Vol. 8 No. 4 (2023)

Published December 30, 2023


Materials Sciences

  • Effect of the Flow Curve Determination on the Thinning of Drawn Parts

    This study presents the results of finite element simulations based on different variations of the flow curve of DC04 automotive thin sheet. The aim of our research is to investigate how different flow curve equations affect the variation of sheet thickness in cup drawing tests. In order to exclude other influencing factors in the experiment, both the sheet material and the geometric properties of the specimen, as well as the external state factors were considered to be the same in all cases. The finite element simulations were performed using Simufact 2021.1 software. Our results shows that there are no significant differences in wall thicknesses until we reach the zone of double necking, where essential differences are observed.



  •  The Construction History and Photo Scanner Survey of the Minorite Church in Nyírbátor

    The medieval Minorite church of Nyírbátor  suffered serious damages and became abandoned at the end of the 17th century. In the 18th century, the baroque reconstruction of the church began, and later a second period of Baroque modifications took place. After this, the church remained untouched for a long time. Then, in the 20th century once again renovations were deemed necessary, because of its poor condition at the time. During the 19th and until the end of the 20th century, several restoration works and archaeological excavations took place, which focused on certain aspects of the church. In this article, I would like to present a summary of the notes concerning the construction history of the church and the results and methods of the photo scanner survey I carried out.

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  • Constantly Changing: Revitalization of Our Existing Building Stock with a User-centric Approach Through the Comparison of Three Hungarian Examples

    Our built environment’s community-oriented spaces are rapidly becoming obsolete in response to current social, cultural and economic demands. The renovation project of the tímárház Szárító műhely in Debrecen presents a new potentional transformation model in the region with a focus on community-creating and cultural awareness. The incremental, cost-effective small-scale intervention and adaptive reuse of the building’s spaces provide an opportunity to preserve its values and swiftly respond to evolving needs. In order to validate the underlying principles of the interventions proposed in the plan, it will be compared to two similar-minded examples, the Művészeti Ellátó in Eger and Szabadkikötő in Pécs. The projects were examined through the processes occuring within their respective life cycles, as their transformations exhibit recurring patterns. The analyses were conducted based on interviews with the creators, online articles, studies and on-site visits.

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Management Sciences

  • Testing the Sametest-effect in a BSc-level Business Communication Course Examination

    Using secondary data, we empirically examine two biasing effects that may arise in the written evaluation of large groups of students. Suppose the students take the examination in consecutive groups, and we wish to avoid the distortion caused by tests of different difficulty. In that case, we can decide to use the same examination questions. However, the danger of the "same test effect" arises, according to which the group writing later can perform better if it receives information from the examinees in the previous round. Using the same examination tests cannot be recommended if that effect is significant. Another related potential phenomenon is the "revealed sameness effect". Accordingly, if the examinees are aware of the repetition of the questions, it significantly increases the scores of the following group. We tested these phenomena using the data of a three-round written examination. A previously published analysis of a larger sample found that the "same test effect" can be expected if the students decide in which round they take the examination. Since it was possible to freely register for the examination rounds for the assessment analyzed in this study, we assume that the "same test effect" will be significant. Based on the literature, we also expected that the "revealed sameness effect" would occur in the third round. The performed linear regression analysis (N=77) only found some weak evidence for the 'revealed sameness effect' but not for the 'same test effect'.

  • Transformation of the Decisional Leadership Role

    Leadership decision-making is important for the successful functioning of organizations, so it is necessary for leaders to understand the factors that impact their decisions. Decision-making is always the responsibility of the leader, but in a changing world, it becomes an even more crucial factor for success. Making good decisions requires time, experience, and thorough problem-solving skills. In my research, through the analysis of scholarly sources, I have identified several role factors that clearly influence the decision-making process and its implementation. Furthermore, I have developed a self-designed questionnaire to examine the decision-making role in modern organizations. I analyzed the data from 230 respondents using various statistical methods. Based on my findings, conflict management, risk-taking, and a thorough understanding of the problem strongly determine leadership decision-making processes. The ability of leaders to effectively manage conflicts significantly impacts their decisions. Risk-taking is also of key importance, as leaders need to recognize the risks associated with a given situation and make decisions accordingly.

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  • Examining the Virtues of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB) at an SME

    Nowadays, especially in the Eastern region of Hungary, small businesses face an increasing challenge in attracting and retaining a well-qualified workforce that is able to accept and commit to the goals of SMEs. This is due to the promising career prospects offered by foreign-owned large companies locating here. However, if SME employees possess the virtues of organisational citizenship behaviour (OCB), they will develop a stronger commitment to the organisation. The aim of our research was to explore the extent to which the five OCB virtues; sportsmanship, conscientiousness, altruism, politeness and civic virtue are present in a small construction company in Hajdú-Bihar county. Our survey was carried out using a questionnaire method, which was analysed as a function of length of service, education and age. The main findings are that there is a strong correlation between the presence of OCB characteristics and age and length of time spent with the firm.


Mechanical and Vehicle Engineering

  • Pure Bending of Homogenous Isotropic Elastic Curved Beam

    In this paper a detailed analysis is given for the pure bending problem of curved beams. The material of the curved beam is homogenous isotropic linearly elastic. The mantle of the curved beam is stress free and there is no body force on the curved beam. The plane of the curvature of the beam is the plane of symmetry for the whole beam. Paper gives the expressions of circumferential and radial normal stresses. A strength of material approach is used to derive the governing equations. A numerical example illustrates the application of the presented solutions. 


Culture Engineering Sciences

  • Analysis of Differences Between Levelling Networks in the County of Hajdú-Bihar

    The height determination of control and detail points is essential during the process of planning and manufacturing in the practice of civil engineering. Planning maps are drawn for the former, while the intended plan is set out on the ground during manufacturing, and after the manufacturing the completed installation is mapped. Using the same reference system in all three steps, both horizontally and vertically, is recommended even though in some cases it is unavoidable to change from one reference level to another. Regardless of the fact that both refer to the mean sea level of the Baltic Sea, this can create difficulties, since the difference between the EOMA and Bendefy networks used in Hungary shows varying values depending on the geographical location. The aim of the analysis is to determine a constant difference regarding the analysed settlements based on the common points of the networks.


Mathematics, Physics, Informatics and Engineering Education

  • Globalization in Higher education, Advantage and Disadvantage of Online Education

    This article was prepared with the support of PADME (Pallas Athéné Domus Meriti). E-learning has many advantages and disadvantages. Among these, I would like to highlight some of the more important ones, as well as present the results of my surveys in which I assessed university students' modeling, abstraction and lexical knowledge before and after online education.

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  • Using Mathematical Models in Secondary Grammar Schools

    On February 11, 2021, I gave a motivational lecture at the Tamás Esze High School in Mátészalka, and I completed a series of test tasks with the students. In this article, I looked for an answer to how students who are about to graduate approach to solving math problems. The main objective was to investigate whether they prefer to solve purely mathematical or application-oriented tasks, and in which one they achieve better results. In this paper, I analyze the results obtained.

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