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  • The institutional background of local sustainability strategies

    The system of local sustainability strategies is shaped by the intentions of the central government and local initiatives together. From the aspect of the hierarchy of government organization in Hungary it means that there are institutions on the central government’s side – different ministries or other governmental institutions – the role of which is mainly coordination; and local governments (regional and local as well) also form their institutions at the municipality.
    It is important to examine the institutional background, as in Hungary the formation of sustainability policy is still in its infancy, so it is well worth taking the institutional background of countries the circumstances of which are similar to ours and have successful sustainability policies as a basis. In this presentation I will examine whether the top-down or the bottom-up approach is chosen, which institution is in charge of the process, what the legal background is like, and what sources are available for use in these countries.

  • The Aalborg process and its Hungarian connections

    The four European Conferences on Sustainable Cities and Towns gave birth to documents that are important from the point of view of local sustainability. These are, in chronological order, the Aalborg Charter – 1994 Aalborg, the Lisbon Action Plan – 1996 Lisbon, the Hannover Call – 2000 Hannover, and the Aalborg Commitments – 2004 Aalborg. Throughout the process, the emphasis gradually moved from planning to the implementation of plans.
    Today, there are more than 2000 signatories of the Aalborg
    1A tanulmány az OTKA T-046704 sz. pályázatának támogatásával készült.
    Charter. The cutting edge of the process are Italy and Spain, the municipalities of these two countries add up to 80 per cent of all signatories. In both countries, the national commitment is given, but there is not a body that could coordinate the activities related to sustainability, so local governments play the major role in it. The constitutions of these two countries also pass on some duties that are relevant from the point of view of sustainability within the competence of local governments, and allow resources to implement them. In the case of the United Kingdom, the commitment of the national government, and especially the Prime Minister, is the major factor in the movement towards local sustainability.
    The former socialist countries in Europe, as well as Hungary are relatively underdeveloped economically, so the social and environmental pillars of sustainable development are pushed into the background behind the economical pillar. As a result of the lack of national commitment, there is no guidance and there are no case studies available, so only a small part of local governments are informed of this important international movement, and so are committed to it. The lack of resources is also a problem. The consequence of all this is that there are 35 municipalities from the Eastern European countries that joined the EU in 2004, and only four from Hungary – to mention by name Aba, Kecskemét, Monor and Nagykanizsa – that signed the Aalborg Charter.

  • Inhibitive factors of the Local Agenda process in Hungary

    The concept of sustainable development is one of the most fashionable concepts in the world nowadays, but Hungary – 15 years after the Rio conference – is still far behind the times: it is the only country in the EU 25 that has not prepared a national sustainable development strategy.
    The situation is not encouraging in the field of local sustainability either. Although there are initiatives that can be described as ones that were prepared in the spirit of local sustainable development, no municipalities have working, formulated sustainability strategies.
    One of the most important messages of sustainability is that the consultative process between the local government and the community can have far reaching consequences, which can influence the municipality’s life for a long time. In my paper, I explore the inhibitive factors bearing this duality in mind, as the lack of top-down initiatives together with the low number and the low support of bottom-up approaches have led to this image which is not too flattering for Hungary. I also aim to show, through the example of other countries, how these inhibitive factors can be reduced.

  • Connections between the roma segregation processes and home circumstances in the outskirts of Hajdúböszörmény

    In order to analyze the social status of local gipsies – both inside the community and among themselves – we conducted an empirical research of 300 participants, in which we took the distinctive spatioand sociostructural features of Hajdúböszörmény into consideration. Furthermore, a second research was also carried out in which we questioned 25 prominent persons. Participants were selected in a way that the study may give a realistic picture of each of the segregated areas of the town (focusing on social, educational and realty issues), thus besides questioning professionals dealing with the concern of gipsies on a daily basis, we decided to involve representatives of the local government as well. The reports concerning the realty status of the segregated areas were supplemented with further material provided by the local government.

  • Today’s judgment of sub-statistical regions, the sources of development in the most disadvantaged areas, and the experiences of their utilization in the Sarkad area

    The system of our nation’s sub-statistical regions is before a change; its role in the Hungarian public administration has to be settled, which will be one of the most significant tasks of the forthcoming years. A prevalent question among the learned professionals is whether the sub-statistical regions will become local governments or they will keep their regulating and taskperforming functions? Public administration system of sub-statistical regions can be framed around three functions, which also determine the complements of the establishment: local government function, area development function, polity function. A strategic question is the equalization and development of the most disadvantaged. Here is where the LHH project, aiming at the development of the most disadvantaged sub-statistical regions, provides support. The main message of the program initiated by the government is “we will not abandon anyone”. In my article, the current state of the program in Sarkad’s sub-statistical region,
    the area of my study, will be discussed.

  • Examination of the current and idel organisational culture and leadership elements at the municipalities of the North Great Plain region

    The connection between organizational culture and leadership has been examined by several researchers (Schein, Schmircik, Bass) and it is proven that there is a link between them. The leader shapes the organizational culture and at the same time the organizational culture shapes the leader too. The middle managers of local governments place the major emphasis on the dimension of goal orientation for the future. From the leadership perspective they find charismatic, goal and team oriented leadership necessary for the future.

