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  • Questions of research while examining the organizational development of health care

    There are serious debates about the health crisis both in the public sector and the literature. Health care was the first service to be exempted from market law after the Second World War. General and free health care brought hope and relative results following the social shock. Due to equal access the established health networks were successful in improving health indicators, but this stalled by the end of the 1960s as modernization processes were significantly reduced and "the institutional network was confronted with new challenges ahead." (Szalai J. 1989:171) I begin my examination into the health care system by comparing the causes, phenomena, parallels, and disorganizations of past and present dissonances in primary and specialist care. I assume that having known the basic problems, a successful reform of the health care system can be started by modernization and the organizational development of primary and outpatient care.

  • A multi-level approach for the research background of subjective health condition in view of social inequalities

    In Hungary, as well as worldwide, one of the main objects of health sociology research is social inequality, focusing mainly on the inequalities stemming from health conditions. The main question is where and how these inequalities appear and evolve during the whole life-history, and how they sustain. In modern societies these differences clearly appear in the markers of health conditions like subjective well-being. The rate of inequalities are defined by essential sociocultural and sociodemographic variables like residual environment, geographical location, age or gender. A very important attribute of social research is to examine these phenomena on different stages and from various aspects. In my study I investigate these stages and aspects using the relevant theoretical literature.

  • A brief comprehensive overview of surrogacy

    Statistics situates infertility as a global health issue with about 48 million couples and 186 million individuals. The rate at which IVF and surrogacy arrangement have been engaged globally has raised alarm to scholars in medicine, sociology, law, social work, psychology, and religion among other fields. Improved methods and unarguable advantages of surrogacy particularly to couples in dire need of children has left even more questions unanswered. The focus of this research is placed on the interdisciplinary factors that influences the practice of surrogacy. Due to the paucity of data on the subject, a systematic review of relevant published articles dated until 2023 were engaged within survey design. This study argues that surrogacy is not welcomed in many societies, however, it is also clearly noted that it is currently practiced in several countries. Interdisciplinary collaboration has been situated within surrogacy practice, and the findings of this study is prominent for such.

  • A szülői gondoskodás formái – az anyaság gyakorlatának elemzése a helyi társadalom kontextusában

    A szülői tapasztalat és szülői identitás témáját növekvő figyelem övezi az elmúlt 20-25 évben a családszociológiai kutatások terén. A szülői gondoskodás gyakorlata mellett mind fontosabbá vált annak megismerése, hogy hogyan látják a szülők magukat szülőként, hogyan konstruálódik meg a szülőség tapasztalata. Számos egészségügyi, szociális, etikai, pszichológiai probléma, folyamat jelenhet meg ebben a keretben, s a különböző tudományterületekhez kapcsolódó kutatások mint egy nagyítóüveget használhatják a szülői tapasztalatot e jelenségek tanulmányozása során. A szülői szerepkör diverzitást mutat annak tükrében, hogy milyen értéket társítanak az eltérő szülői státuszokhoz. Az anyává válás például centrális pozíciót eredményezhet a családon belül, ám a társadalmi kontextusban inkább jár együtt izoláció megélésével és perifériára kerüléssel. Ez a szakadék hatással van a szülőség megélésének minőségére. Tanulmányunk célja az, hogy bemutassuk hogyan formálódik az anyaság tapasztalata és a szülői gondoskodás megélése különböző lokális terekben.