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  • Agriculture and Seasonal Work - Features and Prospects

    In terms of employment specialities, certain sectors of agriculture may show quite a different picture. Especially the seasonal nature of employment, including day laborers and / daily work hireling nature deserves attention. In our country it has long tradition and can be directly linked to regional mobility and commuting trends since some people move near the western border to Austria for work. However, at the same time, near the eastern border, seasonal workers arrive from the East, which has an impact on the local labor markets, and for the lives of some settlements. In our study, we want to study and elaborate the specific details of these processes that connect the two countries and the issues of the advantages and disadvantages as well. In our paper we rely on literature data, private experiences, and the opinion of small scale farmers in Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg county, who have experience in employing laborers on a seasonal basis.

  • Globális kihívások a mezőgazdaságban

    Jelentős globális kihívásokkal kell szembenézni napjainkban a mezőgazdaság tekintetében. A természeti erőforrásokkal megfelelően kell gazdálkodni, hogy idő előtti kimerülésüket elkerüljük (erőforrás gazdálkodás). Az embernek szüksége van a természeti erőforrásokra, –fémre, ásványi anyagra, fára, termőföldre, élelmiszerre, levegőre és vízre –nem túlozva ezek az élet nélkülözhetetlen feltételei. A probléma, hogy az emberiség nagyobb mértékben éli fel ezeket az erőforrásokat, mint ahogyan az természetes módján újratermelődne. A biológiai diverzitás és az ökoszisztéma megőrzéséhez és fenntartásához a növény- és állatfajok védelme elkerülhetetlen. Ha elpusztítjuk környezetünket, akkor a jövő helyzete, az emberiség léte kerül veszélybe. Egyes előrejelzések szerint 2050-ben a mai erőforrás kitermelés ötszörösét fogjuk elérni. Egyes ökoszisztémák 60%-ára igaz, hogy az erőforrásait már jelenleg is túlzott mértékben használjuk ki, gondoljunk csak a halállományra vagy a mértéktelen esőerdei fakitermelésre, ami köztudottan baljós feltevéseket vetít előre a levegőszennyezésre nézve. 2050-re az emberiség 30%-os növekedését prognosztizálják a kutatók, ami 9 milliárd embert jelent. A népesség több mint 70%- a fog városban lakni, ami újabb területeket fog elvonni a természetes élőhelyekből. A világnépesség növekedésével az étrendben is jelentős változás fog bekövetkezni, elsősorban a magas hozzáadott-értékű élelmiszerek irányába tolódik el a fogyasztási szerkezet. Ez a növekedés azt eredményezi, hogy az állattenyésztés takarmányigénye nő, ami földhasználatban indukál változást. Az előttünk álló út egyértelmű és világos, sokkal hatékonyabban kell gazdálkodnunk a természeti erőforrásainkkal. Továbbá ezeket úgy kell kitermelnünk/előállítanunk, hogy a környezetet tovább ne romboljuk, a jelenlegi állapotát ne rontsuk. A globálisan követendő cél az lenne, hogy mind kevesebb erőforrás felhasználásával több értéket állítsunk elő. Már a nyersanyagok kitermelésétől kezdve óvni kell a környezetet, és ezt folytatni az előállított termékek felhasználásán keresztül egészen addig, amíg esetlegesen hulladék nem keletkezik belőle. Itt kerül előtérbe a folyamatos terméktervezés és – fejlesztés, valamint a pazarló eljárások visszaszorítása az anyagtakarékosság visszaszorításával. A jelenlegi gazdaságnak törekednie kell a fenntartható jövő elérésére.

  • Outlook of Precision Farming in Hungary

    For agriculture, precision farming means the future by increasing incomes and reducing environmental loads at the same time Precision management produces a surplus in yield, revenue, result, but not immediately. The additional income potential is expected to increase by 20% to 50%. Farms mostly introduce precision farming in order to relieve workers. However, many farmers are afraid of the use of new technologies, but the use of information technology in agriculture will be unavoidable. Technology is fundamentally expensive, not even widespread, and farmers use only a few technology elements. Moreover, following the precautionary principle technology used in farming covers only a part of their agricultural land. So farms need to learn to produce more precisely than before in a knowledge-based manner.