    The local governments have to answer the challenges of the rapidly changing environment. Quick responses and adjustments are only possible if the leader possesses a clear future vision and not only sets short-term goals but plans for the future and estimates the necessities on the long run. It is important to have a leadership with utmost dedication to the organization and to the objectives of the organization. The leaders must raise the interests of the employees, involve them in the process of setting goals and in finding ways to meet those goals, and that the employees should no longer strive to realize their own personal ambitions but focus on the common objectives. This brought transformational leadership to light.

    The leader establishes and shapes the organizational culture but the individuals and teams working for the organization have impact on the organizational culture as well. This becomes apparent in the organizational culture as middle managers would place the major emphasis on performance orientation. Performance orientation is a dominant motivation based on excellence, hard work, pre-calculated risk, fore planning, goal orientation and regular feedback, which shapes the leadership too, as the leader has to change as well, in order to run the organization.

    Scheins’ standpoint reflects the best the relationship between the organizational culture and the leadership. Schein claims that organizational culture and leadership are interwoven phenomena, as the leader shapes the culture but after a while the organizational culture itself shapes the leader too.

  • Experiences of organizing the social institutions into non-profit companies in Hajdú-Bihar county

    The study attempts to find solutions for relieving the major serious economic and social problems which are resulted partly by the economic crisis, mainly by demographic processes ( decrease of population, declining economic activity, ageing) and which occur all over Europe. In 2007, in Hungary, the Local Government of Hajdú-Bihar county started to reform the social institutions sytems in a unique way in the interest of operating these systems economically. The experiences, gained after the conversion, show that the companies as social institutions maintainers are able to work properly more efficiently, with less government support while they meet the professional requirements, and the management who does the control is competent
    and innovative. 

  • The status of conservation and management of indigenous sheep breeds in South Africa - A review

    Indigenous sheep breeds in South Africa play an important role in local food security and they are adapted to local conditions. Their genetic and cultural values have to be recognised for national importance. The conservation of these breeds is very critical as most of them are already classified as endangered. The South African government has the initiative to attempt the conservation of these animals; however, it comes with several challenges. In addition to funding, breed conservation demands farmers to understand and recognise the role of such breeds in society. This is especially crucial in the rural communal lands where breeds are kept. Farmers that raise indigenous breeds should be taught the necessity of maintaining the purity of these breeds. Indigenous sheep breeds in South Africa are not favored by the commercial farmers and thus they are more vulnerable. This review outlines the nature of sheep farming and the conservation status of four indigenous sheep breeds in South Africa. The effort and challenges that are met in current conservation arrangements are discussed. Moreover, we emphasise on the conservation techniques that are employed in South Africa.

  • Global tendencies in turkey meat production, trade and consumption

    Global meat production totaled 357 million metric tons in 2021. Poultry accounted for nearly 40 percent of total meat production, including 4.2 percent of turkey meat (5.8 million tons). Global turkey meat production has stagnated between 5.5 and 6.0 million tons since 2008, in contrast to the monotonous upward trend in poultry meat production. Turkey meat production generally occurs under well-integrated conditions, with some large multinational companies and smaller, regional players. The industry is exposed to a number of factors that affect supply and demand, including disease outbreaks, government regulations, consumer preferences, and economic conditions. Key factors driving market growth include population growth, urbanisation, and increasing consumer awareness of the health benefits of turkey meat over other meats. In addition, advances in processing, packaging, and distribution technology have improved turkey meat's shelf life and availability, further fueling growth. Turkey farming and production are mainly concentrated in certain regions such as North America and Europe, where industrialisation has a long history and infrastructure is well developed. Turkey meat production in these areas is sufficient to meet local demand and is often exported to other regions. However, in other regions where turkey farming is less developed, such as parts of Asia and Africa, turkey meat production is insufficient to meet local demand. This type of meat must be imported from other regions. The degree of self-sufficiency in turkey meat depends on the level of development of the sector in each region. This study investigates the factors affecting global and regional markets for turkey meat and systematised the development of global consumption, production, and trade of turkey meat.

  • Developing vegetable and fruit marketability potentials in Hajdu-Bihar county in terms of Hungary’s EU accession

    prearrangement, Hungary will be ready to join the EU by the 1st of January 2003. In the course of negotiations, the Government places special emphasis on agriculture, because Hungary is an agrarian country. Agricultural production is an important economic factor in Hungary: larger a factor in its economic structure than in those of the present EU member-states. In order to preserve competitiveness, Hungarian farmers and its
    processing industry require information on the EU's CAP and other market influences.
    In Hajdú-Bihar county the quality of agricultural products fall behind the standards of the European Union. There is no real solidarity among farmers, so they are left alone and are unable to meet higher, those standards, which were introduced by the structural changes of the market. Unfortunately, there is only one fruit and vegetable marketing organization (PO) in the county, although its necessity and effectiveness has been proved several times.
    Within the framework of Rural Development, agricultural marketing is vital, because together with the local FVM institutes, it can help the farmers by providing consultation, information, and by marketing their products. Since fruit and vegetable growing has a considerable history in Hajdú-Bihar county, marketing activities can be effective in assisting both the farmers and the processing industry in preparation for EU integration.

