Évf. 15 szám 1-2 (2018)
A tudás hatalma vs. a jog keretrendszere (?) Gondolatok a tudás, s különösen az ötlet jogi keretrendszerbe vonhatóságáról
3-8Megtekintések száma:67Die Kernfrage des Aufsatzes lautet: Kann sämtliches Wissen in dem jeweiligen Rechtsrahmen ausgelegt werden? Ist alles Wissen rechtlich geschützt? Geistiges Eigentum steht für absolute Rechte an immateriellen Gütern. Als Geistiges Eigentum bezeichnet wird: Marken, Patente, Gebrauchsmuster, Geschmacksmuster und urheberrechtliche Nutzungsrechte. Es handelt sich um absolute Ausschließlichkeitsrechte, die gegenüber jedermann wirken. Aber doch kann die Idee als Monopolrecht verstehen? Die Idee kann urheberrechtlich nicht geschützt werden, kann als der Teil des Gewerblichen Rechts, oder des Geistigen Eigentumsrecht ipso iure nicht beurteilt werden, nur dann, wenn sie als Geheimnis ausgelegt werden kann, oder manifestiert ist.
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A bírósági végrehajtási eljárás cselekményeinek láncolatát átmenetileg megakasztó jogintézmények
9-18Megtekintések száma:199This study presents the legal institutions that temporarily interrupt the chain of procedural actions of the judicial foreclosure, namely the interruption, suspension and intermission of the foreclosure. In the publication - as an acting lawyer - pragmatism has an emphasised role and it highlights the problems that arise when applying the legal institutions and offers alternatives and de lege ferenda solutions. The author seeks to draw the reader's attention to the interrelations and differences between legal institutions for the sake of clarity. Furthermore the speciality of this study is that it uses the civil procedural regulations which are applicable as a background standard for the Code of Judicial Foreclosure, from the new Code of Civil Procedure which entered into force on 1 January 2018, referring in several places simultaneously to the regulations of the previous CCP.
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A hibás termékért való felelősség rendszere és szabályai Európában
19-26Megtekintések száma:86Absztrakt nélkül.
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A kellékszavatossági szabályok fejlődése a korai újkori (16-18. századi) jogtudomány és joggyakorlat tükrében
27-38Megtekintések száma:66In der Studie wird – nämlich simplifizierend – die kontinental-europäische Entwicklung der Regeln der Sachmängelhaftung (doppelte Regime des römischen Rechts; germanische Traditionen; frühneuzeitliche Rechtswissenschaft; einige Kodifikationen) skizziert, welche Entwicklung beispielhaft vorzeigen kann, wie bestimmte traditionelle – durch Interessenkämpfen gefundene – Lösungen im Bereich des Privatrechts ihre Zähigkeit durch Jahrhunderte bewahren können und wie die Rechtswissenschaft und die Rechtspraxis zur Beharrung manchmal schon anachronistisch gewordenen Regelungen – unbeabsichtigt – beitragen können.
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A kommentekért való felelősség bírói gyakorlatának evolúciója
39-49Megtekintések száma:74The article focuses on the examination of the judicial practice related to the liability for reader’s comments. Comments have become an important instrument for internet communication and expression, however they also cause specific legal problems.
Internet Content Providers (ICP) have offered such content so far, disclosure of which was the result of editorial’s decision, but now they play a role in the disclosure of such contents, that they do not have direct contact with.
The examination of liability for comments is further complicated by the features of the online environment, because the courts shall have to overcome the problems of the scheme of special definitions.
Courts have failed as yet to provide a satisfactory solution for the problem: who shall remain liable for the infringements appearing in anonymous reader’s contents? Therefore the article is an attempt to present the development of the judicial practice from the beginning to the current opinion appearing these days.
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Az elektronikus közigazgatás stratégiai kérdései az Európai Unióban
50-56Megtekintések száma:93Radical changes could be observed at the of the 20th century and can also be found especially in the 21st century regarding the electronic administrative procedure both in the European Union and in the Member States. These changes primarily originate from the technical development, to which administration has to reflect; furthermore administration should be more faster and can be made closer to the citizens. I review the European Union's strategies and priorities concerning electronic administration in this paper. The European Union's powers are mainly focused on the implementation of such services in all Member States approximately at the same time in this field, if possible on the same technical grounds because only this way can the real interoperability between the different systems be guaranteed. But the interoperability of the national administrations is significantly limited by the linguistic diversity of the European Union because in the absence of a common official langugae real interoperability is limited by the different official languages used in the Member States. Such fields are for example the company registers and its accessibility through the European e-Justice Portal. Although, the efforts for e-administratation of the European Union do not cover all areas of the national administrations, furthermore while the European Union's regulation is focused on the economically efficient activites, Member States have to prioritise issues of citizens' and legal persons' everyday lives when creating and realising eloctronic administration.
