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  • Laboratory and small plot fungicide trials to control potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans) next to Sepsiszentgyörgy town (Romania)

    Our experiments were carried out during 2009 and 2010 years on Szépmező field, next to the Sepsiszentgyörgy town, Kovászna county, Romania. The experimental area situated at 520 - 580 m altitude, its soil is a humus rich chernozem, the yearly average temperature is between 7 - 8 oC, the precipitation is 500 - 600 mm/year. 7 different fungicides efficacy were studied for control to potato late blight disease caused by Phytophthora infestans on three potato varieties, viz. Ostara, Santé and Desirée.

    In the laboratory the fluanizam (500 g/L, ALTIMA 500) fungicide was the best in inhibition of growing fungus while on the field trial plots cymoxanil + famoxadone (22.1 + 16.6%, EQUATION PRO WP*) and metalaxyl** + mancozeb (200 g/L + 1.600 g/L, RIDOMIL MZ 72WP) were the most effective. This facts were confirmed by statistic Duncan-test and data of yields.

    The appearance of Phytophthora infestans epidemic was influenced by the climate conditions too during May and June when the minimum temperature was 12 oC, and the maximum 20 oC, the rain quantity more than 120 mm, the air humidity above 75%, these conditions promote the appearance and spread of fungus.

  • The effects of the nanoselenium supplementation to the production parameters and the selenium retention of the red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus)

    The selenium is an essential trace element with antioxidant effect, constituent of many enzymes, natural component of the body of the animals. The addition to the fish feed as micro element supplementation is generally accepted. Numerous animal experiments veryfied, that the antioxidant effect of the nanoselenium is higher than other selenium forms. But no much information is available of the usuage at fish.

    In the experiment were investigated the effects of the nanoselenium supplementation of a commercial fish feed were investigated to the production parameters and the body tissue composition. The correlation between the accumulated selenium content of the body and the treatment, and the feed conversation was also statistically analyzed beside the production parameters. Furthermore we were curious, if can be toxic the nanoselenium in higher doses.

    The experimental stock was placed into 12 plastic tanks (each 70 l water vol.) in a recirculation system for larval rearing. The salinity and the water temperature was constant during the 8 week long experiment. The feeding was ad libitum, 4 times a day. Beside the control five (1, 1.5, 2.5, 5.5, 10.5 mg Se kg-1) duplicated treatment were set.

    According to the results, from the production parameters only at the value of FCR and the survival was found significant difference (p<0.05) between the groups. However strong correlation (r=0.752–0.780, p<0.01) was determined between the treatment and the accumulated selenium levels. To analyzed the free fatty acid contentof the fish, we realized, that the selenium uptake significanly enhanced this level at all treatments. The greatest change was found in case of the type n-3 fatty acids.

    Established by the results, the higher intake than 0.5 mg Se kg-1 was not changed significantly the production parameters, nevertheless to increase the selenium content of commercial feeds to 1.5 mg Se kg-1 could be rewarding on the rearing of red drum.

  • Effect of the dry and rainy weather on the Idared and Golden Reinders apple varieties fruit quality

    Weather conditions have an important role in fruit production. In the last few decades, this role is increased and basically determines the
    fruit quality and quantity. Despite of this statement, there is but very few information about impacts caused by weather anomalies in
    Hungarian orchards. Regarding this, the relation between the external, and internal values of the Idared and Golden Reinders apple varieties,
    the changing of the temperature and precipitation in a dry year (2009) as well as in a rainy year (2010) were investigated. The examined
    apple varieties are grown at the same training system (rootstock, spacing, training, pruning system). The average weight, average diameter,
    acid content and soluble solids were higher in 2009 than in 2010, although the precipitation was higher in 2010. Due to the many rainy days
    the intensity of sunshine and the number of sunny days were less. To produce better quality it is very important the amount of the sunshine
    and heat, the optimal temperature and the precipitation rate.

  • Changes in toxic elements content of soil after sewage sludge treatment in energy willow plantation

    The primary purpose of our experiment was the solution of municipal excess sludge treatment by a renewable energy resource used willow (Salix viminalis L.) plantation. Tests were carried out to state whether the applied sewage sludge has caused any accumulation of the toxic elements in the studied soil layers, and - based on the results –to see whether the plantation is suitable for the treatment of municipal sewage sludge.
    The excess sludge (sludge before dewatering) is beneficial for the willow, because it contains a 3–5% dry matter and therefore, a lot of water, too. This high water content ensures the high water amount needed for the intensive growth of the willow. On the other hand, the wastewater treatment plant can save the dewatering cost which corresponds to about 30% of the water treatment process costs. The amounts of the sprinkled sewage sludge were calculated on the basis of its total nitrogen content. Treatments were the followings: control, 170 N kg ha-1 year-1 and 250 N kg ha-1 year-1. The mean values of the toxic element concentrations in the sewage sludge did not cross the permitted limits of the land  accommodating.

    The measured toxic element values of the soil were compared to the limits of the 50/2001. (IV.3.) Government Regulation.The  sprinkled sewage sludge on the bases of the total N content did not cause accumulation of heavy metals in the soil and the treated plants were also healthy without any signs of toxicity. 

  • How does the S-locus determining self-incompatibility in stone fruits work in self-compatible peach?