  • Implementation alterantives of the CIVAQUA complex water management program in the Debrecen region

    Hungary is one of the countries in Europe which has the largest amount of water supply because of its geographical conditions. Water comes from the surrounding mountains makes this water supply even more bigger. This precious water base needs to be treated responsibly and the most efficient way. The Civaqua program is a project with the above-mentioned conditions, made by the Local Government of Debrecen and the Water Directory of Trans-Tiszanian Region. This project deals with the exploitation of the East-Main Chanel’s water for social welfare, agricultural and inverimental protection purposes in Debrecen and its agglomeration. The aim of this paper is to give an overall insight into the investment plans of Civaqua program and it is also examines its positive direct and indirect effects on the region.

  • Energy use – in terms of efficiency

    In the recent decades it has become apparent that the human race can lead to a polluting and energy- wasting lifestyle and the depletion of natural resources and an ecological disaster as well.

    Energy efficiency is the realization of the chance to see a wider use of renewable energy. Renewable energy sources can be found in large quantities in Europe. A proper exploitation of these would be important because of the "traditional" energy sources’s sate is very critical in many ways.

    The utilization of renewable energy sources depends on many factors. The local natural conditions significantly determine each country's different renewable energy potentials. I find to be important the natural conditions, such as, solar radiation intensity , the number of sunny days per year, the wind conditions , the volume and their energy characteristics of the geothermal power resources , land features , soil and rock quality, the supply of fossil fuels or the nuclear possibilities of energy production. The economic environment is also a major influencing factor for the utilization of renewables. The conditions of price of fossil fuels (natural gas, oil and coal), the price of nuclear fuel production and other energy costs significantly influence the demand for renewables, as well as the level of subsidy and government tax policy. In addition, the international and national programs, objectives, strategies, subsidies and regulatory measures as well as technological factors can have a significant impact.

    In my paper I point out the opportunities of renewable energy should be given to live. Nowadays the positive effects of their use is undisputed. In addition to the environmentally friendly produced energy, we should strive for energy conservation and energy efficiency as well. These expectations appear in practice, which can be directly perceived by citizens, in fact we should live accordingly. Furthermore, the environmentally relevant regulations of living conditions should appear as environmental demands.

  • Evaluation of supporting in Derecske-Létavétes micro-regional area

    The occasion that joining to the European Union general several new opportunities which are supporting development, changes and increasing disadvantages. We tried to capitalizing these resources less or major rate in national and international level too. These opportunities are projects, tenders whose longterm effects are measured difficulty, it is a hard task. In spite of this fact I feel it has got basement importance to determine project activity forming future developments and ways. 
    In my study I deal with Derecske-Létavértes Sub-region. My aims to survey economic background of this sub-region, seeking contexts between economical factors, influential agents and project activity or results. In a settlement level it is essential what kind of supporting forms are available for entrepreneurs, civil organization, economic development and local government, what are the founds could be realized their development plans.

  • Challenges and responses for the convergence of people living in deep poverty in Hungary

    The accompanying phenomenon of the ongoing economic crisisis the deepening and fixation of awidely reaching social crisis. The concept o fdeep poverty has become generally known in recent years and has now become inevitable the convergence of the most disadvantaged at EU, governmental,regional and local levels. Besides government and othe rprograms a lot of research and studies serve reintegration. Among convergence tools education and training play prominent roles, which besides the acquisition o fpractical knowledge, place special emphasis on the development of a convergence helping environment and culture, the creation of a "convergenceculture".

  • Examining the compensation for the 2010 flood in the Sajó valley using real estate examples

    The intention of this article is to investigate the central damage mitigation of the 2010 flood in point of properties. During the investigationI performed the processing of the revealed data on a country level perspicuity, and in details on the level of sample area. In my study I worked with the available damage summations, the number of the damaged properties and the sources granted by central budget to extenuate those,and the husbandry database comparative analysis of local government of the sample strata. It came clear by the analysis of the results, which regions require more acquisition in the further process of the project.

  • Creating potential agricultural clusters in the Northern Great Plain Region

    The crisis of the hungarian agricultre is continuous since the ’80s. The compensation is made a dual farm system, which has created barriers to efficient agricultural production. It is confirmed by the economic indexes as well. But the most important natural resources of our country is still the land. Over the past 20 years, the government was not able to work out strategic aims and adequate system for the hungarian agriculture. In the past three decades the clusters has become the most common tool in economic development worldwide. Clusters always base on some local knowledge, and a country can be competitive on the industry in which the resources are concentrated. So the question is, is it possible to „clusterize” the
    agriculture and through this develop the rural economic.