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    The expulsion of the well-known Hungarian classical poet, Csokonai, has been studied and reviewed several times. According to the widely-accepted interpretation, the gifted young poet was unjustly dismissed after a show trial, while his talent was not recognised. But can we challenge the whole conception?This paper aims to present the facts and events merely from the point of view of jurisdiction, applying the results, methods, and aspects of modern criminal law, hoping that we can see a more varied new picture of the trial. Hopefully, it can also contribute to the literary discourse about a traditionally accepted figure of the Hungarian literary canon.


    . In 2013, the Faculty of Dentistry (University of Debrecen) established a museum. The part of the museum, created primary, deals with the past of the faculty, documenting the establishment of its predecessor, the Stomatology Polyclinic, and later the Clinic itself. Its professors are ranged until the year 2000 and the textbooks and manuals in Hungarian-language are presented from 1871 to 1948. The world's first dental journal from 1839 and the first Hungarian-language newspaper from 1892 are also shown. Longstanding tools and instruments are correspondingly on display. Dental posters, recon bills and other old documents can also be seen. The glass-walled contemporary dental office, established in 2017, displays three classical dental units and machinery from the 1880s to the 1930s. A contemporary medical cabinet displays old tools, medications, and dental materials. On the wall besides the original poster, the medical diploma and the old photo, a medical caricature can also be seen. The museum principally collects contemporary dental tools and documents related to Hungary and holds only original resources. One of the largest dental museums in Hungary has been established over the years

  • Az egyetemi élet átolitizálódásának megnyilvánulása 1939-ben Debrecenben – hallgatói feljelentés Tankó Béla ellen és Hóman Bálint levele

    The Appearance of the Politicization of the University Life in Debrecen in 1939. A student’s Accusation against Béla Tankó and Bálint Hóman’s response. A very special source of the history of the Hungarian higher education and of the history of the University of Debrecen that accusation which was made in the autumn of 1939 by a student. This short and nameless letter was an accusation against professor Béla Tankó who had taken a note about the German origin of Bálint Hóman who was the Secretary of Religion and Public Education at that time. One of the students who was the member of the Árpád Comradeship Association wrote a short and modest letter to Hóman about it. This was a clear sign of the radicalization and the politicization of the whole society and of the life in the Hungarian universities. Also had been found the response of Bálint Hóman who sent back this accusation to Béla Tankó with a short letter in which he interpreted this as a wrong deliver. This unpleasant case had been solved by Hóman this way, but the radicalization of the students of the universities and the devaluation of the Hungarian political culture continued.

  • Tankó Béla filozófiaprofesszor, a debreceni M. kir, Tisza István- Tudományegyetem 1936-37. tanévi rector magnificusa
    3 - 9

    Béla Tankó Professor of Philosophy the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian Royal István Tisza University of Debrecen during the academic year 1936–37. After being a teacher in a secondary grammar school in Saxonpolis (Transylvania) Béla Tankó became the leader of the Department of Philosophy as a professor at the newly established Debrecen University of Arts and Sciences. He managed the Department on the ideas of neo-Kantianism what he learned in Cluj. He also managed the Department of Pedagogy as substitute for some years and hold English lessons as lecturer. He took part in establishing Summer University together with János Hankiss and Rezső Milleker. He was the Rector of the university in the academic year 1936–37 that was the period of the silent development. He was famous for his love of music, he patronized music, and during his rectorate, the University Music Circle was founded and the university received a piano. He died in 1946 after a long professorate not long before his retirement.

  • Jubileumi programok a 475 éves Debreceni Református Kollégium intézményeiben

    ANNIVERSARY PROGRAMS IN THE INSTITUTES OF THE 475-YEAR-OLD REFORMED COLLEGE OF DEBRECEN. he Reformed College of Debrecen celebrated its 475th anniversary in 2013. he College is a unique and interesting institute of Hungarian school system. It is a national historical site, where the reformed heritage of the 16th century, the values of Puritanism of the 17th century, and the intellectual efervescence of the 18th century are commemorated. Anational historical site where the victims of the freedom ight for our independence in 1848–49 are kept alive and where the College’s mission to foster talent even during the turbulent times of the 20th century is remembered. Today teaching activities are present on all levels of public and higher education from the kindergarten to the university.

