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  • Freeloaders, anomic students, ritual persistent students and goal-oriented persistent students. Unusual risks in higher educational students’ dropout

    The question of our study is measuring the relationship between the risk of dropout and the belief in the usefulness of the higher educational certificate and the effort to obtain it. In our analysis, the student database of the HERD research (N=1295) was used. Four groups were identified by cluster analysis. 1) Among the anomic students (the group described with anomie), the level of belief the usefulness of the higher educational certificate and the effort toward that is the lowest while the risk of dropping out is the highest. 2) The ritual persistent (i.e. tenacious) students are able to make strong efforts but do not believe in the degree. Their diligence does not offer them the same level of protection against dropout as 3) the goal-oriented persistence which means that the student believes in the degree as well besides the diligence. 4) The freeloaders are less diligent, but aware of the value of the degree, offering them bigger protection than the disappointed diligence of the ritual persistent students. Among the target-oriented persistent group is higher the proportion of students who learnt in an elite secondary educational institution and who has a graduated householder, while among the ritual persistent group the proportion of those having priority admission points due to disadvantaged/cumulative disadvantaged (HH/HHH) position is higher.

  • Examining the impacts of organizational culture and leadership styles on the organizational performance indicators

    The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between organizational culture and leadership and their impacts on such organizational performance indicators, organizational commitment and job satisfaction, by reviewing some of the previous organizational culture and leadership literature to clarify the links between both variables and their impacts on performance indicators. One might assume that a better organizational culture along with appropriate leadership style can lead to a higher level of job satisfaction and stronger commitment. Accordingly, if an organization has a strong organizational culture with a suitable leadership style which is able to keep the organization integration, this will result in the strengthening of organizational commitment, job satisfaction, and significant performance enhancement.