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  • Analysis of the Situation and Structure of Passenger Transport in Hungary

    Traffic and transportation are important segments, as they contribute to the economy's functioning, to mobility, trade and job creation. Transport per capita spending in recent years exceeded 10% of the total spending of the population. In the first part of my article, I review the characteristics and importance of passenger transport. In the subsequent chapters, I will show how significant are the trends and differences that can be discovered when analysing population spending on transport, car purchases and maintenance and passenger transport by age group and educational attainment.

  • The Nonprofit Sport Businesses in Hungary

    Over the past decade, leisure activities have expanded considerably, with a strong role to play in sport, on the one hand, by the popularity of traditional sports and on the rapid spread of emerging extreme sports. This active activity is a means of spending leisure time, and community building, health preservation, and the ability to develop work capacity are socially negligible. One of our aims is to find out whether nonprofit-making sports organizations can compete in the nonprofit sector with other members of the sector, using the complex statistic database of the CSO recently issued for the nonprofit sector, we also show how these enterprises have undergone progress in recent years and what current social and economic weight they are as part of the third sector.

  • Labor market effects of health promotion on human capital

    Today, workplace health promotion is increasingly present, both domestically and internationally. In my research, I used literature analysis to show how workplace health promotion programs, including physical activity, how affect employee earning capacity and productivity. Human capital is a significant factor in productivity. Human capital can be defined, that the human inner, inseparable features and characteristics of a person to which is invested and, as a result, increases the productivity of the individual. Investments can include health spending (health promotion programs), costs of extra-curricular lessons and time to find the ideal job.

    I’ve been used secondary data collection during my research. In my research I have reviewed the source of literature on health promotion and physical activity primarily. After reviewing the literature, consequence of the research that investing in health, including investing in physical activity, it also contributes to improving health, as well as increasing life earnings and productivity at work.


  • Inbound and Outbound Tourism in China: A Perspective Article

    The tourism industry in China has undergone significant changes due to globalization, technology, and changing consumer preferences. This perspective article, based on a systematic literature review, examines examines trends, challenges, and opportunities in inbound and outbound tourism in China, focusing on the industry's dynamism. Both inbound and outbound tourism have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has prompted new strategies and environmental adaptations. China has changed its priorities within the country to encourage domestic travel and support local firms. The rise in internationalisation and the growing middle class in China have led to an unprecedented rise in outbound travel. Chinese travellers are affecting travel habits and spending all around the world in the tourism sector. Language barriers, cultural differences, and safety concerns are some of the challenges that come with travelling abroad. To reach its full potential, China needs to adapt to the shifting global environment and take into account the specifications and preferences of both inbound and outgoing tourists. 

  • Extreme Sports Consumption Implications from a Re-search

    Nowadays, more and more research focuses on recreational sports consumption, its motivational background, the determination of target group characteristics. Extreme sports are becoming more and more prominent in leisure sports and are increasingly represented in competitive sports. In our research, we are dealing with Extreme Sports Consumption, Questionnaires were collected in the form of a Google Survey, an online questionnaire survey, which was divided into groups of people who focused on individuals with a variety of social media and targeted extreme sport interests. Data was processed using IBM SPSS software, basic statistics and correlation analysis. Our results were also graphically illustrated. After data deletion, we processed 167 questionnaires. The results show that men prefer extreme sports. Our study shows that in Hungary, the most popular recreational extreme sports are cross cycling, rock climbing, mountain bike, paintball and skateboarding. Among young people with higher incomes, there is a significantly higher proportion of extreme sports consumption. Because expensive sport thus assumes higher discrepancies in income and higher spending propensity, which is confirmed by our research. The brand selection of sports equipment for young adults with extreme sports is not characterized by extreme sports-specific brands, but by classic market-leading sports brands (Nike, Adidas).

  • Investigation of Parental Roles in Relation to Youth Football

    My research is based on the fact that, thanks to the development of sports and the capital flowing into the sector, youth sports are no longer just a useful way of spending free time for children and a mean for educating them for a healthy lifestyle, but also an opportunity to lay the foundation for an adult sports career and, with it, secure future existence. In order for the training to be effective and productive, one of the many components is the existence of parental support. Youth competitive sports pose many challenges for a family and influence their lives from several aspects. In my research, I examined how youth sports affects parents in terms of certain demographic variables, what changes it generates in their family life, and I also paid attention to what expectations the family has about sports. The basis of the study is an online questionnaire survey, which was filled out by more than 700 parents of youth football associations. My research revealed that, in accordance with the previous literature related to the topic, their children's sports have a significant impact on the lives of the parents and they set different expectations regarding it, which are also influenced by various social and demographic factors.

  • Examination of the Informative Part of the Notes to the Financial Statement Amongst Hungarian Companies Engaged in Sports Activities

    Currently, the role of sports has intensified and changed; by now, it has become a separate area of interest from an originally civil, exercise-based, private leisure activity. In the case of sports-related economic research, both macro- and microeconomic research can be mentioned. Its economic significance, its contribution to employment, national economic income, and consumer spending is involved in macro-level research, while the examination of the functioning of sports services and organizations, and the characteristics of demand and supply are micro-level research activities. One of the reasons for the development of sports activities was the increase in their economic significance, which created a need for their economic analysis. The necessary information can only be obtained from the two fundamental parts of the annual statements (balance sheet and profit and loss account) if the notes on the account contains the information that contribute to the more comprehensive interpretation of the other parts of the annual statement. In our research, we examine whether the notes on the accounts of companies include the information, which could help obtain necessary financial knowledge concerning the partner companies. For the analyses, we used the notes on the accounts of companies, which have sports activity (Hungarian NACE No. 931) as their main line of business. By means of text mining, we analyse the extent to which the notes on the accounts are in conformity with the Accounting Act.

  • Examination of Sports-Related Expenditure by Competitive Sportsmen and Women

    The economic role of sport has grown worldwide in recent decades, and Hungary is no exception. Sport is one of the most important industries, offering significant economic benefits to the country. Accordingly, the sports economy is attracting increasing attention and playing an increasingly important role in both the international and domestic economy In the study, we looked at how much people spend on sport activity. A questionnaire survey was conducted. In addition to demographic data, we asked about their sporting habits and their willingness to spend on sport. The majority of respondents are competitive athletes, mostly competing in team sports. The results show that respondents who compete in team sports have a much higher expenditure, on a monthly basis, than people who compete in individual sports.

  • Changes in the financing of domestic research and development

    Nowadays, the fourth industrial revolution is taking place at an incredible speed, with innovation at its heart. Of this, R & D funding is of paramount importance, which is directly or indirectly one of the most important tools for increasing corporate competitiveness. The study examines trends in domestic R & D expenditures over the past one and a half decades. It focuses on the extent to which the financial crisis has affected the amount of funding resources and their structure. From an international comparison, Hungary and the European Union spend much less on research and development than those in the global competition. The impact of the crisis is reflected in the decline in the growth dynamics of R & D expenditures, but it has not been solved solely as a result of the crisis. Changes in the domestic structure of expenditures in recent years are encouraging and are in sync with the change in attitude that is considered desirable in R & D funding. If we examine the domestic statistical data more thoroughly, we can no longer be very satisfied. However, from trends in data from recent years, it becomes apparent that neither Hungary nor the European Union will achieve the 1.8 and 3.0 per cent of GDP R & D spending by 2020.

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