  • Láng Nándor, az első bölcsész rektor élete és munkássága

    The Life and Work of Nándor Láng, the First Philologist Rector. Nándor Láng, who came from a German family, in the service of the shared goals of a multicultural Hungary prioritized those ideals which asserted the education of an increasing number of  sophisticated scholars and scientists as well as elevating domestic science and scholarship to an international level. In the first period of his career, as a secondary-school teacher, he focussed on supporting the promulgation and teaching of classical culture
    through his scholarly activity, including the authoring of textbooks. A crucial turning-point in his life occurred when he was invited in 1914 to serve as head of one (Latin) of the departments of Classical Philology of the newly created University of Debrecen. In the academic year of 1916/1917 he was Rector of the university, a service that he fulfilled with a maximum commitment and a truly professional approach. The combination of his professional erudition and human characteristics made him an ideal pedagogue.
    He was active in Debrecen until 1932, when he retired, but he continued to carry on significant sholarly activity in the archeology and epigraphy of the Roman period in Pannonia.


    With the legacy of Professor Péter Adler, we received a tape recording. On this a radio interview with himself can be heard. The radio-report was broadcast in 1983. Here he gives a detailed account about his life, work, and achievements. The information and data presented significantly contribute to the understanding of the period and gives insight to the operation of the Stomatology Clinic. The interview was made in the year of his passing, so it is a sort of sum up and a closure to his career. The report is approx. 20 minutes long, which is published in its entirety in this article.


    The Hungarian Rectors’ Conference was established in 1988 by the rectors of 19 universities in the spirit of intensifying self-organization and representation of the interests of higher education. HRC undertook and played a decisive role in the change of our higher education, in consolidating its autonomy and social role, as well as in the preparation and implementation of the first Higher Education Act. The framework of its operation, the impact and effectiveness of its activities were further shaped partly by its own aspirations and partly by the frameworks provided or limited by the current government. Recently, the role and weight of HRC both in the radically modified domestic and the changing authoritative international higher education space has sharply decreased, although its active role would be important for our institutions, science and society: the voice of universities must be heard and recognized everywhere.


  • Szarvas Pál kémia professzor élete és munkássága

    The Life and Work of Pál Szarvas, Professor of Chemistry. At the University of Debrecen, the Faculty of Science was founded in 1949. The management boards of the new Faculty and of the University spared no effort to bring prominent scientists as leading members of the newly organized science departments. In this manner, Pál Szarvas was also invited in 1951 to come to Debrecen to be the Head of the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry. His first task here was to organize the furnishing and equipment of the student and research laboratories, to initiate classroom teaching and research work despite the rather unfavourable financial conditions. From 1952 on the number of staff members began to increase and from the mid-1960s the level of the laboratory equipment was also improving. Research work was launched in the field of analytical chemistry, where various methods were developed for the determination of some rare metals in the presence of larger amounts of other elements. From the end of the 1960s the main research field of the Department was solution chemistry, the equilibrium and kinetic studies on the formation of complexes of transition metals and lanthanides with organic ligands. Another developing field was the synthesis and study of new boron-organic compounds. The focus of research in analytical chemistry shifted to the use of emission spectrography and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Professor Szarvas was also involved in the leadership of the Faculty and of the University. He was Dean of the Faculty (1954–58) and the Rector of the University (1963–66). His activity was highly important in the preparation of the construction of the chemistry building. Professor Szarvas, who retired in 1975, played a significant role in the organization of the teaching and research work of the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, which has exerted an important impact on the current existence and successes of the Department.


    László Országh was an educator in a varied and exceptionally broad sense of the word.  Throughout an intense professional career and a lifetime of prolific achievement of over half a century he turned out to be a man of many talents, as well as an intellectual of numerous vocations and avocations: secondary-school teacher, university professor, lexicographer, a teacher of English studies and American literatures, as well as the founder and initiator of the discipline of American Studies in Hungary.           

