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  • Opinions of Higher Education Students about Internships and Working while Studying

    The importance of working while studying in higher education has a globally growing tendency, and Hungary is not an exception. The demand for the opportunities of student employment has been recognized not only by the students but also by the policy makers of higher education, leading to the introduction of solutions like the obligatory internship semesters or the dual training programs. The current study contributes to the better understanding of this field through the analysis of a database from a questionnaire survey conducted among bachelor students from seven majors of the University of Debrecen during the Fall semester in 2015 (N = 589). The main findings suggest that the students mostly consider the internships as an investment into their future career while the short term compensation and the personal interests have a lower importance for them. About 75% of the students would be willing to work not more than 20 hours a week, and most of them would look for ‘official’ studentwork. For working, they would sacrifice the time connected to the following activity-areas (relative to the other activities in the list, and in descending order): time for leisure (this is the most likely to be sacrificed), for sport, for friends, for family, and for learning (this is the less likely to be traded in for working hours). Willingness to work (measured in daily working hours) seems to be connected to the following factors: major, year of study, how important the activity areas are considered compared to working (learning, family, friends, sports, leisure), and the importance of finding a personally interesting internship.

  • The Information Security Risks of the BYOD

    Today we cannot imagine our everyday lives without using our smart devices. While commuting we often get into people - even literally - who are doing their work on their portable devices 24 hours a day. This habit is widespread; there are many solutions that can be used by the corporation to have their employees work on their private devices, besides using it in their personal life. They can use these devices at their home, while commuting, or even while being at their own cubicle at the firm. In this article, we are concentrating on the IT risks of the firm with this work practice from a theoretical point of view. After this step, we will continue our research with investigating the problem of measuring and mitigating of these risks.

  • Impact of Digitalization on Domestic Trade Strategies

    The aim of our study is to reveal the fit of digital space into current and future trade and to assess the effects of digitization on Hungarian trade strategies. The information gathering and purchasing habits of consumers have changed dramatically in recent years. Consumers today make buying decisions based primarily on convenience, effectiveness (fast and convenient access to products at adequate price/value ratio), and experience. Adjusting to these trends, traders developed novel trading strategies, and the use of achievements of digitization is an integral part of these strategies. One aspect of digitization is the increasing global development of e-commerce. The Hungarian online commerce have also been expanding significantly from year after year: based on 2018 data, domestic and foreign online sales volume have passed 1000 billion HUF. The Hungarian online consumers buy on the Internet more and more often and at greater and greater value. The online shopping on virtual reality platforms may make this purchase mode more experiential. Webshops have to meet new consumer needs, and deliver the ordered products as soon as possible, preferably within 24 hours. An increasing number of parcel delivery options has begun becoming more and more popular (e.g., automatic parcel terminals, pick pack points). However, traditional channels should not be buried, either. Their obvious advantage is that consumers can take their choice based on multiple senses and it also gives them more room for impulse buying. Combined with the digital technology compliant with contemporary requirements, this can offer a complete shopping experience. Nowadays, recognizing this need online and traditional channels have been mixed in several cases (e.g., multichannel, omnichannel, cross-channel sales) and offer several options for consumers during the purchase process. The sales area optimization of traditional shops and the buyer paths aided by digital technology (e.g., digital shelf labels) are designed for the buyers’ convenience. The newest innovations imply automation of the buying process making the whole process more convenient and more personalized with the use of sensors (e.g., Amazon Go) or robots (e.g., Pepper). In our future purchases, digital personal assistants will appear as digital versions of sales personnel.

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