects in Béla Tankó’s lifework. he essay evaluates the philosophic work of Béla Tankó and tries to situate it in the philosophic discourse of the time.

  • Centenáriumi kalendárium
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    A CENTENARY CALENDAR. In the previous issue of our periodical the proceedings of the Opening Event of the Series of Centenary Programmes of the University of Debrecen were given a detailed presentation. he current assortment ofers a chronological introduction of the most important university events of the Centenary Year of 2012. he calendar can make mention of a wide selection of respective programme events: in addition to various festive commemorations, exhibitions and conferences there is a salutation of the university’s irst Olympic champion, further sports and festival events are also mentioned.

  • Az amerikai felsőoktatásról, magyar szemmel
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    Ma Magyarországon vajmi keveset tudunk az amerikai felsőoktatásról, annak történetéről és problémáiról. Ez nagymértékben a kommunista örökségnek tudható be, hiszen 1945/47 és 1989 között az amerikanisztika a „tűrt” es a „tiltott” közti szürke zónába szorult. Ezért az amerikai felsőoktatásról alkotott képünk túlzottan is támaszkodik a média torz tükrére (filmek, apokaliptikus tudósítások). Tanulmányunkban először ránézünk a számokra és a rendszer működésére (állami és magánegyetemek, tandíj, a sport szerepe stb.), áttekintjük a felsőfokú oktatás történetét és preferenciait a gyarmati kortól napjainkig, majd röviden felvázoljuk, hogy látták, mit is mondtak ugyanerről azok a magyar utazók, akik ezt 1945 előtt még szabadon megtehették. Ezt követően elemezzük a jelenleg folyó vitákat és azok politikai dimenzióit. Zárásként – személyes tapasztalatok alapján –értékeljük a jelenlegi helyzetet, és felvázoljuk a felsőoktatással kapcsolatos problémák szerepét a jelenlegi elnökválasztási kampányban.


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