  • Szentpéteri Kun Béla jogászprofesszor, a debreceni m. kir. Tisza István Tudományegyetem 1930/31. tanévi Rector Magnificusa

    Béla Szentpéteri Kun, Professor of Church Law, the Rector Magnificus of the Hungarian RoyalIstván Tisza University of Debrecen During the Academic Year 1930/1931. In the first three decades of its existence the head of the university’s faculty of jurisprudence and state law was the renowned scholar of law and the outstanding organizer Béla Szentpéteri Kun. Previously he had been professor of the Protestant College’s academy of law, then one of the respected figures of the newly organized Faculty of Law. He served as dean for several semesters and in the 1930/1931 academic year he was elevated to the position of rector of the university. During the war years of 1944/1945 he was the only professor of law to stay in Debrecen and it was due to him that the Faculty of Law was capable of functioning uninterrupted. After the war he was made to retire, then, as a manifestation of the social transformation of the times, his department was dismantled.

  • Emlékbeszéd március 15-én

    Official Speech, March 15, 2010. The festive speech, of which a footnoted-extended version can be read here, attempted to highlight how the previous five generations of the students of higher education in Debrecen had participated in the celebration of the bourgeois revolution of 1848. It was also important to underscore in this speech that for about a hundred years the student body of the College, then of the University, of Debrecen celebrated together with, indeed at the forefront of, the population of the city while for the past few decades the rituals of the local celebrations have diverged.


    The article reviews the circumstances of the foundation and dynamic development of the Health College during its first two decades when, with extensive Hungarian and international cooperation, four programs were launched in the college, which had not existed previously in Hungary.  In addition, several other programs, that up till that time had been available only in Budapest, were initiated. As a result of the dynamic training development, the number of students increased significantly by the end of the nineties.  Because of the increase enrollment, the College was struggling with a significant lack of space, consequently beginning in 1997 developing and improving the infrastructure became increasingly critical. By taking over and repairing old and erecting new buildings the college significantly expanded by several thousand square meters. Additionally, the dormitory of the college was also renovated. The creation of the college was part of the national concept and strategy in the nineties aimed at establishing and expanding higher education for healthcare workers.  In the first twenty years, six new programs were launched at the college, and by the end of the 2000s, the institution was able to start a master degree.The rate at which the college was developing was somewhat broken or slowed down by the transformation of higher education in the 2000s, the start and the storms of university integration, the introduction of the Bologna system, and the accompanying structural transformations. The college successfully faced the obstacles, and tried to take advantage of the opportunities arising from the new systems. The 2000’s saw the creation of new bachelor programs, specializations and master programs, including some that had not existed in our country before.The overview of the history of the first twenty years is inseparable from Dr. Zsolt Lukácskó, who was the founding director general of the college and then, after it had been declared to be a faculty, its first dean until 2007.

  • Narancssárga tulipánok – A néderlandisztika szak története a Debreceni Egyetemen

    Orange-Yellow Tulips. The History of Dutch Studies at the University of Debrecen. Teaching of Dutch started at Lajos Kossuth University (which later became the University of Debrecen) with a group of five students in 1991. At that time, Dutch was offered as a second Germanic language to students of German only. Currently, there are four different types of study programmes at the independent Department of Dutch Studies, with more than 90 students altogether. The popularity of Dutch Studies is partially a result
    of the excellent opportunities in the labour market for candidates speaking Dutch.

  • A Debreceni Egyetemi Diákjóléti Bizottság szervezeti szabályzata Szabályzat a diáksegélyezés szervezetéről a debreceni m. kir. Tisza István-Tudományegyetemen

    The Articles of the Student Welfare Committ ee of the University of Debrecen. The textual source material published below is an attempt to acquaint the larger public with the articles and statutes of the Student Welfare Committee of the University of Debrecen, which was presided over by Nándor Láng and which was the supreme body of the university welfare institutional network united in 1930. The articles were approved by the higher authorities on July 1, 1931. The document offers an insight into the inner composition and concrete activities of the committee which oversaw the respective student welfare institutions and which co-ordinated the whole of the university-level student welfare programme. The most important tasks, as laid down in the articles, included ”the promotion of the educational and material interests of the student body” and ”the support of all sorts respecting poor students making good study progress”. Despite the fact that the committee’s personal composition underwent various changes, it continued to remain faithful to the spirit of the statutes, thus becoming the most significant mainstay of the most indigent students.

