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  • Comparison of the information content of the notes on the accounts between information technology services and sports activities

    Annual accounting statements are an important source of information within business relations amongst companies. However, it should be noted that due to their aggregate nature, the necessary information and through that the necessary knowledge can only be obtained from the two fundamental parts of the annual statements (balance sheet and profit and loss account) if the notes on the account contains the information that contributes to the more comprehensive interpretation of the other part of the annual statement. Beyond that, the notes to the financial statement have to help the presentation of a reliable and realistic overall image. In the notes to the financial statement, depth and detail of the disclosed information are not specifically stated, therefore their professional evaluation is left to the given enterprise. My basic purpose is to illustrate a comparison of the information content of the notes on the accounts between information technology services and sports activities. By means of text mining, we analyse the extent to which the notes on the accounts are in conformity with the Accounting Act.

  • Changes in the Disclosure Obligations of the Notes to the Balance Sheet and Income Statement between 2000 and 2018

    The aim of the study is to present by different types of companies the information content of the supplementary annex. We can say about the economic organizations, that they must to constitute real image in financial statements about the situation of –assets, -finance and income. To appreciate the businesses is necessary the information system, which is integrated company to company. The data of financial statement prepared by accounting act are historical, concern the past. The conduct of numerous economic operators is influenced by the globalization accelerated nowadays. In this connection, it can be certainly said that the globalization affects the accounting regulation as well. In our country, the business entities falling within the scope of the aforementioned regulation are subject to Act C of 2000 on Accounting, according to which the prepared reports shall provide the external and internal stakeholders with information ensuring a true and fair overall picture of the business entities’ property, financial and profitability situation as well as future plans. In my treatise, I will highlight a part of the report i.e. the Notes providing text information in addition to the numerical data. Within this, I will present those mandatory disclosure obligations related to the balance sheet and income statement which are indispensable tools of informing the external and internal operators adequately.

  • Comparative Analysis of the Notes to the Financial Statement of Companies Engaged in Sports Activities in Hungary, Based on the Information of the General Part

    Contribution of the sports sector to GDP in the EU Member States is close to 5%, while in Hungary it is approximately 1-1.5%. This ratio is likely to increase, for which various subsidies of corporate tax provide a good basis. The information mentioned above confirms that the economic analysis of companies engaged in sports activities is an interesting and necessary field of research. In our research, we examine whether the notes on the accounts of companies include the information, which could help obtain necessary financial knowledge concerning the partner companies. For the analyses, we used the notes on the accounts of companies, which have sports activity (Hungarian NACE No. 931) as their main line of business. By means of text mining, we analyse the extent to which the notes on the accounts are in conformity with the Accounting Act. The sports activity companies are analysed using various packages of the R statistical system. By means of text mining, we analyse the extent to which the notes on the accounts provide the necessary information that would be indispensable for the proper interpretation of the balance sheet and the profit and loss account.

  • The Role of Statutory Notes in Informing Market Players

    The conduct of numerous economic operators is influenced by the globalization accelerated nowadays. In this connection, it can be certainly said that the globalization affects the accounting regulation as well. In our country, the business entities falling within the scope of the aforementioned regulation are subject to Act C of 2000 on Accounting, according to which the prepared reports shall provide the external and internal stakeholders with information ensuring a true and fair overall picture of the business entities’ property, financial and profitability situation as well as future plans. Over the recent years, the reason of changes in the Accounting Act was the harmonisation with other laws thus the main part of the change in year 2016 was the obligatory transposition of the Directive 2013/34/EU into the domestic law system as well as the completion of the previous deficiencies. These changes influence the system of accounting records that has been already established. In my treatise, I will highlight a part of the report i.e. the Notes providing text information in addition to the numerical data. Furthermore, the changes in Act of 2016 on Accounting will be presented with respect to the Notes.

  • Examination of the Informative Part of the Notes to the Financial Statement Amongst Hungarian Companies Engaged in Sports Activities

    Currently, the role of sports has intensified and changed; by now, it has become a separate area of interest from an originally civil, exercise-based, private leisure activity. In the case of sports-related economic research, both macro- and microeconomic research can be mentioned. Its economic significance, its contribution to employment, national economic income, and consumer spending is involved in macro-level research, while the examination of the functioning of sports services and organizations, and the characteristics of demand and supply are micro-level research activities. One of the reasons for the development of sports activities was the increase in their economic significance, which created a need for their economic analysis. The necessary information can only be obtained from the two fundamental parts of the annual statements (balance sheet and profit and loss account) if the notes on the account contains the information that contribute to the more comprehensive interpretation of the other parts of the annual statement. In our research, we examine whether the notes on the accounts of companies include the information, which could help obtain necessary financial knowledge concerning the partner companies. For the analyses, we used the notes on the accounts of companies, which have sports activity (Hungarian NACE No. 931) as their main line of business. By means of text mining, we analyse the extent to which the notes on the accounts are in conformity with the Accounting Act.

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