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Investigation of Parental Roles in Relation to Youth Football
105-114Views:222My research is based on the fact that, thanks to the development of sports and the capital flowing into the sector, youth sports are no longer just a useful way of spending free time for children and a mean for educating them for a healthy lifestyle, but also an opportunity to lay the foundation for an adult sports career and, with it, secure future existence. In order for the training to be effective and productive, one of the many components is the existence of parental support. Youth competitive sports pose many challenges for a family and influence their lives from several aspects. In my research, I examined how youth sports affects parents in terms of certain demographic variables, what changes it generates in their family life, and I also paid attention to what expectations the family has about sports. The basis of the study is an online questionnaire survey, which was filled out by more than 700 parents of youth football associations. My research revealed that, in accordance with the previous literature related to the topic, their children's sports have a significant impact on the lives of the parents and they set different expectations regarding it, which are also influenced by various social and demographic factors.
The Relationship between Family Background and Labor Market Success
88-97Views:449In our study, we undertake to explore the social background of fresh graduates (has absolutorium) by field of study. In doing so, we put great emphasis on the educational attainment of the parents and the financial situation of the family, as these factors can have a significant impact on young people's learning opportunities, attitudes and career paths. In the theoretical part of our research, we consider it important to present the experiences of domestic and international authors on the socio-economic situation. Subsequently, the 2015 Graduate Career Tracking System (DPR) database provided us an excellent opportunity to study the complex data collected by the 34 higher education institutions. In our analysis, we highlighted the different socio-economic backgrounds of graduates from different disciplines. Based on our research, we have concluded that young people from richer families are in a better position on the labor market, earning higher incomes than children of parents with lower social status
Gamification in the field of human resource, a creative solution for recruitment
373-382Views:708With the introduction of latest tools and the expansion of technological solutions, the usage of smartphones ,with instant internet connection of course, has become an essential part of the net generation, also known as generation Z. At the same time, the role of IoT devices has also become part of our daily lives, completing and sometimes making it easier. This is due to the fact that the tools become more and more cheaper as time passes and parents and young people no longer consider these a technical innovations, but as a necessity. These generations; Y, Z and Alpha appear simultaneously on today's job market, which poses a serious challenge to future HR leaders and recruiters. Because of the generational gap between them, both motivational and demanding, novel solutions are becoming increasingly appreciated in this area as well. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate the potential of gamification and to highlight the its major areas, as well as to draw the attention to "good practices" in creative recruiting through better known examples. In addition, I also tried to point out the effect on the relationship between motivation and flow-experience. The gamification method is becoming more and more popular in our country, as it plays an increasingly important role in business and education as well. In recent years, with the use of serious games, there have been several examples of HR recruitment and selection, which clearly strives to reach out to younger generations.