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  • A phenomenological study of the lived experiences of teenage mothers in coping with complications of pregnancy in Khaddamari Ward, Jere Local Government Area, Borno State

    Objectives: Teenage pregnancy is a world-wide phenomenon and a public health issue so our aim was to identify the contributing factors, and to study perception, complications, effects, challenges and coping mechanisms.

    Method: An explorative qualitative research design, snowball sampling, was used. Ten respondents were interviewed using an interview guide in Khaddamari Ward, Jere L.G.A. of Borno State.

    Results: The major contributing factor to teenage pregnancy is ignorance and lack of proper sex education both at home and school. Few responses listed traditional roles, cultural expectations, using drugs and alcohol, age discrepancy in relationships, socio-economic factors, sexual coercion and abuse. Most of them perceived fear, guilt and stigmatization and only a few of them said they were excited, proud and accepted. Anemia, preterm labour, cephalo-pelvic disproportion, obstructed labour and vesico-vaginal fistula were common complications. Almost all of them dropped out of school.

    Conclusion: Based on these findings of the study, a collaborative effort by all stakeholders involved should be employed in combating the complications of teenage pregnancy.

  • Az óvodáskorú gyermekek társas megküzdésének és szüleik szocioökonómiai hátterének összefüggései

    The research investigates how parental socioeconomic background (level of education, financial situation, labor market activity and the type of settlement) affects the preschooler’s coping skills in social conflicts. The focus is on the most effective coping strategies in kindergarten: negotiation and seeking help from an adult and the inadaptive one: physical aggression. We obtained measures on Coping Mechanism Questionnaire both from the teachers and children, and 306 parents answered the questionnaire about home environment. Regression analyses was applied to find out if there are independent variables with an explanatory role. According to our findings, SES has its relevance in the development of social coping mechanisms. Educational achievement and the activity of parents on the labour-market have been proved to have a moderator role in formation of coping skills among other demographic and psychosocial factors. Children with a more favorable social background cope more effectively.