  • Digitalization Process by Agricultural Companies, or the Results of a Questionnaire Survey

    The term “information society” first appeared in Japanese social science in the early 1960s (Z. Karvalics, 2007). The interpretation of the concept has undergone significant changes over the past decades, showing that dynamically developing societies, which are undergoing constant changes due to the rapid development of information, information management and the dynamism of the digital world. The close relationship and connection between information and information technology has become a fundamental factor in the societies of today, the organizations life, which generates inevitable, sometimes serious debates and profound changes. Economic operators must necessarily be resilient to technological change. We should think of the time of the Industrial Revolution, when modern weaving machines flooded the factories. Otherwise, a resilient organization will not survive in an evolving and ever-changing dynamic economic environment. Of course, this is true of agriculture as well, just as it is for other sectors of the national economy. On the one hand, my assumption on the basis of which my questionnaire was compiled was that enterprise management systems are increasingly used by enterprises in agriculture due to the diversification of activities. At the same time, I assumed that the size of a business could influence the use of information technology (hereinafter IT), so I hoped that my research would provide reliable data on this as well.

  • Analysis of labor consumption in Hungary in the last 5 years

    The main idea of ​​my research was the statement of the President of the Hungarian Fruit and Vegetable Interprofessional Organization and Product Council (Ferenc Apáti), according to which the main obstacle to the future development of horticulture and the development plans of horticultural enterprises is capital shortfall factors). The employment of seasonal workers in the production of grapes and fruit and in horticultural farms is of the greatest importance. As a result, in my research, I examined the use of labor by those working in agriculture over the past 5 years. I reviewed how the coronavirus has affected the time spent by seasonal workers at work in the recent past. Since there are a lot of work phases in agriculture where there is a temporary use of labor, I considered it important to get around this topic better. As seasonal agricultural workers are often able to reach their agricultural jobs through travel and border crossings, government regulations (travel restrictions, border closures) have made it more difficult for these people to access jobs.

  • Examining the employees and sectors of the economy according to the digital competence in the EU memeber states

    In this study, the challenges of digital development and its sectoral effects were examined between 2015 and 2017 in the EU Member States, based on data of OECD, Eurostat, and the World Bank. The connection between the countries' digital development and sector dominance was analyzed. I found - in line with international research - that in countries that belong to the developed group, the high value-added service sector is dominant. The statistics of developing countries’ supported the assumption, that industry is the engine of the economy. The analysis of the underdeveloped countries revealed that agriculture and industry are the most important sectors compared to other countries. Measuring the demand of developed countries for ICT professionals, I examined the relationship of individuals with different digital competencies to one kind of self-education. In line with international research, my database showed that digitally unskilled people are the least likely to take advantage of online courses. As a continuation of the research, it would be worthwhile to carry out this study in other economic areas as well. Especially in areas where salaries for high-digital occupations do not differ significantly between countries in the region.

  • Application of Nanomaterials in Food Industry and Agriculture

    Nanomaterials have unique application features which can mainly be associated with their size properties. These materials have much higher surface than the normal particle size variant of the same materials. Due to these properties, nanomaterials are widely used in the industry. Food industry and the agrarian sector are using these materials increasingly. The main goal of nano size components and additives are the improvement of some parameters of the food manufacturing process, the elongation of the best before date of the food and the improvement of the texture, stability and the consistence of the food. Probably, nanomaterials will play an important role in the development of the food industry, moreover, it can be anticipated that nanotechnology will also appear there and will influence the whole food chain. It should be noted that food industry is using several nano size class materials which are not referred to as nanomaterials. Some examples are the micelles of some proteins, like milk protein, and fatty acids. Considering all these, the aim of our work was to present a thorough review and summary of the current applications.

  • The Role of Industry 4.0 and Digitalization in agriculture, Especially in Romanian Agriculture

    The use of robotics, automation, big data, artificial intelligence are growing in the world and in the agricultural sector, which contribute to the development of a more efficient agricultural sector.  In the agriculture sector for sustainable development it is necessary the use of opportunities and technologies provided by industry 4.0. For the agriculture sector digitalization means the future, because it helps increasing output meanwhile environmental pressure is remitting, and is not increasing. The aim of these paper is to present the concept of Industry 4.0 in agriculture and to analyse the romanian agricultural sector attitude and conditions towards digitalization.

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