  • A Debreceni Református Kollégium 17. századi professzorainak neolatin halotti költeményei

    A korabeli alkalmi költemények (például az üdvözlő versek, esküvői és halotti költemények) kiváló betekintést engednek Debrecen 17. századi protestáns szellemi műveltségébe és a korabeli értelmiség közötti kapcsolatokba: A 17. század utolsó évtizedeiben különösen utóbb említettek váltak népszerűvé Debrecenben, hiszen hét halotti költemény-gyűjtemény is megjelent 1679–1700 között 1. Sympathia Memoriae (1679,
    Köleséri Mihály halála alkalmából), 2. Lamentum Metricum (1681, Mártonfalvi Tóth György halálakor),
    3. Parentatio lugubris (1681, Nógrádi Mátyás elhunyta okán), 4. Brabaeum vitae (1683, Köleséri Sámuel temetésére), 5. Hedera Poëtica (1686, Felvinczi Sándor elhunyta után), 6. Epicedium perennitati (Szenczi
    A. Pál halála alkalmából), 7. Honor Posthumus (1700, Szilágyi Tönkő Márton elhunyta alkalmából).
    Tanulmányunk két kiválasztott kötet (Parentatio lugubris, Honor Posthumus) vázlatos áttekintésével és a kollégiumi professzorok halotti költeményeinek részletes filológiai elemzésével igyekszik képet adni a 17. századi Debrecen értelmiségének nyelvi műveltségéről, költői teljesítményeiről és kapcsolatrendszeréről.

  • Béla Tankó. Ed. Márta Virágos

    Béla Tankó was the founder of the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Debrecen. the editor Marta Viragos gives a full picture of the professional and the private life of the professor.

  • A debreceni tudományegyetem hallgatóinak emlékirata az egyetem megcsonkítása ellen (1933)

    The Memorandum of Studentsts againstst the “Mutilation” of the University of Debrecen (1933).Between the two world wars, the Great Depression made a significant impact on higher education in Hungary. At the beginning of 1930s, many articles were published in the national and local press about the plans of the government in connection with the handling of the crisis. These rumours were about the “mutilation” of the universities (closing or merging of the faculties, reduction of the estimation). As in the other university towns, substantial social and political protest began in Debrecen against these plans. Besides the parties, the associations and the Calvinist Church, the university students sent a memorandum to the leaders of the University, the town and the government. This paper includes this document of protest and presents the main (historical, judicial and economic) reasons against the “mutilation.”

  • Übersetzungsereignisse: Kultur, Wissenschaft, Geschichte 100Jahre Hungarologie in Berlin

    The Humbold University celebrated the 100 years of teaching Hungarian language and culture at the university and published a book of  essays.

  • Az 1944. április 11–12-én a Vallás- és Közoktatásügyi Minisztériumban tartott rendkívüli értekezlet debreceni emlékeztetője

    The Debrecen Memo of an Extrordinary Meeting Convened at the Ministry of Religion and Public Education on April 11–12, 1944. In March, 1944, the German military occupation of Hungary plunged the country into a difficult situation, affecting among other things the Ministry of Religion and Public Education responsible for the institutions of higher education. Minister Jenő Szinyei Merse convened a twoday meeting for April 11 and 12, for the purposes of analysing the situation that evolved and for making
    the required decisions. The source material registers the proceedings of this meeting. President János Bognár of Debrecen’s István Tisza University probably had the text copied immediately after he had returned from the capital. The memo consists of twenty-five long and short items and these are about taking sundry measures, mainly pertaining to the simplification of administration for the purposes of an early closure of the academic year and a more severe interpretation of the Jewish laws.

