Évf. 3 szám 1-2 (2012): MMXII vol. III nr. 1–2

Megjelent 2012 August 5




  • Simai Erdős József, a negyedik rektor
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    József Simai Erdős, the Fourth Rector. The fourth rector of the University of Debrecen was József Erdős, who was born in Szatmárnémeti and who pursued his studies in Debrecen and Vienna. For a short time after 1888 he served as minister at the Theological Academy of Debrecen’s Protestant College, then, from 1914, at the Faculty of Theology of the newly-established university he was professor of New Testament exegesis. When, as dictated by the principle of rotation, it was again the Faculty of Theology’s turn to delegate a new Rector, in the academic year of 1917/18 he became the fourth Rector of the University. In 1908 be received a title of Hungarian nobility, and in 1946 the silver-headed scholar was awarded the title of Doctor honoris causa. He carried on extensive work in the history of religion (The General Outlines of the Life and Reformist Activity of Ulrick Zwingli; Theology at the University; The Basic Principles of the Statecraft of Apostle Paul, etc.). He translated and published the Catechism of Heidelberg and the Second Helvetian Creed.


  • Bruckner Győző (1877–1962)
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    Győző Bruckner (1877–1962). Between the two world wars, the director and prominent teacher of the Augustan Evangelical Academy of Law—which was moved to Miskolc after Preşov was annexed to Czechoslovakia— was Győző Bruckner, who came from a German-Saxon Zipser family. His primary fields of professional interest were the cultural history of the Uplands region, the history and legal relations of the Spiş mining towns. hese interests of his remained enduring and he published a number of fundamental
    studies and monographs pertaining to these subjects. Bruckner is, however, known not only for his work in legal and cultural history, but he also played a signiicant role in the life of the evangelical church, and he had a crucial role in the development of the legal academy of Miskolc. In addition, he published a series of books and a periodical in support of the work of the college he headed. He lived to see the closing-down of his beloved legal academy, of which, after he retired in pension, he himself wrote a history

  • Szarvas Pál kémia professzor élete és munkássága
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    The Life and Work of Pál Szarvas, Professor of Chemistry. At the University of Debrecen, the Faculty of Science was founded in 1949. The management boards of the new Faculty and of the University spared no effort to bring prominent scientists as leading members of the newly organized science departments. In this manner, Pál Szarvas was also invited in 1951 to come to Debrecen to be the Head of the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry. His first task here was to organize the furnishing and equipment of the student and research laboratories, to initiate classroom teaching and research work despite the rather unfavourable financial conditions. From 1952 on the number of staff members began to increase and from the mid-1960s the level of the laboratory equipment was also improving. Research work was launched in the field of analytical chemistry, where various methods were developed for the determination of some rare metals in the presence of larger amounts of other elements. From the end of the 1960s the main research field of the Department was solution chemistry, the equilibrium and kinetic studies on the formation of complexes of transition metals and lanthanides with organic ligands. Another developing field was the synthesis and study of new boron-organic compounds. The focus of research in analytical chemistry shifted to the use of emission spectrography and atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Professor Szarvas was also involved in the leadership of the Faculty and of the University. He was Dean of the Faculty (1954–58) and the Rector of the University (1963–66). His activity was highly important in the preparation of the construction of the chemistry building. Professor Szarvas, who retired in 1975, played a significant role in the organization of the teaching and research work of the Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, which has exerted an important impact on the current existence and successes of the Department.