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A közbeszerzési szerződések módosítása
57-62Megtekintések száma:60In the recent study we examine the Public Procurement Law as a clear framework for possibilities to amend procurement contracts after completion of the tender procedure in Hungary.
Under the amendments, further modification of procurement contracts is permitted if the modifications are non-substantial; or substantial, but in exceptional circumstances could apply regardless of whether the modifications are substantial or not.
Substantial modifications are modifications that would have made a difference to bidding or participation or selection of tenderers, or where the economic balance – risks and their compensatory measures – are changed in the favour of the supplier, or including work not provided for by the initial contract, replacing the supplier.
Substantial modifications are permitted only if the tender documentation has clearly provided for the possibility and if the conditions on which the modifications plus the extent and nature of possible modifications are acceptable, or if the modifications are made within a specific negotiating procedure, or if the supplier is replaced due to restructuring or transfer of enterprises by law.
So far the contracting authorities are very limited in the scope of modifications. This meant the Act CXLIII of 2015 on Public Procurement provides quite strict conditions to bind economically more successful contracts. Additionally we examine the new EU Directive on public procurement and Case Pressetext (C-454/06) of the European Court provides the guidelines which even substantial modifications of contracts are permitted without carrying out a new tender procedure.
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A GDPR-ról – különös tekintettel a könyvtárakra és levéltárakra
63-75Megtekintések száma:90Nowadays data has become one of the most important value which raises the question of protecting personal data. The European Union responds to the challenge by legal instruments: since 25 May 2018 it has been obligatory for the member states to apply GDPR. In the article, first I study the novelties of GDPR. Then I examine to what extent the provisions apply to libraries and archives.
The novelties can be divided into several larger groups. Some of them belong to the data subjects (data portability, right to be forgotten, pseudonymisation), the other parts are principles like data protection by design and by default or the closely related accountability principle. The Regulation also introduces a new legal institution, the data-protection impact assessment and requires the notification of personal data breach. Concerning the expected impacts, it is clear that the Regulation strengthens the rights of the data subjects but imposes new obligations on data controllers and strengthens the role of control. GDPR is a determinative law for the undertakings and business life, and it must also be applied by libraries and archives. For archiving purposes in the public interest, however, the Regulation allows for exemptions concerning libraries and archives. The provisions require libraries and archives to identify the risks that may occur while processing personal data as well as to examine their regulations.
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A nyilvánosság elvének érvényesülése a büntetőeljárásban
76-92Megtekintések száma:106Publicity, as a key principle of the criminal procedures, has been one of the major topics of the criminal procedure reform-movements since the 18th century. Publicity is a safeguard which guarantees the indepence and impartiality of the court and it is also a significant instrument of social control. In the Hungarian legal system, regulations concerning publicity are located on multiple levels, which means they are not integrated. This kind of disintegrationen dangers the legal certainty. This study introduces the legal practice of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) concerning publicity and also detail show this principle appears in the constitutions of various European countries. Furthermore it examines the relevant legislations in force and the new Criminal Procedure Statute, which will come into force on 1st of July, 2018. Finally, the study mentions some de lege ferenda recommendations, in order to support the future legal-developing actions
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A konzervativizmus és a liberalizmus Concha Győző gondolkodásában
93-104Megtekintések száma:71This paper contents the theories of Győző Concha about the scientific interpration of political liberalism and conservatism. In my work i tried to compare the thoughts of the author about the differences and the similarities of these relevant political movements and conceptions.
I analised an essay of Concha from the „Hatvan év tudományos mozgalmai között” named compilation.
It contents the connecting refers of the antique political philosphy, especially the scientific thinking conception of Aristotle, also the opinion of the authors of the british classsical consevative political thinking, for example Edmund Burke, and i processed the classification of Concha about the scientific work of Gyula Szekfű, named „Három nemzedék.