    The majority of stone fruit species are self-incompatible, a feature that is determined by a specific recognition mechanism between the S-ribonuclease enzymes residing in the pistils and the F-box proteins expressed in the pollen tubes. Failure in the function of any component of this bipartite system resulted in self-compatibility (SC) in many cultivars of Prunus species. Peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch.) is the only species in the Prunoideae subfamily that is traditionally known to be self-compatible, but its molecular background is completely unknown. Isoelectric focusing and S-gene specific PCR revealed that SC is not due to functional inability of pistil ribonucleases. We hypothesize that SC may be a consequence of a kind of pollen-part mutation or the action of one or more currently unknown modifier gene(s). Only two S-alleles were identified in a set of peach genotypes of various origin and phenotypes in contrast to the 17–30 alleles described in self-incompatible fruit trees. Most important commercial cultivars carry the same S-allele and are in a homozygote state. This indicates the common origin of these cultivars and also the consequence of self-fertilization. According to the available information, this is the first report to elucidate the role of S-locus in the fertilization process of peach. 

  • Establishing regional cultivating districts on the basis of the Kreybig practical soil mapping system

    With the help of this report evaluating the current situation of the region, characteristics of the development in agricultural production and regional differences can be clarified. By mapping out the regional soil, land use and climatic conditions and organizing these into a geographical information system, one can easily determine which plants are the most ideal to cultivate in that particular region. Moreover, it is a useful tool that enables us to
    establish the most favorable land use structure suited to ecological demands and also helps to determine the methods of soil protection.
    During our work, we chose administrative units in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County, based on the latest aspects of regional cultivation.
    Our pilot areas are: the small regions of Nyíregyháza, Nyírbátor, Nagykálló, Mátészalka and Csenger.
    Using the database, we separated and uncovered the soil conditions of the pilot areas: the chemical and physical properties of the soil layer which is exploited by the roots of the plants, the humus content, the nutrient supply, the thickness of the cultivated layer and the water management conditions.
    We separated the districts of regional cultivation, where the basic elements of the traditional Kreybig color systems were applied (light yellow, dark yellow, light brown, dark green, blue, pink, red, gray, greenish brown, reddish purple, light purple, dark purple, light green).
    By using the data collected from the pilot areas, we compiled a map database, which is suitable to illustrate the plant cultivating characteristics of the region. We made recommendations to determine the most favorable plants to cultivate in the specific region with the given meteorological and soil conditions, as well as for the shifting of crops.
    Our recommendations were also illustrated in a map with a resolution of 1:25000. 

  • The importance of selenium in the living world and in the scientific research

    Presently, selenium (Se) is one of the most investigated microelements. It has an important proven role in many vital processes. Directly or indirectly, selenium deficiency can play a role in the development of many diseases. On the other hand, the concentration range in which selenium is essential is narrow; there is a narrow gap between necessary and toxic content in dietary intake. In this context, selenium contamination poses a further health risk for people if they live near the industrial areas and mining activity.
    In this paper, we comprehensively introduce the very important trace element selenium. We studied the base parameters, deposit, analytic and deficiencies, problem of contamination and also the solution of contamination problems of selenium.

  • Tools of promoting „energy-crops”

    The utilisation of renewable energy sources have come to front with the decreasing fossil fuel stocks, the unsolved problems and fears of nuclear energy and so the cumulating energy dependence. In Hungary the potential of biomass is the largest in renewable energy sources.
    During our examinations, we analysed the promotion of producing energy crops in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county. With the examination of the territories involved in energy crop subsidies it can be stated that the energy crop subsidy had its promoting role only on those areas where because of the bad soil conditions the energy crop producing is more profitable than other alternative (non energy) crops.
    The expected growth rate of energy plantations will be low, according to the low rate of subsidy intensity (40-60%). The uncertainty of direct area payments decreases the calculability that cuts back the favour of investment in short rotation forestry planting.

  • Following-up organic pollutants in the course of producing foods

    We analysed the raw materials in various food products, including additives, carrier solvents and end product for several selected organic pollutants. We analysed these food products for the type of chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls and other currently used pesticides.
    We analysed three product categories: bakery products, canned mushroom and meat products. The analysis of the bakery products and of the canned mushroom did not conclude in positive findings, which means that these products contained the agents given during the production of the product and the environmental pollutants in undetectable low concentration.
    However, the results for meat and fish products indicate that polychlorinated compounds are persistent and are of a lipophyl character, as some of these components have been detected in these food products, the concentration of the PCBs were detected in the range of 9.8-24 μg/kg.

  • Utilization and examination of red, elemental selenium nano spheres, produced by fermentation technology, in animal tests

    In our experiments we tested the toxicity of Nano-Se and LactoMicroSel® compared with other organic and inorganic selenium forms, in case of a subakut animal test. We produced the Nano-Se and LactoMicroSel® by probiotic lactic acid bacteria in our laboratory. (Prokisch et al., 2010; Eszenyi et al., 2011). We mixed the inorganic selenium forms, selenite and selenate, the organic form, Sel-Plex® and our products, Nano-Se and LactoMicroSel® into the standard food of laboratory mice and we fed them for two consecutive weeks. After the extermination we observed mortality, the change of body mass,and measured the blood antioxidant capacity with FRAP method.