  • Az egyetemi testnevelés kialakulása és fejlődése Debrecenben a két világháború között
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    The Formation and Development of Physical Education at the University of Debrecen Between the Two World Wars. This study offers an overview of the beginnings, formation, as well as the production of the institutional and human resources of university-level physical education. The reader is provided with information pertaining to the difficulties relating to the introduction of mandatory university-level physical education and the role Debrecen—and Debrecen’s Gymnastics Association: DTE—played in securing
    accommodation for the gymnastics lessons. Thus, we can learn about the changes and shifts, from optional to obligatory, of the university physical education of female students. We can also receive information as to who the first physical education instructors at the university were and additional information concerning those university educators who were the chief supporters of the systematic exercise of students and of university-level sports. It was due to the dedication of these people that it was in Debrecen that a position for sports physician was first created. The duties of the sports physician included the health check-up of students who participated in the gymnastics exercises. In addition, the study also includes information pertaining to how the university sports centre was created and extended as well as how the interest of the student body in exercise was enhanced by the University Athletic Club of Debrecen (DEAC)

  • A Debreceni Tudományegyetem Orvostudományi Karának hallgatói társadalma (1921–1949)
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    The Student Community of Debrecen’s School of Medicine (1921–1949). In view of the fact that the University of Debrecen grew out of the academic divisions of the Protestant College, the Protestant character of the state university can be easily demonstrated as present. What can be equally well seen are the facts that, one, the members of the student community tended to come from Debrecen or the larger Debrecen region, and, two, that Hungarian was the almost exclusively used mother tongue. As regards social distribution, the most frequent origins are from the intellectual and the smallholder class. A look at student support shows that until the beginning of the 1930s a smaller portion of the student body, whereas after this time frame 60 to 70 percent, received some kind of financial support. Student aid and reward could come from various sources: (a) from the university itself; (b) from the Ministry of Education; (c) the city of Debrecen; (d) private sources; (e) financial institutions and associations; and (f ) from the Protestant church. Unfortunately, the amount of these aids was rather limited and only a few students could be recipients. Student subventions in the post-1945 era was based on totally new priorities, however, its objectives were marred at first by runaway inflation, then class-struggle principles impacted on it by creating discriminative categories. Student accommodation, owing to the scarcity of reliable data can only be shown in an incomplete table; no creditable evaluation of these is possible.


  • Miniszteri előterjesztés a Nagyszebeni Királyi Jogakadémia megszüntetése tárgyában I. Ferenc József előtt és annak parlamenti előzményei
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    Ministerial Proposal in the Matter of the Dissolution of the Royal Legal Academy of Law in Nagyszeben Before (I) Franz Josef and its Parliamentary Antecedents. The publication of the source material—an archival file from the Haus-, Hof- and Staatsarchive in Vienna—makes available for those interested hitherto unknown material. The Academy of Law in Nagyszeben, which was established in 1844 and which was first maintained by the Transylvanian Saxon Universitas, then, in the age of neoabsolutism, by the Austrian state, was subordinated after 1867 to the Hungarian Ministry of Culture, and was recognized as one of the most well-equipped legal schools of the age. The central unit of the source document contains the German text of the proposal, in which Minister of Religion and Education Ágoston Trefort (between 1872 and 1888) appealed, in November 1883, to Franz Josef I to accept in supreme resolution the idea of the possible discontinuance of the educational institution in Nagyszeben. What makes the
    document unique is the fact that the relevant materials of the Ministry of Religion and Education relating to universities and colleges in the period after the Compromise and before 1916 were destroyed, thus the document in question may be the only extant copy of the proposal. Trefort’s proposal is complemented and commented upon by the parliamentary speeches which, between 1870 and 1884, either called in doubt or, contrariwise, underscored the necessity for existence of the Academy of Law in Nagyszeben. For want of other sources, the records of these speeches highlight those incentives which in a certain sense were contributory to forcing Trefort to back down and to ”sacrifice” the institution of Nagyszeben. These parliamentory documents are also made available in the present study.


