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  • Casting Issues of Thick-Walled High Pressure Die Castings
    Megtekintések száma:

    Die casting is a manufacturing process for producing accurately dimensioned, sharply defined, smooth or textured surface metal parts. It is accomplished by injecting liquid metal at fast velocity and under high pressure into reusable steel dies. Compared to other casting processes, die casting is at the top end of both velocity and pressure. The high velocity translates into a very turbulent flow condition. The process is often described as the shortest distance between raw material and the finished product.

    Pre-fill is a process technique that is the result of significantly delaying the start of fast shot beyond the “metal at the gate” position. It can be stated as a percentage of cavity fill or as a distance beyond metal at the gate.

  • The Effect of the Excess Titanium Content on the Microstructure of Al – Si Foundry Alloys
    Megtekintések száma:

    Grain refining is an important technological step for the nucleus growth of the melt, in order to increase the number of nuclei, to improve mechanical properties (tensile strength, yield strength, hardness, elongation), feeding conditions and to decrease the tendency of hot tearing and the degree of sintering. [1][2] The aim of the experiments was the determination of the grain refining effects of titanium (Ti) addition in the form of AlTi5B1 master alloy to the examined alloys (AlSi7MgCu0.5 – AC 42 000, AlSi9Cu3Fe0.5 – 46 500; AlSi9Cu1 – AC 46 400). The results prove that the addition of small amount of master alloy has a favourable effect on the foundry practice.

  • A személyes márkaépítés kihívásai napjainkban
    Megtekintések száma:

    Jelen kutatásunk célja az influencerekkel való együttműködés, mint az egyik legújabb marketing eszköz jelentőségének kiemelése. Cikkünk segítséget kíván nyújtani a márkáknak és a véleményvezéreknek a szakirodalom által is említett olyan kritikus helyzetekben, mint az eredményesség mérése folyamán felmerülő problémák vagy a megfelelő stratégiai partnerek megtalálása. A számos potenciális kutatási terület közül a jövőben mi a sportolók selfbrandingjét szeretnénk vizsgálni és ezáltal megtalálni azokat kulcsfontosságú tényezőket, amelyek megkülönböztetik az influencereket a többi embertől.

  • Simulation Aspects of the High Pressure Die Casting Process
    Megtekintések száma:

    High pressure die casting (HPDC) is a manufacturing process for producing accurately dimensioned, sharply defined, smooth or textured surface metal parts. It is accomplished by injecting liquid metal at fast velocity and under high pressure into reusable steel dies. Compared to other casting processes, die casting is at the top end of both velocity and pressure. The high velocity translates into a very turbulent flow condition. The process is often described as the shortest distance between raw material and the finished product.

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