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  • A vállalati kultúra sajátosságai a KKV szektorban

    A kis-és középvállalkozások szerepe az európai gazdaságban kulcsfontosságú, ugyanis a kkv szektor közel 87 millió embert foglalkoztat, a versenyszféra alkalmazottaknak mintegy kétharmadát és az Európai Unió hozzáadott értékének mintegy 58%-át teszik ki. Míg az uniós átlag 4,2 fő, addig a magyarországi kkv-k átlagosan 3,1 főt foglalkoztatnak. A kis- és középvállalkozások napjainkban nagymértékben hatást gyakorolnak a magyar gazdasági teljesítményre, illetve a foglalkoztatásban jelentős részt vállalnak, kiemelkedő a szerepük az új gazdasági szerkezetben. A versenyképesség lényegére, a vállalat termelékenységére nagy hatással vannak a vállalaton belüli, főleg a vállalati menedzsment és a vállalati kultúratényezők. Tanulmányom célja megvizsgálni a kis- és középvállalkozások vállalati kultúra tényezőit, amelyeket meghatározói a hatékony működésnek, majd ezek alapján javaslatot tenni a versenyképesség növeléséhez hozzájáruló kultúrafejlesztésre.

  • Strategic Role of HR in Hungary and Slovakia, Based on the International Cranet Research (2015-2016)

    Western-European management trends have been spread including modern approaches to human resource management over the past decades in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The point of the new HR conception is the strategic partner role, which is underpinned by the appreciation of human resources. There was a rapid change in the management methods of the organizations due to the socio-economic changes in the examined countries. However, in many places the personnel departments were simply renamed, and their HR staff are still concentrating on their traditional activities. These activities are important and should  be fulfilled today as well, but to play an influential role in the design and maintenance of organizational competitiveness HR should have a new, strategic attitude. The study examines HR's strategic role based on the empirical international Cranet research in Hungary and in Slovakia.

  • Quality Improvement in Higher Education – Role of Indicators and Student Feedbacks in Course Improvement

    Customer oriented conduct and process-based thinking have become quasivital pillars of durable competitiveness for the business world today. Following this approach should result in satisfied customers, decreased costs, and efficient employees. However, the actors in higher education are just starting tolerant his way of thinking. The increasing focus on quality issues and the process-related approach to this is catalyzed by several factors. These concept is not a new issue at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. The Department of Management and Corporate Economics as the flagship of teaching and researching quality management at the University looks for opportunities to give practical answer. Based on this the purpose of my paper is to demonstrate different examples at the different level of processes in higher education.

  • Comparison of R&D innovation indicators of the visegrád group

    Innovation is a crucial strategic issue not only for businesses to maintain and improve competitiveness, but also has paramount role at a macroeconomic level how a national economy is able to contribute to the national division of labour. Innovation and research and development are particular and even more crucial in post-socialist countries which are trying to catch up with Western Europe in an economic point of view. We compared countries in the Visegrád Group in the study regarding their innovation indexes, R&D indicators and corporate innovations. These indicate that countries in the Visegrád Group are lagging behind the European Union. The Czech Republic ranks the first place in almost each aspect among the countries in the Visegrád Group. As for time series indicators, there is a steadily improving tendency in R&D. Regarding measuring innovation and R&D, it can be concluded that perfect method and scorecard are not available, indexes based on varying methods may generate different results and decision taking only one index into consideration cannot be made in business practice. In my opinion, R&D indicators are dominant to a large extent in comprehensive innovation indexes that might be misleading in the assessment of innovation (particularly in corporate innovation).

  • Changes in the financing of domestic research and development

    Nowadays, the fourth industrial revolution is taking place at an incredible speed, with innovation at its heart. Of this, R & D funding is of paramount importance, which is directly or indirectly one of the most important tools for increasing corporate competitiveness. The study examines trends in domestic R & D expenditures over the past one and a half decades. It focuses on the extent to which the financial crisis has affected the amount of funding resources and their structure. From an international comparison, Hungary and the European Union spend much less on research and development than those in the global competition. The impact of the crisis is reflected in the decline in the growth dynamics of R & D expenditures, but it has not been solved solely as a result of the crisis. Changes in the domestic structure of expenditures in recent years are encouraging and are in sync with the change in attitude that is considered desirable in R & D funding. If we examine the domestic statistical data more thoroughly, we can no longer be very satisfied. However, from trends in data from recent years, it becomes apparent that neither Hungary nor the European Union will achieve the 1.8 and 3.0 per cent of GDP R & D spending by 2020.

  • Potential Impact of Innovation on the Competitiveness of Sports

    Innovation and development activities related to sports and the tools created during the processes facilitate performance sports players (athlete, coach, sports manager) to achieve outstanding results in their field.

    The success of sport can have a major impact on the social image of sport and its economic potential, and thus on the future of the sport. In my paper, I undertake to introduce the innovation processes associated with competitive sport and the products that result from these innovative activities, and then examine how and to what extent these supplies influence the economic and professional performance of the sports under investigation.

  • The Factors of Digitality and Sustainable Competitiveness in the Domestic Context

    The recovery of international relations and the development of technology are in correlation with the increasing globalization tendencies. These processes increase the interdependence of countries, but also the competition between them. The factors of competition are constantly changing and being revalued. As a result new elements appear in addition to the traditional elements, and there are assimetries between existing components. The economic performance of a country increasingly depends on the knowledge and technology, its economic success on the use of knowledge. The purpose of the study is to present and analyze the proxies that define and shape the role of Hungary by IMD Competitiveness Research Center and by the complex indicators developed by Korea-based SolAbility. It also draws attention to all the factors that will significantly effect our country's economy in the future.