  • A Debreceni Tudományegyetem Orvostudományi Karának tansegédszemélyzete 1919–1950 III. rész: Klinikák 2.
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    The Assista nt Personnel of the School of Medicine, University of Debrecen, 1919–1950. Part 3: The Clinics 2. Indispensable participants of the teaching and therapeutic activities of the School of Medicine were the personnel assisting the work of the professors. The register is designed to serve as an overall recording of the pertinent data of the departmental professors, assistant professors, instructors, interns, and teaching assistants. In this third part, the assistant personnel of the following clinics is registered: Clinic of
    Internal Medicine, Clinic of Surgery, Clinic of Otolaryngology, Polyclinic of Stomatology; and other institutes: University Pharmacy, the X-Ray Institute, the Institute and School of Nursery.


  • Interjú Niederhauser Emillel
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    AN INTERVIEW WITH EMIL NIEDERHAUSER. he interview with the elderly professor by Political Scientist Márk Rácz took place on January 11, 2009, a short time before the former’s death, at a senior citizens’ home in Üröm. During the conversation the retired professor, who originally had come from Bratislava, talked about his studies in his home city, his settling in Hungary, his survival in an increasingly communistoriented scholarly atmosphere, his non-partisan existence, and about his teaching career in Debrecen, which started in the 1950s. He also talked about his cool relationship with the party cadres and with the instructors of Marxism, and about the fact that, as a commuting ”suitcase professor”, he was looked upon by some with a degree of suspicion. However, his relationship with his students and his history-teaching colleagues was favourable, an asset that endured beyond his return to Budapest.

  • Én is voltam egykor joghallgató – Egy jogászélet főbb állomásai
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    I ALSO USED TO BE A STUDENT OF LAW: STAGES IN A JUROR’S LIFE. An authentic record, never before published, of the reminiscences of 92-year-old Loránd Boleratsky, a one-time scholar of evangelical church law and the last surviving privat-docent from the decades before 1950, pertaining to the cultural climate involving the academy of law in Miskolc and the relations surrounding the school of law in Debrecen. His reminiscences also include an account of his studies in Berlin and Helsinki, as well as his short-lived teaching career at the law academy in Miskolc. hrough a description of his increasingly more diicult fate in the 1950s we can gain an insight into the hostile relationship between the state and the church, the attacks of the atheist communist regime upon the churches, about the tragic fates of bishops József Mindszenthy, Lajos Ordas, and Zoltán Turóczy, all of them friends and colleagues of Loránd Boleratzky, one of the initiators and accomplishers of their rehabilitation.



  • A Debreceni egyetem nyolcvanéves Főépülete (Három rövid beszéd)
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    THE MAIN BUILDING OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN IS EIGHTY YEARS OLD: THREE SHORT SPEECHES. The first speech was delivered by Tibor Fényi, Director of the Miksa Róth Museum, on February 3, 2012, in the State Assembly Hall of the Main Building, on the occasion of celebrating the restoration of the ornamental stained-glass windows of the Assembly Hall. hematically linked with the irst one, the second speech, given on March 15, 2012, by Tamás Gesztelyi, Professor of Latin Studies and Art History introduced a volume jointly produced by photographer József Hapák and Secretary-General of the University Mónika Rői, on the subject of the stained-glass windows, appreciating the windows from the angle of art history. he third speech was also delivered by Professor Tamás Gesztelyi; this speech was delivered on May 15, 2012, at the opening ceremony of a photo exhibition arranged by Professor of Geography Péter Csorba, entitled he spirit of the place: our main building is 80 years old.

  • A Debreceni Egyetem Centenáriumi Év programsorozatának nyitó rendezvénye
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    THE OPENING EVENT OF THE SERIES OF PROGRAMS COMMEMORATING THE CENTENNIAL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF DEBRECEN, FEBRUARY 3–4, 2012. A commemorative session of the University Senate, the inauguration of a memorial plaque, the opening of an exhibition, a theatrical world premier, and an evening ball were part of the opening program of the centenary year with which the University of Debrecen celebrated the onehundredth anniversary of the foundation of its legal predecessor, the Royal Hungarian University of Debreczen. he brief summary below will evoke the respective events of the series of pertinent events.

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