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  • Szülői segítségnyújtás az iskolai tanulmányi feladatok teljesítésében - Szülői kommunikáció – II. Rész

    Efficient communication between school and family is prerequisite and an essential part of developing effective parent-teacher partnerships. The study analyzes that the five parental communication patterns (active-positive; active-negative; passive-positive, passive-negative, communication-literate and flexible parents) created by Palts and Harro-Loit (2015) how and in what extenr is present in teacher-parent communication in the Kászon region. The passive-positive and passive-negative parent types are the most common in the study area.

  • A pedagógus – szülő közötti kommunikáció akadályozó tényezőinek vizsgálata pedagógusi vélemények alapján

    Pupils’ educational achievement is affected by many factors. Although pupils’ individual abilities, motivation, quality of education, family and school environment has a great impact on student’s educational achievements and school career, the teacher – parent relationship and the underlining communication between teachers and parents play a very important role. This study reports the results of a semi-structures interview research on the communication barriers between teachers and parents conducted in a rural area (Harghita county, Romania).

  • I am who I am. Minority group identification

    Over the past half century, there have been rapid changes and reorientation in social processes, which can be perceived empirically, too. Our world has become more interactive, information flow has hastened, and communication technology has constantly been evolving. The accelerated processes, the historical and cultural changes have caused an identity crisis for families belonging to minority groups. The purpose of this study is to present how identification has changed among couples of intermarriage who are living in Vojvodina, and among the members of a community of Roma women living in two Hungarian counties. Similarities and differences in the lives of these two minority groups were investigated. In our research, we have concluded that the opening of mobility opportunities has significantly accelerated assimilation.

  • Tanodás és nem tanodás gyerekek szociális kompetenciáinak összevetése kérdőíves, megfigyeléses és narratív módszertannal

    In school settings, there are often not enough opportunities to develop children's social competencies besides developing their cognitive abilities. But there is a need for this kind of support, especially in disadvantaged areas and for minority children. Study-hall programs function to compensate for this deficiency. We compared matched groups of primary school pupils in two municipalities in the Northern part of Hungary. One group participated in a study hall program, while the other did not. We measured social competencies. Impulsivity and aggression were measured with questionnaires, while communication and future vision were approached qualitatively. Children attending Study-hall programs like to go there, and most of them listed playing activities among the best programs. Our results show that children from the study hall program have better communication skills and a more realistic vision of the future, and based on their self-report, they feel more like they belong to the majority society than their peers from the school without a study hall program. We conclude that study halls can mitigate disadvantages coming from low socio-economic status.