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Characterisation of a thermotolerant yeast, Kluyveromyces marxianus CBS712
7-13Views:166Fermentation at high temperature with application of thermotolerant microorganisms is a technological advantage in bioethanol production. Among the yeasts, K. marxianus has outstanding thermotolarance. The industrial application of the IMB3 strain occurs usually at 45C. The final aim of our project is the genetic modification of the K. marxianus CBS712 strain in order to achieve ethanol production at higher temperature than the currently applied. This requires the characterization of the CBS712 strain, with special attention to the determination of the temperature limit of its growth and the amount of the ethanol produced. The temperature limit of growth was 48C in YPD medium. Elevation of the temperature above 45C led to an exponential drop of the cell viability. Ethanol production was tested in shaking flasks, in MYFM medium, under oxigene limited conditions, applying variable concentrations of glucose (12–20%) and different temperatures (45–47 ºC). Preliminary results have revealed that the elevation of glucose concentration increased the amount of ethanol produced. The amount of ethanol (appr. 5%)+ produced at the highest glucose concentration was not different at the tested temperatures (45, 46 and 47 ºC). The observation indicates the potential in raising the thermotolerance of the strain.
Determination of conversion rate values to characterise the ethanol production of the Kluyveromyces marxianus CBS712 fungus branch
23-27Views:157The ethanol production of the Kluyveromyces marxianus CBS712 strain was investigated among different kind of condition. We defined the conversion rate in order to know the efficiency of the ethanol production. To determine this value, it is crucial to characterize the residual glucose concentracio. We chose two method to determine the amount of residual glucose. The first method is the thin layer chromatography (TLC) and the second method is the method of the glucose-oxidase enzyme. We found that the TLC method is reliable than the other method. The conversion rates were determined from these values and the ethanol values. The maximal ethanol production of the characterized Kluyveromyces marxianus CBS712 strain (5.6% (v/v) ethanol at 45 °C, 55.3% conversion rate) is comparable to those strains which are applied in industrial ethanol production nowadays.
Germination and sugar content alteration in maize grain caused by Fusarium contamination
42-44Views:91Healthy and Fusarium affected ears were collected in Fészerlak, Somogy County at the end of vegetation cycle of maize (25-30 August). Each pattern contains 25-25 ears. We compared the samples on the basis of visual image of Fusarium affection. The ears were shelled and two 0,5 kg samples were formed: healthy and Fusarium contaminated. After surface sterilisation the uniform sized seeds were soaked in sterile distilled water for 24 hours and there were germinated for 7 days. The α-amylase activity was measured with Phadebas- α-amylase test. Seeds were extracted one by one three times under reflux using 10 cm3 boiling water for 15 minutes. During our investigation germinating activity was detected to measure glucose, fructose, sucrose content and α-amylase activity. In the first seven days of germination the highest values were detected in control seeds followed by the affected seeds. Our results clearly show that stress conditions applied altered not only the saccharide content but decreased their germinating activity as well in the case of maize grain.
Studies of Expression of Peptaibol Synthetase of Trichoderma reesei
188-190Views:162Because of the potential importance of peptaibols in the biological control of plant diseases, a transgenic, a T. reesei strain carrying a tex1-promoter: goxA fusion plasmid was constructed for furthur studies. The peptaibol synthetase gene (which is highly similar to T. virens tex1) was identified in the genome sequence of T. reesei. A 900 bp 5’ upstream noncoding fragment, presumed to include the promoter region of tex1, was cloned into the pSJ3 plasmid (which contains the Aspergillus niger goxA gene encoding glucose oxidase). Finally, we transformed T. reesei with the tex1-promoter: goxA fusion containing pSJ3 plasmid.
Improved soil and tomato quality by some biofertilizer products
93-105Views:308The use of microbial inoculums is a part of sustainable agricultural practices. Among various bioeffectors, the phosphorus-mobilizing bacteria are frequently used.
The objective of this study is to investigate the effect of some industrial biofertilizer inoculums, of containing P-mobilizing bacteria on the quantity and some quality parameters of tomato fruits. Spore-forming industrial Bacillus amyloliquefaciens FZB42 (Rhizovital) as single inoculums and combinations with other Bacillus strains (Biorex) were applied on Solanum lycopersicon Mill. var. Mobil test plant. Soil microbial counts, phosphorus availability, yield and fruit quality, such as total soluble solids (TSS) content and sugars (glucose, fructose) were assessed. The results found that single industrial inoculums of FZB42 product had positive effect on P-availability and fruit quality in the pots. Fruit quality parameters, TSS content, soluble sugars were significantly improved (p<0.05). Such better fruit taste was correlated significantly by the most probable number (MPN) microbial counts. Use of such bioeffector products is supported by the positive interrelation among measured soil characteristics and inside healthy quality parameters of tomato fruits.
