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  • Cannabidiol and its effects to the adenosinergic system

    Cannabidiol (CBD), the most extensively studied non-intoxicating phytocannabinoid, has been attracting a lot of interest worldwide owing to its numerous beneficial effects. The aim of this review is to describe the various effects of CBD, since it seems to have several molecular targets, acting at which CBD can modify several pathological conditions. CBD has anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, neuroprotective, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic, antipsychotic, antidepressant, antidiabetic and anti-obesity effects, furthermore it can affect the functions of the adenosinergic system as well.

    Regarding myocardial adenosinergic system, CBD is thought to influence two important targets: the A1 adenosine receptor and the equilibrative and nitrobenzylthioinosine-sensitive nucleoside transporter (ENT1 or SLC29A1). ENT1 is a main equilibrative adenosine transporter capable of regulating the interstitial level of adenosine, while the A1 adenosine receptor is a chief protective receptor of the myocardium.

  • Public and private health care as perceived by consumers in Hungary

    The scope of the study is the opinions of the Hungarian population on publicly and privately owned and financed health services. There is a relationship between the age group of consumers and the type of health service they find acceptable. Primary quantitative research (N=1196) shows that paying out of pocket for a service offered in a state-owned institution is unacceptable. The generation older than 54 years has the least experience with private healthcare, while those aged 36-41 years have the most. Hungarian adults consider private health services to be characterized by short waiting times, fast appointment booking, more human treatment, patient-centredness, and a pleasant environment compared to publicly funded care.

  • The prevalence and risk role of overweight and obesity in the development of non-communicable diseases, based on data from the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS)

    Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) caused by overweight, and obesity are a major public health problem worldwide.    
    The main aim of our study was to estimate the prevalence of obesity in Hungary, and to identify the factors contributing to the onset of overweight and obesity, as well as to assess their risk factors for various diseases.
    In our analysis, we used the matched questions of the 2009, 2014 and 2019 databases of the European Health Interview Survey, which could be considered as representative for the Hungarian adult population. Categorical data were analysed using chi-square tests and associations between obesity and disease were assessed using multiple logistic regression models.    
    After data cleaning, the database included 4886 participants in 2009, 5598 in 2014 and 5360 in 2019, resulting in a final sample size of 15844. The prevalence of obesity was 56% [95% CI: 54%-57%] in 2009 and 55% [95% CI: 54%-56%] in 2014; by 2019, it had increased to 62% [95% CI: 60%-63%]. In terms of gender, 64% of men and 52% of women were overweight or obese. By age group, the highest prevalence of overweight or obese was among those aged 65 and beyond (69%). In the case of education level, those with primary education (60%) were most frequently overweight or obese.        
    Adjusted for the year of the study, gender, age, education, marital status, self-perceived health status, how much someone can do for their health, region, and fruit and vegetable consumption habits, the presence of overweight or obesity increased the odds of developing respiratory diseases by 18% (OR=1.18; p=0.011) and musculoskeletal diseases by 41% (OR=1.41; p<0.001). Cardiovascular diseases were 2.33 times (OR=2.33; p<0.001), while metabolic diseases were 2.19 times (OR=2.19; p<0.001) more likely to develop among overweight or obese people.
    The results demonstrate that the prevalence of obesity in Hungary is extremely high, and that it is also a risk factor for the development of several diseases of public health significance. For this reason, the development of public health initiatives aimed at reducing overweight and obesity should be a priority.

  • Az olvasástanítás ortográfiás módszere-bizonyítékok és lehetőségek

    Az olvasás az egyén tanult képessége, ami lehetővé teszi írott szöveg megértését és értelmezését. Az OECD országokban a szövegértés terén mért PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) pontszámok fokozatos romlása alapján felvethető, hogy az olvasás tanításában szükség lehet új megközelítések kidolgozására, elsősorban a jelenlegi módszerekkel rosszul boldogulók számára. Az olvasástanítás hagyományosan a hang-betű megfeleltetés (silabizálás) elsajátításával kezdődik a betűkön alapuló írásrendszert használó országokban. Magyarországon a továbblépést rendszerint az egyes szótagokat alkotó betűk hangos összeolvastatása jelenti. Az agyműködés sajátosságaira fókuszáló kutatások felvetik az ortográfiás-morfológiai szegmentálásra alapozott módszerek igen eredményesek lehetnek. A továbbiakban bemutatásra kerül egy, a betű-bigram-morféma tagoláson alapuló, jelenleg pilot szakaszban járó, ún. ortográfiás olvasástanítási módszer, ami a jelenleg ismert neurobiológiai alapokra építve az agyi ventrális vizuális feldolgozólánc sajátosságait igyekszik figyelembe venni. A módszer lényege, hogy az olvasástanulás során a teljes szavak összeolvasás során, a betű – bigram (két, az adott nyelvben gyakran egymás mellé kerülő betű) – morféma (a legkisebb, már önálló jelentéssel bíró nyelvi egység) hierarchia szerint halad a tanulás. A gyerekek kezdettől fogva összefüggő magyar szöveget olvasnak hangos olvasással, mely biztosítja, hogy a gyerekek kontextuálisan gazdag környezetben találkozzanak az írott nyelvi elemekkel. Az ortográfiás olvasástanítási módszer jelentőségét a jövőbeli kontrollált vizsgálatok eredményei dönthetik el.