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  • Digitális kihívások a felsőoktatásban: Az NKE oktatóinak digitális készségeinek kvantitatív vizsgálata

    The information society is not only transforming the process of education but also creating new positions and challenges in the labour market, and education must prepare for this. Research shows that the success of education depends mostly on teachers (Mourshed, Chijoka and Barber 2010). In this study, we investigate the digital competence of teachers at Ludovika University of Public Service (hereinafter: LUPC) (N=824). For the quantitative research, we used the DigCompEdu questionnaire. The level of digital competence of the teachers is assessed based on their own self-assessment. We assume that although their digital competences need improvement, but their motivation to use digital technologies in the classroom is positive. The instructors scored higher points in the areas of digital resource management, professional engagement and teaching & learning but they scored the lowest in the area of assessment.

  • A pedagógus – szülő közötti kommunikáció akadályozó tényezőinek vizsgálata pedagógusi vélemények alapján

    Pupils’ educational achievement is affected by many factors. Although pupils’ individual abilities, motivation, quality of education, family and school environment has a great impact on student’s educational achievements and school career, the teacher – parent relationship and the underlining communication between teachers and parents play a very important role. This study reports the results of a semi-structures interview research on the communication barriers between teachers and parents conducted in a rural area (Harghita county, Romania).

  • Szülői segítségnyújtás az iskolai tanulmányi feladatok teljesítésében - Szülői kommunikáció – II. Rész

    Efficient communication between school and family is prerequisite and an essential part of developing effective parent-teacher partnerships. The study analyzes that the five parental communication patterns (active-positive; active-negative; passive-positive, passive-negative, communication-literate and flexible parents) created by Palts and Harro-Loit (2015) how and in what extenr is present in teacher-parent communication in the Kászon region. The passive-positive and passive-negative parent types are the most common in the study area.