  • A Debreceni egyetem nyolcvanéves Főépülete (Három rövid beszéd)

    THE MAIN BUILDING OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN IS EIGHTY YEARS OLD: THREE SHORT SPEECHES. The first speech was delivered by Tibor Fényi, Director of the Miksa Róth Museum, on February 3, 2012, in the State Assembly Hall of the Main Building, on the occasion of celebrating the restoration of the ornamental stained-glass windows of the Assembly Hall. hematically linked with the irst one, the second speech, given on March 15, 2012, by Tamás Gesztelyi, Professor of Latin Studies and Art History introduced a volume jointly produced by photographer József Hapák and Secretary-General of the University Mónika Rői, on the subject of the stained-glass windows, appreciating the windows from the angle of art history. he third speech was also delivered by Professor Tamás Gesztelyi; this speech was delivered on May 15, 2012, at the opening ceremony of a photo exhibition arranged by Professor of Geography Péter Csorba, entitled he spirit of the place: our main building is 80 years old.

  • Klebelsberg Kunó kulturális politikája és a felsőoktatás
    102 - 126

    The Cultural Policy of Kuno Klebelsberg and the Higher Education. The study presents the higher education policy of one of the best known and succesful Hungarian Minister of Religion and Education (1922–1931) Kuno Klebelsberg (1875–1932). As a politician of a state dismembered to one third of her original size-a consequence of the war loss and the Trianon peace treaty-he became a minister in miserable economic circumstances. With the contribution of him the stabilization of so-called refugee universities (from Kolozsvár and Pozsony to Budapest and then to Szeged [1921] and to Pécs [1923], the Academy of Minery and Forestry from Selmecbánya to Sopron [1918–1919]) could succesfuly be managed. Because of his conservative-liberal political attitude he tried to ease the effects of the so-called Numerus clausus Acts of 1920 which made the university entrance for Jewish Hungarians extremely serious. In 1928 he achieved the modification of that regulation. Instead of Budapest he supported the development of universities of Debrecen, Szeged and Pécs as a consequence of his well-grounded education policy based on decentralization. With his higher education policy he made great contribution to preserve the pre Great War Hungarian higher educational capacity in a dismembered Hungary lost 60% of her original population.

  • Szoboravatás - Nyirkos István mellszobrának avatása

    The Inauguration of the Bust of István Nyirkos. A memorable educator of recent decades has been the well-liked and popular Professor of Linguistics István Nyirkos (1933–2013), whose memory is enhanced by a statue erected on the sports ground of the Athletic Club of the University of Debrecen on October 5, 2016. In his inauguration speech, fellow professor István Bitskey conjured up Professor Nyirkos’s career, in which the harmony between sports and scholarship, intellectual accomplishment and physical culture not only complemented each other but may also have served as an example for members of the academic community. The outstanding athlete and the excellent linguist did not refrain from taking an active role in the management of higher education sports, which fact has been recognized by conferring the title of perennial president of the University Athletic Club upon him. His statue could not stand at a more appropriate location than the grounds of his third home.

  • Egy nyugalmazott címzetes rendkívüli egyetemi tanár baráti és tanítványi köre

    A HONORARY PROFESSOR EMERITUS AMONG HIS ACADEMIC FRIENDS AND STUDENTS. he study reviews the friendships of Ferenc Zsigmond, the private university teacher endowed with the honorary professor emeritus title in the last 15 years of his life. Zsigmond gave lectures until 1934 in Debrecen, then he lived in his birth village until his suicide in 1949. he reclusive scientist sufering from depression, kept up with scientiic developments through his friends and correspondents who played a signiicant role in his life. hese friendships meant a retention force for him, diverted his attention from his illness and postponed its progression. It is not surprising that his illness had turned really serious when he left the capital and moved to his birth village, Kunhegyes, where his regular correspondence ended and the lack of professional discourses weakened the oversensitive scientist.

  • A Debreceni m. kir. Tudományegyetem első rektora: Kiss Ferenc (1862–1948)

    Professor Ferenc Kiss Was the First Rector of the Hungarian Royal University of Arts and Sciences in Debrecen.Through delving into the relevant biographical data and publishing his salutatory oration of 1914, the author recalls reminiscences of Ferenc Kiss, the outstanding professor of theology, who was the first rector of the one-time University of Debrecen.

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