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  • The Role of Small-Scale Household Power Plants in the Electricity Supply by the Hungarian Settlements

    The utilization of renewable energy sources spread with stormy speed on the world therefore more and more municipalities propose that they satisfy their energy demand from renewable sources. The fossil fuels represent a significant proportion in Hungarian energy balance and the majority of these is import energy. The proportion of renewable energy sources must be increased to decrease the energy dependence and the energy cost of municipalities, to increase the energy security and to consider the aspects of environment.The interest of Hungary is to increase the proportion of renewable energy sources in energy supply. In order  to this, the government created the small-scale household power plant (SSHPP) category in the Electricity law. This power plants should be not greater than 50 kW's performance. In this category, electricity can be produced from renewable and fossil sources. Since the government introduced the small, household size power plant category the installed capacity was grown quickly in the last seven years. The general capacity was 0.51 MW altogether at the end of year 2008 but it has already approached 129 MW’s at the end of year 2015. The general capacity was increased by the multiple of the previous year every year between 2008 and 2015 and there will be more a dynamic capacity expansion. Data about the capacity and the produced electricity can be displayed on municipality level, too. The purpose of the investigations is to determine: how can the built capacity of the small, household size power plant category participates in the electricity supply of the Hungarian settlements? So how many percentages of electricity demand can be gratified by this electricity power on the settlements? Based on this a ranking can be made among municipalities which shows the level of sufficiency in production of renewable energy and give a possibility for the power shift. Finally, to what extent can be built upon this power plant category in order to that Hungary can comply its objective value.

  • Future Power Plant Portfolio Analysis from the Point of View of Minimum Cost and Emission Optimization

    The article examines the expected composition of the power plant portfolio in Hungary by 2030. The indicators considered are the life-cycle unit costs (LCOE) and the life-cycle specific carbon dioxide emissions (LCA(CO2)) of the power plant types. The minimum of these two indicators, as objective functions, is determined by a linear programming method for the power plant portfolio. The results show that the LCOE minimum for the power plant portfolios in 2030 is worse in absolute terms and better in specific terms than in 2021. In both absolute and specific terms, the LCA(CO2) minimum is more favourable in 2021. These results are met under the thirty and twenty-five percent electricity import scenarios. With twenty percent imports, the absolute values are worse and the specific values are better for both indicators. On the other hand, the results of the calculations for 2030 fall short of the 2030 Agenda of the Institute for a Green Transition. This is due to the delay in commissioning a new nuclear power plant and the transformation of industry with increasing electricity demand. For the portfolios under review, a minimum of thirty percent of domestic generation from renewable sources is met. This contributes significantly to the European Union's ambition for the sector to be net greenhouse gas-free by 2050.

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