  • Monitoring of the Corporate Competitiveness Effect of Tourism Support

    Today the tourism is without doubt strategic of importance in the world. In Hungary's case can be related, that contributes to the performance of the economy largely, and its role is very important in the employment, too. Because of national economic weight it is suitable to analysing, but for the sake of complexity the consideration of economic performance, competitiveness exceptionally complicated task. The two sections are attached most directly, the performace is measurable through the accomodation service and hospitality. Present study does not intend to measure the performance of whole tourism section, the aim is from a corporate side, measure the corporate competitiveness from accountancy datas, the examination of part. The object of the actual examination is monitoring of the profitability effect of tourism supports through the example of 8 companies.

  • Egy hazai vállalat szervezeti magatartásának vizsgálata, különös tekintettel a motivációra

    A XXI. században a globális versenyképesség jelenti a vállalkozások számára az egyik legnagyobb kihívást. A vállalkozásnak magas színvonalú és kiegyensúlyozott működést kell megvalósítania ahhoz, hogy meg tudjon felelni a globális kihívásnak. A cégeknek erre a jelenlegi helyzetre kell minél hamarabb jól működő stratégiát kialakítani, mielőtt az összes tehetséges szakmunkás külföldre vándorolna a jobb remények érdekében, még nagyobb munkaerőhiányt okozva ezzel a piacon. Tanulmányunk célja az volt, hogy a vállalaton belül megvizsgáljuk a szervezeti magatartást, illetve a motivátorokat, és javaslatot tegyünk a fejlődési lehetőségekkel kapcsolatban. A szervezet elemzéséhez először a szervezetben dolgozókat soroltuk be a generációs elméleteket alapul véve. A baby boom generáció számára motiváló tényezőként jelenik meg a magas munkabér, a növekvő béren kívüli juttatások, a jó munkatársi kapcsolatok, illetve az önálló munkavégzés. Az X generációnak is a magas munkabér és a jó munkahelyi kapcsolatok a legfőbb motiváló tényezők, illetve a modern technikai berendezések. Az Y generációt leginkább a jó munkahelyi kapcsolatok, a magas munkabér, valamint a béren kívüli juttatások növelése ösztönzi. A cégnél dolgozó legfiatalabb generáció szinte hallani sem akar a felelősségi kör bővítéséről és az előléptetési lehetőségről. Számukra is meghatározó a biztos munkahely.

  • Knowledge of Control Methods and their Application in the Practice of Small and Medium Enterprises in the Northern Great Plain Region

    Like large companies, the small, and medium-sized businesses need also all the information to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of their business by making sound management decisions. Compared to large companies, SMEs have significant development potential, which can be created in part by the companies themselves, possibly through the introduction of new-modern management - business administration methods or economic policy measures (= targeted and efficient support system), which, by stimulating R & D & I processes, serves to increase competitiveness and contribute more and proportionally to domestic GDP and exports. The analysis presented in the study covers the controlling knowledge of the leading SMEs of the Northern Great Plain Region, the conscious or unconscious application of controlling tools, the assessment of succession, customer and supplier valuation and certain areas of managerial accounting. Overall, it can be concluded from the small sample size that the use of controlling tools is proportional to the size of the business, but nevertheless, many mid-size business executives do not require the collection and analysis of insider information that could explicitly help decision making for example  through advanced costing procedures.

  • Examination and Comparison of Leadership Style of Two Multinational Company

    A vezetés a 21. században az élessé vált gazdasági válságban való versenyképesség megtartásában és megőrzésében kulcsfontosságú szerepet játszik. Ehhez hozzájárul az a tény is, hogy a vezetés nem csak alakítója, hanem része is annak a viszonynak, hogy a vevői szükségletek és a szervezet követelményei úgy kerüljenek összhangba, hogy mind a két fél elérje a céljait. Egy vezető feladata, hogy összekapcsolja az egyéni és a szervezeti célokat, elérve ezáltal a legjobb szervezeti teljesítményt és a legnagyobb munkavállalói elégedettséget. Ehhez viszont szükséges felismernie azt, hogy a vállalati kultúra és az egyes munkavállalók milyen vezetési stílus alkalmazását követelik meg. Kutatásunk célja, hogy két multinacionális vállalat esetében egy vezetési stílust mérő kérdőív segítségével feltárjuk a sikeres vezetés ismérveit és összehasonlítsuk a kapott eredményeket.

  • Examining the Competitiveness of Fish Products on the Market

    Fish and fishery products are one of the key ingredients in human nutrition and are therefore outstanding in terms of both production and trade. Different processed fish products are available in many countries around the world due to globalization and a fast supply chain. In our study, we examined the market for fish and fishery products using secondary data collection. The data were collected several years ago from the databases of FAO, EUROSTAT, COMTRADE and KSH The comparative advantages or disadvantages of international trade were determined with the help of the RCA index for the role of Hungary and the EU in the world in the case of different categories of fish products. The aim of our research is to compare the fish products of different processing in Hungary and in the EU compared to the international situation, paying special attention to the main exporting and importing countries. Based on the secondary research the study has a detailed the specificities of trade, the trends observed in recent years and the competitiveness of fish products in Hungary and the Member States of the European Union and effect relationships behind the RCA-index results.

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