Stress Response of four Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) Varieties with Different Genetic Background
26-29Views:94Four different carp varieties were tested for stress reaction, with the help of 10 °C cooling and 100 g/l crowding. The selected varieties represented a broad genetic spectrum of carp species. The stress was monitored by measuring plasma cortisol, glucose and lysozim levels. In each test different varieties showed significantly different reaction to stress. This means that they differ in the trait of general resistance. Thus, this trait can be used in selection programmes and the acquired information helps to understand fish-environment interaction and specific resistance. These traits should be used in selection to improve the breeding of new more tolerant species for intensive farming or for organic production.
The effect of feeding different glycerol sources on the performance of lactating sows
99-103Views:196Glycerol is a by-product of the biodiesel industry and it might be a good alternative to moderate the energy deficiency of sows during the lactation period. Preliminary experiments were carried out to test the effect of a powder, solid based “food grade” glycerol source with 72.9% glycerol content (Trial 1) and a liquid “feed grade” glycerol source with 86% glycerol content (Trial 2) on the performance of lactating sows and their litters. Trial 1 was conducted with 5 Hungarian Large White×Hungarian Landrace sows/treatment (313±24.9 kg) and Trial 2 with 12–12 DanAvl (323±17.0 kg) sows and their litters/treatment. Neither the solid, powder based glycerol (Trial 1), nor the liquid glycerol source (Trial 2) had significant effect on the feed intake, reduction in live weight and back-fat thickness, and weaning-tooestrus interval (p>0.05) of lactating sows. In Trial 2, on the 14th, 21st and 27th days of lactation the milk samples were collected and it was found that 50 kg/t glycerol decreased the protein content of milk samples (p<0.05). Glycerol supplementation had no effect on dry matter, fat, lactose content of milk samples (p>0.05). In Trial 2, no significant difference was found between control and experimental sow groups in triglyceride concentration of blood samples and in the activity of liver enzymes (ALT, AST, GGT; p>0.05), but the concentration of plasma glucose and cholesterol increased tendentiously (p<0.10).
Based on our preliminary results, it can be concluded that additional dose trials are needed to perform in order to study the effect of glycerol supplement on milk production and on metabolic processes of lactating sows.
Effect of allithiamine on the level of hyperglycaemia-induced advanced glycation end products
41-44Views:328Diabetes mellitus is a rapidly growing public health burden in both developed and developing countries. Diabetes mellitus is accompanied by hyperglycaemia, which can cause tissue injury by several mechanisms. One of these is the formation of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs). In this study, the effect of allithaimine, a fat-soluble thiamine derivative, was investigated on hyperglycaemia-induced AGEs levels using human umbilical cord vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) as a hyperglycaemic model. HUVECs were isolated by enzymatic digestion, characterized by flow cytometer and treated 30 mM glucose plus allithaimine or thiamine or cell maintenance medium as control. Allithiamine was synthesized and purified. The structure of the synthesized and isolated compound was verified by reverse phase HPLC and MALDI-TOF. AGEs were evaluated by ELISA. Collectively, our results indicate that allithiamine can reduce level of the hyperglycaemia-induced AGEs similar to thiamine.
Sorghum and millet as alternative grains in nutrition
91-95Views:295Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) and millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) are the fifth and sixth most important cereal crops in the world. Gluten-free grains, therefore persons with coeliac disease could consume them also. In addition, they have a lot of positive effects due to their phenolic compounds (phenol acid, flavonoid, tannin). The total phenol content of sorghum is high, but Panicum miliaceum and Eleusine coracana have higher antioxidant activity. Fiber and mineral contents are also high, the protein contents are also higher than in standard cereals. Sorghum use is similar to corn: starch, glucose, syrup, and oil can be produced. Moreover, it can be used in preparing whole grain products, bread, pancake, dumpling, mush, cake, pasta and beer from sorghum. Broom and forage are also can be prepeared from them. Millet used such as mush, steamed food, cake, bread, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages.